Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 852: Declare sovereignty

If Aphrodite didn't take the initiative, Yi Shuihan would never have a relationship with her, even if he was a clone, he was not a casual person.

It’s just that the current situation is obviously different. His strength is weakened and he can’t even get rid of Aphrodite. In addition, Aphrodite’s beauty is not in vain. He has the perfect figure and appearance of ancient Greek women, symbolizing Love and the beauty of women are considered to be the highest symbol of female physical beauty. They are a mixture of elegance and charm. This active attack makes even Yi Shuihan unable to remain calm.

As soon as his head heated up, he immediately followed his instinct and fought Aphrodite.

"Never let her have the upper hand."

This was Yi Shuihan's only thought, for which he used 18 points of power to use all the moves in his memory to fight Aphrodite.

This battle is called a earth-shattering, from the sky to the grass, from the grass to the forest, from the forest to the ice field, from the ice field to...

Aphrodite’s combat effectiveness is not weak, and she is also a veteran general. In addition, her capital is too sufficient. For one point of effort, she has five points of strength for other women. Even Yi Shuihan can be considered as a well-versed. At first, it was completely at a disadvantage, and there was a tendency to be defeated.

If it hadn't been for the last deity to let go of his suppression of the clone, he might have been completely defeated.

In the end, Aphrodite looked content and was held by Yi Shuihan, and his eyes were full of spring water, as if conquered.

"Brother, you are so amazing, I feel so lucky to meet you."

Aphrodite admired him in a charming voice, his expression was very good, and he fully grasped the man's heart, knowing what kind of woman he likes to see most.

Yi Shuihan felt proud of being so boasted, and felt very comfortable.

"No way, who made me so good? Born, there is no way to change."

Having tasted the taste of Aphrodite, Yi Shuihan is no longer unwilling to be as unwilling as before. If he can, he is willing to come a few more times. At the same time, he feels a little regretful, because Aphrodite is not right, he can't be completely Accept her, at most, treat her as a lover, there is no love between men and women for her, and some are just pure impulses to her body.

Aphrodite is too bold. After only saying a few words, he has directly entered the topic. Such a woman Yi Shuihan would not dare to ask for it, and I don't know how many hats to be worn in the future.

The thought of being put on a hat, even if Yi Shuihan had no affection for Aphrodite, was annoyed.

"Damn, since I've been fucked, it's my woman. Wearing a hat or anything is absolutely not allowed. In the future, any men she wants to approach will be killed, or she will be imprisoned."

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Yi Shuihan thought domineeringly. Aphrodite in his arms did not know that she had been treated as a private property. If she really wanted to hook up other men in the future, Yi Shuihan Shui Han could not tell her what real dominance was.

In mythology, Aphrodite is the wife of the craftsman **** Hezhunstos, but in this world, this is not the case. Even the existence of the craftsman **** Hezhunstos is a problem, and fortunately it is so. , Otherwise, Yi Shuihan might go directly to kill Hezhunstos.

Even if a third party steals someone, but also kills the husband, Yi Shuihan's idea is terrible.

"I don’t care what you were like before, but from now on you can only have me. If I find you are with other people, there are only two results. I kill him and imprison you forever. stand up."

Suddenly said something similar to a declaration to Aphrodite.

Aphrodite was not surprised by this, because she clearly understood her attractiveness to men, and knew how possessive people were towards her.

She also has her own way of dealing with such things, she looked at Yi Shuihan pitifully and said

"Of course I'm just you. You can do whatever you want with me, but I'm too beautiful. Many gods have unruly intentions towards me. People who are weak are not afraid to resist. I actually don't want to."

Yi Shuihan was not completely bewildered by Aphrodite. Hearing the perfunctory words in her words, it was probably a cliché, frowning slightly.

"If you encounter someone who wants to force you in the future, just tell me and I will help you solve it."

"If the Lord God wants me, what should I do?"

"Zeus won't work either, but don't think of me as a fool. If I find out that you seduce deliberately, I will kill you by the way."

The murderous intent was released, and the serious eyes made Aphrodite feel extremely frightened.

What Yi Shuihan said is not false. No matter how beautiful Aphrodite is, he will destroy the flowers. He is not the kind of man who can't walk for a woman. He doesn't lack gentleness, but At the same time, it is spicy.

Perhaps because of Yi Shuihan's attitude, Aphrodite also fell silent for a while, and felt a little confused in his heart. For the first time, he felt a bit regretful for incurring Yi Shuihan.

Even if she didn't deliberately display her charm, Aphrodite's own attractiveness was still too great for the opposite sex, especially in the current state of her and Yi Shuihan, close contact.

Yi Shuihan, who had just tasted the good taste, started the battle again, which made Aphrodite temporarily give up thinking about other things, defending himself with all his strength, and pleased Yi Shuihan.

And when the clone was happy and happy, the deity's Yi Shuihan Yuan also felt the same way in Qianli. He was actually a little envious of his clone, and it was strange that he envied himself.

Because of this matter, Yi Shuihan's deity often wanders in front of Asuna and the others.

"I will tell you about the main **** conference here. The main thing at the conference is..."

The deity selected some important rules laid down by the primordial looting and war gods, so as to let everyone understand it, but also showed his attitude, not to cause trouble or fear.

Don’t provoke other main gods, but if they put their ideas on him, Yi Shuihan will never swallow his anger. He believes that based on his battle with Hades and Ares, other main gods should not be for a while. Hit his idea. ,, ..

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