Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 851: The real beauty

Taking the three daughters into the sanctuary, they are the first time they have entered the place they have heard of many times before, and they are very curious about everything around them, like a village girl entering the city.

"It's hard to imagine, we are in the sanctuary now! Those handsome saint brothers live here, but unfortunately I already have Xiao Nana in my heart, otherwise they are all good choices."

"Is the goddess Athena here too? What is it like to meet the real goddess in the truth!"

"No matter what she is, the fact that I like Nana can't be changed anyway."


How much do you love Nana? Two of the three sentences are inseparable from Asuna, and it is enough for you to have an abnormal sexual orientation. What kind of trouble.

Looking at other people, Tongzi, others have to be more reserved, and they all like Asuna. Kirito's subtlety is obviously more normal, and Asuna also prefers Tongzi's attitude.

Tongzi also likes Asuna. Yi Shuihan was quite stunned when he discovered this fact. However, considering that Kirito and Asuna are a pair, it is not unacceptable that Tongzi likes Asuna, at least compared to Mu Yan. Asuna is much easier to accept.

"Brother Yi, are you familiar with this place?"

Asuna was almost immune to Mu Yan, and asked Yi Shuihan simply ignoring her.

"I'm not very familiar either. This is the fourth time I have been here. It's just that I am easily familiar with the new environment. Once I came here, I almost recognized the road."

If you have a bug like mental power, you can't remember where it is as long as you sweep it away.

Asuna's surprised expression still made Yi Shuihan very useful, even this kind of thing was not worthy of praise.

In the maiden palace of Shaka, Yi Shuihan found Iori Temple. When he saw him, Shaka sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, while he was leaning against the wall and staring at Shaka blankly.

Don't get me wrong, the two have no relationship, Iori's pupils are not focused, and they are not staring at Shaka, but it looks like he is looking at Shaka.

"How did these two get together?"

Yi Shuihan asked this question in a more normal way.

"He's very quiet, and I don't like crowds."

Iori’s answer is Iori. Shaka is indeed not the kind of talkative person. As a reincarnated Buddha, he can indulge in his spiritual world and discuss the world with the Buddha. If it’s not necessary, I’m probably sitting there for a few months without moving. It's all possible.

When I saw Shaka again, Yi Shuihan saw his strength at a glance. It was already close to the ninth sense, and it seemed that the ninth sense was not a bottleneck for him. The well-deserved first person should be said to be the reincarnation of the Buddha.

"Don't meet the goddess Athena?"

Yi Shuihan planned to take the Yashen Temple and the third daughter back home directly, but Mu Yan had her own thoughts and wanted to see the goddess Athena.

"If you want to go, just go. Anyway, I'm going to take them away, or you can just stay."

"You don't want to get rid of me. With me, I won't let Nana fall into your hands."

Finally, Athena left the sanctuary without seeing it.

After leaving the sanctuary, Yi Shuihan and his party headed directly in the direction of Mount Lu, and it took half a month to arrive at the site of Mount Lu.

"You go straight down this road, and you will be there in about 3 minutes, and I will withdraw."

Originally, he was going to take Asuna and the others to see Xiaojie, but when he was approaching the finish line, he suddenly changed his attention, and ran away after a few words, leaving a few people staring at each other.

So why is Yi Shuihan clone so abnormal? It's all because of a woman, to be precise a goddess.

Aphrodite, the **** of beauty, had already arrived at Mount Lu, where he stood there waiting for him. Yi Shuihan's deity also found out about it, but he didn't notify the clone, so he wanted the clone to deal with her.

Although it is a clone, it is also different from the deity. He actually has some wills that belong to him. It is not as good as two people. After all, most of their concepts are completely consistent, and only a few parts are different.

In fact, you are not afraid of Aphrodite, the **** of beauty, nor will you run away, but he actually got a terrifying idea from the deity, and the deity intends to let him sacrifice Hue to match Aphrodite.

For this kind of thing, the clone refused, so he planned to flee altogether.

When Yi Shuihan's clone left, his deity sold the clone directly with a face that did not belong to him at all, and told Aphrodite the news of the clone's return.

It is hard to believe that you betray yourself, but the fact is.

What the deity did was not only tell the avatar to trace, but also used his own ability to limit the strength of the avatar, making him a little bit slower than Aphrodite.

Ever since, the result of pitting himself is that Aphrodite finally caught up with Yi Shuihan's clone five thousand miles away on the road.

"Finally let me catch up, you run away! I have time."

Aphrodite was smiling, but it felt dangerous.

Even Aphrodite didn’t know that her feeling towards Yi Shuihan was actually different from her previous face. If her face dared to hide from her in the past, she would never walk in such a shameless manner. After all, she is still a main **** with direct dignity.

Yi Shuihan was different, and Aphrodite didn't want to give him up.

"Well, now you are catching up with me, the game is over, but you shouldn't really want to talk to me! How about we find each mother if nothing is wrong?"

With a helpless look, he had anticipated this scene when the clone found that the deity had done something to him, but he had no good way to do it, he could only admit it.

The next thing was completely unexpected by the clone. I thought Aphrodite was just talking casually, but she acted to show that she was not joking.

Directly facing Yi Shuihan who was still stunned, an overlord made a hard bow, a kiss came over, and his body hung on Yi Shuihan like an octopus.

"Isn't it? I really want to hey!",,..

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