Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 698: Rabbit Shaper Spirit

"No, you have to wait and use this godhead in the safest way. If you refine this godhead now, of course you can get extremely powerful power in a short time, but when you are affected by this power, you will leave without knowing it. On the way of gods, I am now majoring in the path of immortality, which is not good for this."

The solution is actually not difficult for Yi Shuihan. There are skills in the system that can perfectly solve this problem, but for now, he has no practice points to realize that skill.

Purchasing skills from the system store actually means that the system helps realize a skill, and then allows Yi Shuihan to gain the power of this skill.

Putting the godhead in the portable space and calming down, Yi Shuihan began to refine magic items.

"The basic composition of the world should all be the same, otherwise these things won't exist in different worlds."

The materials used for refining magic props were not brought out by him in the Harry Potter world, but were local products of this world, and in comparison, the quality of the things in this world seemed to be better.

Refining these non-advanced magic items can be easily succeeded even if you close your eyes, and you can count them with one mind. However, in order to calm the mood, Yi Shuihan chose to concentrate this time. Now even the Justice League people are blessed. Even if it is the same thing, what is refined under different conditions is still good or bad.

I don't know how long it took, when Yi Shuihan recovered, his side was already full of finished magic items.

"not bad."

Satisfied with putting away everything, Yi Shuihan relieved his body and took out the magic spear.

The Demon Spear is about 3 feet long. As far as ergonomics is concerned, it is not suitable for Yi Shuihan to use, but this is the general situation. A good weapon can automatically adapt to the owner, rather than the owner.

The divine spear is black as a whole, and some lines are faintly visible on it, it should be something like magic pattern or **** pattern, and its usefulness can only be seen roughly at the level of Yi Shuihan.

"It is said that the artifact has aura, but I don't know if it has an aura. If it does, communication is much easier.

The powerful mental power began to invade the Demon Slayer Spear, and at first encountered a few obstacles, which may be difficult for others, but he only broke through the obstacles with a little effort.

"It's hidden really deep, but I finally found it."

Said it is a device spirit, in fact, it doesn't count. What Yi Shuihan sees doesn't have complete intelligence, only some simple emotions, which are similar to ordinary animals.

Under the contact of mental power, it was discovered that the ghostly thing of this divine spear was a blood-colored rabbit, but after it discovered Yi Shuihan, it immediately transformed into a blood wolf, grinning at Yi Shuihan, as if sending out caveat.

Yi Shuihan could see that in addition to the warning, the other party was a little excited.

Without stimulating it, he released his kindness, and slowly the blood wolf calmed down, and finally changed into the weak rabbit again.

"Well, it's not surprising that a weapon that can destroy demons, the spirit of the weapon is actually like a rabbit."

The mentally transformed Yi Shuihan approached the Blood Rabbit step by step, and finally walked in front of the Blood Rabbit. When he wanted to contact the blood rabbit spirit, the sudden change occurred.

The blood rabbit instantly turned into a blood wolf, and the huge **** bite came over, Yi Shuihan's decisive move, the mentally transformed arm was completely bitten.

Although it is transfiguration, the same is true when facing the other spirits, so it can be seen as real, and they can hurt each other.

"After biting for so long, it's okay, just let it go if you can."

Whether Yi Shuihan is higher or higher, the blood wolf's attack is completely invalid.

Yi Shuihan sighed helplessly as he looked at the instrument spirit that had changed into a blood rabbit again. He actually wanted a more domineering instrument spirit.

"The process was tortuous, but the goal was finally reached."

After using the great skill of teasing animals to play, Yi Shuihan naturally became the owner of the Demon Spear, and the Demon Spear renewed its power.

First of all, it was finally transformed into a suitable length, which is very suitable for Yi Shuihan. In addition, its appearance has also changed from ordinary to gorgeous, which is not inferior at first glance.

"An Amazon has got so many treasures. If the whole universe is concerned, I don't know how many treasures there are? I don't know if other parallel universes also exist. It shouldn't be possible. The main godhead cannot be so cheap. "

Yi Shuihan suddenly felt that perhaps he should go to the universe of this world. Just staying on the earth, even if the earth is the center of the universe, would be a waste.

The multiverse is so vast that it has given birth to endless lives. There are too many miracles waiting for Yi Shuihan to witness.


"Back here again, I don't know how Caitlin and the others are doing."

Yi Shuihan murmured at the door of the cutting-edge laboratory, and then walked in.

"Yo, you are all here! Caitlin, Sisko, Wells and Barry."

Seeing Yi Shuihan's return, Caitlin and the others showed joy. The only difference was that Wells seemed to look at him very strangely, as if they had met for the first time.

"There is a problem!"

I found the difference in an instant. Wells didn't have any extraordinary energy in him, he was just an ordinary person!

"Are you the real Wells?"

"how do you know?"

Yi Shuihan knew the answer from the reactions of Barry and others, and raised his hand to cover his forehead.

"You should first talk about what happened during this period? What happened to Wells before."

Barry's expression was very complicated. After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "Before Wells was a reverse flash, the guy who killed my mother, he came from the future, at that time he..."

"Don't talk about him, I know who he is, just talk about what happened during the time I was away."

Interrupted Barry's tirade.

"Let me do it! After all, I am the one who knows best."

Sisko took over the job.

"When you were going to the Justice League party, Dr. Wells suddenly found me and wanted to help him conduct an experiment. He proposed the idea that the speed reached a certain level and could travel through time and space. It was not a success! It was normal at first, but an accident. I accidentally discovered his secret. He was not the real Dr. Wells, but a future man from the future, or the murderer who killed Barry’s mother. I wanted to kill me, but I resisted with all my strength. He couldn't kill me. In the end I escaped. He continued to experiment and created a space-time black hole. He himself disappeared in the black hole.",...

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