Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 801: Talk about your abnormal behavior

Before the murderous aura of the people in the brigade could be released, they were frightened back by this sentence, and they raised their heads horribly. After seeing Yi Shuihan, they were stiff.

As Nobunaga who has been killed once, the feeling at this time is the most profound. He clearly understands in his heart that the other party is the enemy who killed his brother Wojin and should avenge him, but he can't suppress the feeling of fear and his teeth are unconscious. Began to tremble.

The dying scenes that Yi Shuihan had made in his mind kept appearing, and for a while he forgot to answer Yi Shuihan's questions.

Yi Shuihan was suspended in the air, and everyone could see that he was unusual.

Zao Zhenye looked at Yi Shuihan curiously, and didn't understand why the people facing him reacted like this when he appeared. This is no longer a fear that can be explained, it is completely a fear deep into the bones.

Obviously this group of people are strong at random, and they may not be able to defeat one, but they are scared like this by this newcomer, so how powerful is this newcomer?

Zao Zhenye and the others came to this world together with other worlds on the day of the great change of the earth. At that time, there was only one Tongdao Academy, most of which were students and teachers, and basically had no combat effectiveness.

Facing the beginning of the end of the world, if Zao Zhenye itself had a certain strength, I am afraid that the entire Tongdao Academy would have disappeared a long time ago, and even so, there are currently only 100 people in the Tongdao Academy, compared to the first one. For more than 1,000, there is no one in ten.

They have no time to understand this world. They just learned that this is a new world from a few people in the world they met before. Ordinary people don’t know the deep level of this world at all, so the news they get is not complete. I thought this world was an ordinary world before, but people who saw the brigade today only thought that they became so strong after the cataclysm.

"I didn't see the actor, it's because the time period has not been there yet, or has not come."

For the two sisters Zao Zhenye, Yi Shuihan recognized them at first glance. There is no way who can make their appearance so easy to remember?

The world of Zao Zhenye’s system is actually quite powerful. For example, her sister Ya Ye’s supernatural longan, her eyesight can travel between the past and the present, seeing everything in the world, and even the past and future reflections, quite tall. On, but it seems that this world should be useless.

This is just a feeling of Yi Shuihan, but it should be true in nine out of ten. After all, longan's ability also needs the support of the world. Now it is no longer their own world, and it is far stronger than their own world. In the world, it is only natural that longan loses its original function.

"Do you know a man named Fuzong Ichiro?"

"Huh?" Ya Ye, who was asked by Yi Shuihan, looked at Yi Shuihan in confusion, "Are you asking me?"

"Yes, it's you."

"I haven't heard of this name."

Not knowing Yi Shuihan's purpose, Ya Ye answered his question seriously.

"Is that so!"

Sure enough, she hasn't come, but speaking of it, the stories of the heavens and the world actually revolve around her. She is also the protagonist. Maybe it can solve the situation of the prosperous men and women in my fighters.

It was decided happily and put her into his hands.

Ya Ye didn't notice the change in Yi Shuihan's eyes, but since Yi Shuihan's elder sister, Zhen Ye, who had been paying attention to him, was keenly aware of Yi Shuihan's intentions for Ya Ye.

Silently blocked Ya Ye behind him, and said to Yi Shuihan

"I hope you don't hit my sister's idea, just come at me if you have anything."


Zhen Ye’s anti-bad eyes look made Yi Shuihan a little sad, but he was given to Ya Ye by chance, how could he be regarded as a special plan, and I haven’t spoken yet, how do you know that I have something for Ya Ye? Is the idea obvious?

Of course it is obvious!

Generally speaking, outsiders should talk to the leader, and when you come to talk to a beautiful girl, you are not thinking about others, so what?

Not to mention Zhenye, even other people felt it.

The people in the brigade did not speak. They wished that Yi Shuihan hadn't noticed them, and the students here were also afraid to speak under Yi Shuihan's powerful aura, mainly because Yi Shuihan's way of playing was too shocking.

Under the great changes of the earth, human beings have not awakened the ability to fly, but they must have never seen it.

"Come for you, I wanted to come."

Zhenye is now in an adult state, and her figure is a bit hotter than her younger sister, making Yi Shuihan a little shaken when she insists on becoming a fighter.

"We will talk about your affairs later, and now I will recount the past with my friends."

Turning around, Yi Shuihan once again left the front to the brigade.

The members of the sub-brigade became nervous at this moment, for fear that Yi Shuihan would accidentally kill them all.

"Don’t be nervous, the so-called one-time rebirth, two-time familiarity, now we meet for the second time, it is already the familiar stage, remember that when we first met, you were not like this! Take out your strong style, Don't be persuaded, I think you were pretty good when I was away just now!"

The tone was soft to the brigade members' ears, but it was not the case, I felt that Yi Shuihan was arrogant before blaming them.

As the head of the regiment, Kulolo, even though he was unwilling at this time, could only stand up, he first showed a reluctant smile, and then said

"My lord, I don't know if you have anything you want us to do. If nothing happens, can we leave first."

"Just meet, what are we going, let's have a good chat."

Who wants to talk to you pervert! Kuroro cursed secretly in his heart, but on the surface it was true

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

"What are you talking about? Just talk about your perverted thoughts. 1 Tell yourself, have you done anything shameful to Parker Notan? Have you sneaked a pistol on March's stockings?"


The other members of the brigade looked dumbfounded, and everyone in the Tongdao Academy also looked dull.

I seem to hear something terrible? ,, ..

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