Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 802: Building collapsed

The atmosphere on the scene became very strange in an instant, and even the fear of Yi Shuihan disappeared temporarily.

As the person mentioned, Parknotan's expression is very strange, with a hint of expectation in his shame; while March tried to maintain his indifferent expression, his eyes were slightly dull.

"Maki's reaction is normal. There is a problem with Parkernotan, there is definitely a problem."

Originally, I just talked casually, but I didn't expect to actually make something, and Yi Shuihan's interest suddenly came.

"I have no interest in that."

Kuroro was expressionless, his voice suppressed anger.

"Not interested? Do you like men to come?"

Looking at Kulolo with surprise, he seemed a little frightened.

After Yi Shuihan noticed that Kuroro finished speaking, Parkernotan breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a trace of loss in his eyes.

Sure enough, does Parker Nuotan have ideas for Kuroro in his heart? No wonder she belonged to Kuroro's diehard in the original work. In order to let the brigade people understand the truth, to help Kuroro, she didn't even need her life.

Parker Nottam is one year older than Kuroro. This is a typical old cow who wants to eat tender grass!

Thinking about Paconotan's ability to read, it is estimated that even if you really like her, you need a lot of courage to be with her. It is possible that everything will be known by Paconotan at any time, and there is no privacy at all.

"I don't like men."

The black line at the end of Kurolo.

"Men and women don't like it. Isn't it your fault, or you actually like shemales?"

This time Kulolo seemed to realize that the more he explained things, the more he would go in the direction he didn't want, and he fell silent, intending to pretend to be deaf.

I have to say that Kulolo's choice is considered to be a crooked fight, and Yi Shuihan does not like it to let Yi Shuihan perform a one-man show.

After a few more trials, it was discovered that Kulolo had remained silent to the end, and Yi Shuihan didn't have the mood to continue teasing him.

"The first question, how did Nobunaga survive?"

The tone is no longer frivolous, but full of seriousness.

"He was saved by a kind of mindfulness of mine. I can't release that kind of mindfulness now."

Kurolo was no longer silent and gave the answer.

"That's it."

Yi Shuihan didn’t think that Kulolo was lying. He knew Kulolo’s ability to think. His hobby was to collect powerful thinking abilities, and his thinking abilities were so strange that they happened to collect a kind of thinking ability with powerful healing effects. normal.

"Let's go!"

Waved his hand, Yi Shuihan signaled that Kulolo and the others could leave. He did not intend to kill Kulolo and the others again. If he had a murderous intention at the beginning, he would not let Xiaojie and Kurapika save them.

Of course, the reason why the brigade did not take action this time was because the attitude of the brigade was very good, and Yi Shuihan did not find a reason to do it. As for Nobunaga, he killed a student before and caused harm to many students. What about Yi Shuihan? What happened?

The people in the brigade left the scene almost as quickly as possible, and even their original purpose food was completely ignored. With their strength, it was easy to find food, and in case Yi Shuihan suddenly changed his mind, They are about to cry.

When the brigade left, only the Tongdao Academy were left facing Yi Shuihan.

Perhaps it was because Yi Shuihan was more decent from beginning to end, at least better than the brigade group who didn't say anything. The students were still very relaxed.

Just when Yi Shuihan wanted to chat with Ya Ye, a sound of fighting came abruptly.

The fighting sound was not small, and it sounded closer and closer.

"Boom Rumble"

A building not far from the supermarket began to sway, and then turned over towards the forehead of the supermarket in shocked eyes.

"Everyone, run."


Panic can't describe the scene. Except for a few of the fastest responders to escape, most people are frightened, screaming to vent their fears, or desperate and self-defeating.

Even the two sisters, Ya Ye and Zhen Ye, faced this sudden change with panic on their faces, and they didn't react for a while.

The building collapsed very fast, and it had already arrived in front of everyone within a few seconds, with indescribable tremendous pressure.

Students with poor psychological quality have closed their eyes and waited for the moment of death.

At this moment, Maiya, who was her sister, burst out with unprecedented power. The hidden Qi burst out with all her strength, and she threw her sister to the ground, using her body to form a posture where things would happen if she was not crushed.

Seeing the truth in adversity, sister Zhenye is really full of love for sister Yaye, otherwise she would not choose to help her sister in this way, obviously if she does not do this, her chances of survival are much higher.

Of course, Yi Shuihan would not allow the two sisters to get injured. As soon as they stepped on their feet, they appeared behind her sister. The building had to be crushed by Yi Shuihan to cause harm to the real night behind.

Undoubtedly, this building could not have any influence on Yi Shuihan, and it was automatically wiped out due to some power at a distance of a few meters from Yi Shuihan.

The expected pressure and pain did not come. Zhenye felt very strange. For a long time, after the building was completely collapsed, Zhenye turned around and found out that Yi Shuihan was standing behind her at some point, like an iron wall. Stop everything for her.

After looking around, Zhenye found that everyone except herself and her sister were basically dead, which made her feel a little complicated.

"thank you!"

Thanks, it is naturally Xie Yi Shuihan's life-saving grace.

"You're welcome."

Yi Shuihan smiled slightly, and said calmly.


At this time, Ya Ye's exclamation was long overdue, she had been in a sluggish state before.

"It's okay, it's okay, Ya Ye is good."

Zhen Ye hugged Ya Ye like a kid, stroking her back with her hand.

"Sure enough, is my sister more mature than my sister?"

Seeing this scene, Yi Shuihan's favor with her sister suddenly rose sharply.

"Now let me see who is so bold and dare to include me in the scope of combat."

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