Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 700: Kill speed

"It seems that the world I entered, especially this universe, still has something special! Is it because it is related to the original universe?"

Yi Shuihan thought in his heart.

Indeed, before he got the system, the two big camps he looked at, DC and Marvel, Marvel put all the heroes together at once, and the city names and the like are truly unified. DC is different. They are often a hero and a whole, guarding a fictional city, and only use it when it needs to be united.

In my memory, the Flash that Yi Shuihan watched rarely appeared other heroes, at most it was an Arrow, because the Flash was an extension of Arrow.

If there was Superman at that time, he would definitely appear in the original work. What happened in Star City is not small! And if they knew about Superman, they couldn't ask for help. This was never said in the original book.

"Haven't you watched TV well these two days?"

Sisko had a smile on his face. He felt that there were no such heroes on Earth 2, but they did. It felt good.

After all, Wells was a wise man, so he immediately walked to a computer and asked for news about Superman and Batman.

When he saw the news about Batman, he was only slightly surprised. After all, although the other party was worthy of admiration in terms of character, he was essentially just an ordinary person, and he could not attract much attention.

It's just that when the superman's message appeared, Wells was completely trapped, aliens, invading the earth, the savior, powerful enough to destroy the world...

What the **** are these?

Everyone can see his loss from the look in his eyes.

"Hello everyone, I am Hannah, this is the metropolis. I am risking my life to shoot monster attacks for everyone. Superman is currently fighting against the monsters and the situation is good..."

A video about Doomsday War I had taken boldly. The picture above almost frightened Wells. Compared with Doomsday, their extreme speed on Earth is simply too pediatric.

Bringing the Flash back may not be able to deal with Extreme Speed, but if Superman makes a move, Extreme Speed ​​is absolutely dead and cannot die again. Extreme speed is useless no matter how fast, not to mention Superman’s speed is not slow, it is faster than extreme speed under full force, besides, Superman’s steel and iron bones, speed is useless no matter what attack is used, and Superman attacks Extreme speed, can be killed by any move.

Yi Shuihan did not appear in this little video. It is estimated that some accident happened and Wells did not pay attention to Yi Shuihan.

"Do you know Superman?"

After watching the video, Wells’s first sentence is this. Compared to Barry, the Flash, Superman is now the one he wants to ask for help most.


Barry hadn't realized Wells' pretense, and gave the answer carelessly, with a touch of admiration on his face.

"Speaking of the person who knows Superman best, it should be Yi!"


Wells finally shifted his target, just about to speak, but it sounded the secret of Yi Shuihan before, the ability to check people’s memory, and now it’s extremely terrifying to think about it. If it weren’t for his daughter, he’d be this kind of person. How far away.

"By the way, that guy Clark, he should still be busy saving the earth now! Justice League affairs, he can't manage, at most he is pulled to support the field."

Yi Shuihan has not paid attention to the current progress of the Justice League, so he does not know how far it has reached.

"I heard from Clark that Bruce has persuaded several big countries and got their support, but the specific details are still being discussed."

Caitlin said, it seems that because of her relationship with Yi Shuihan, she and Clark have a good relationship. Sometimes the other party will call to talk to her. Of course, most of the time Clark talks about Louise and asks her Help with the analysis, perhaps using Caitlin as an emotional expert.

"It seems that everything is going well."

Nodded, Yi Shuihan's heart also relaxed a lot, nothing bad happened, and flashbacks and extreme speeds weren't a big deal in Yi Shuihan's eyes.

"Barry, you are not a fast opponent yet. Take it and it will help you win."

He took out the Demon Slayer Divine Spear and handed it to Barry, who had some unknown reason.

Yi Shuihan did not intend to go to Earth 2, but in order to prevent things from developing in an unpredictable timeline, he still decided to give Barry a certain support. The demon-killing spear who has already recognized the master can carry Yi Shuihan's distraction. , It is not difficult to eliminate the speed.

Suddenly thinking of the inexplicable timeline of this world, Yi Shuihan also felt a little annoyed. He didn't want to touch too much. He had everything to kill himself. What could be more weird than this.

Time remains or something, just thinking about it is very complicated.

"I hope I don't provoke me, otherwise, I will buy a causal skill directly and attack directly from the root of the entire universe. The remnants of the magic horse time are all clouds."

In the face of perhaps endless flashes and flashbacks, although Yi Shuihan was a little afraid, he was not completely helpless. The power of the official version of the system was extremely powerful, and he would not necessarily lose against this world.

In the end, Wells took Barry to Earth 2. This time there was no Sisko in the group. He wanted to stabilize the passage, otherwise Barry would not be able to return.

There is only one channel in the entire Star City. Because of the successful entry into the black hole by the flashback, the impact is small and I don't know how much.

Things went well. Barry came back the next day, but Wells didn’t get together. He chose to stay in the world over there. In comparison, the world over there is safer than here. Quite a few, there is no power that destroys the earth at every turn, and it has already died at extreme speed.

"Yi, thank you very much."

Barry returned the Demon Slayer Spear to Yi Shuihan, and sincerely thanked him. When he was there, at first he was beaten with extreme speed and hardly had the strength to fight back. Finally, the Demon Slayer Spear suddenly exploded and exploded with great power. While saving him, he also killed Extreme Speed. Thinking of the scene where the Demon Slayer's Spear burst out at that time, Barry felt a moment of emotion. It is unimaginable that a thing has such a powerful force. ,, ..

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