Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 699: 2 Wells asks for help

"Disappeared in the black hole?"

This is completely different from the original work. In the original work, he did not enter the black hole of time and space, and because of the death of his ancestors, the cause of causality was directly erased from the fundamental existence.

"What happened to the black hole after he disappeared?"

"How? It disappeared too!"

Sisko didn't know why he returned to Tao.

"Things are getting more and more complicated. Did my arrival change too many things? Could it be that because of cultivation, he recovered his superb power and once again possessed the ability to travel through time and space."

Yi Shuihan pondered for a moment, and did not continue to ask this question.

"Then what happened to him?"

"According to our speculation, it may be due to the black hole of time and space, which left some hidden dangers, which made this time and space and parallel time and space connected. This Dr. Wells came from that time and space and wanted us to help him save him. Daughter."

"How long has he been here?"

"According to him, he came the day before yesterday."

When Yi Shuihan was talking to Sisko, Wells from Earth 2 looked straight at Yi Shuihan, as if he wanted to see who Yi Shuihan was, but there was only one Yi Shuihan himself. , He doesn't have that world, plus different worlds, different people have different identities, and he can only do useless work.

In fact, the situation of No. 2 Wells is much better than that of the original book. Because of the existence of Yi Shuihan, the contradiction between Back Flash and Barry is not as big as in the original book. Back Flash went to research.

"So what's the situation now, do you decide to save his daughter?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. We don't believe him very much. It's really hard to accept with the same face as Wells!"

Sisko's eyes were not very friendly when he saw Wells. At that time, the flashback was going to kill him. If it weren't for his cultivation, his strength was good, I am afraid that he could not even escape. Yi Shuihan is very grateful for this. Yi Shui Han.

It is Caitlin who is the least affected. Even if the flashback incident makes her a little unacceptable, it is only because of Yi Shuihan, but because of Yi Shuihan, she can recover quickly. They are already masters of Return to Void, and their endurance is also much stronger.

"How on earth do you have to believe me? I beg you, please save my daughter for the sake of her innocence."

Wells pleaded, he himself is a very proud man, he would easily refuse to bow his head, and would never put down his body to beg for other things, but his daughter is his only negative scale, and he can even do it for his daughter. Become a demon and do everything.

Seeing Wells’s expression in his eyes, Barry and the others also hesitated. Let’s not help. They are troubled. After all, the other party’s reason is to save their daughter. If they really want to help, they are also worried that there may be something in it. conspiracy.

"I have a method here. As long as you put a happy **** in, I can check your memory, unless you can tamper with your own memory, otherwise, the truth is clear at a glance."

"Don't you want to use spirit harvesting? He would become a fool in that way."

Caitlin said in surprise.

"Am I that kind of person?" looked at Caitlin with a bitter smile. "I'm not talking about soul-removing, but another method. As long as he cooperates with this method, it won't do him any harm. "

There is no harm, but privacy is all gone. I am afraid that no one would want to be known by others.

Wells's complexion kept changing, and finally thought of his daughter, gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, I will cooperate. I only hope that you will help me after you determine the truth."

His expression of generosity was truly touching. At least Barry was touched. After all, Wells was not his true murderer of his mother. He just couldn’t make it through his heart. Wells’ love for his daughter, this This kind of family affection can easily resonate with Barry, who also values ​​family affection.

"There is no need to probe his memory, I will help."

Just as Yi Shuihan was about to make a move, Barry said suddenly.

"Barry, you..."

Sisko first looked at Barry in surprise, and when he saw Barry's eyes, he instantly understood what the other person was thinking, and did not continue to say what he said.

Barry's consent pleased Wells. His own target was only the Flash Barry. There was Barry, and it didn't matter if anyone else went.

This is also something that Wells didn't know about Sisko and the others' cultivation, otherwise his main goal would probably be on Yi Shuihan or Caitlin.

Taking a deep look at Barry, such Barry indeed fits the behavior of a hero.

"Yi, why did you hide me before?"

"Hid you? What did I hide?"

Looking at Barry inexplicably.

"I mean Dr. Wells killed my mother? You know it!"

Barry looked a little excited, as if he had been betrayed.

No. 2 Wells looked awkward on the side, and he lay down again.

"You didn't ask me? Besides, even if you tell you, what's the use, you can get revenge? You can't beat him, OK? Maybe you will be killed again."


Well, Barry was speechless, especially when he saw Yi Shuihan's natural expression, his whole mind was sluggish, Yi Shuihan said nothing wrong, but he just felt something was wrong!

"It shouldn't be too late. If you want to save people, hurry up, and come back after saving people. There are still a lot of things on the Justice League side."

Yi Shuihan said to Barry.

"Excuse me, what do you mean by the Justice League? It sounds like a team!"

Wells asked suddenly.

"Huh? Is there no Justice League on your side?"

"No, I'm pretty sure I haven't heard of this name."

"Then you have Superman?"


"Where is Batman?"

"what is that?"

After a few questions, Wells became more and more confused. Others were very surprised. After all, the difference was too big. You must know that Earth 2 has even the Flash, and Superman and Batman are now better than Lightning. Xia is much famous, but the opposite is not. ,, ..

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