Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 857: Apollo afraid of wild boars

Sanctuary, the Pope’s Basilica, Athena was sitting in the position that originally belonged to the Pope, listening to the report.

"There is news from Aiolos that all the people in the sea area have accepted it. He asked if the power of the Pluto army is now greatly damaged to launch an attack."

Shion had a smile on his face, and he was quite impressed by Athena's magical skills. As early as the beginning, Athena ordered Aiolos to enter the sea, searched for the place where Poseidon was really Tibetan, and waited for the opportunity.

"Don't pay attention to Hades, if he really destroys his Hades army, he will probably go crazy, if I shoot you, I can't stop it."

Athena is not in a hurry. She already had a considerable advantage. Now she can take Poseidon’s people over. Now her original carrier is comparable to the sum of Hades and Apollo. As long as she fights steadily, The winning side is great.

"Uncle Poseidon must have been forced too hard, otherwise he wouldn't blew himself up."

Athena was also quite shocked by Poseidon's self-destruction.


"He actually came to me, what does he want to do?"

Yi Shuihan's deity instantly separated a clone and disappeared in place.

"I don't know what the so-called "Poseidon-sama" came from afar?"

Poseidon looked at the state of his soul with great interest. In Yi Shuihan’s perception, this soul was completely a huge small universe, completely different from a normal soul.

"I want to make a deal with you."

Poseidon said.

"Oh? What deal, tell me."

"Help me deal with Hades, I help you deal with Apollo, how about it, you and Hades also had hatred before"

"How do you help me deal with Apollo?"

"I know a weakness of Apollo. With this weakness, you can easily subdue him."

What weakness is so fierce? Yi Shuihan was skeptical of Poseidon's words if he knew it.

But even if you doubt it, it is not impossible to agree to it. After all, he really has an enemy with Hades. Seeing Hades’s appearance, he will never let him go. Compared to passively waiting for someone to come to the door, proactive attack is the best choice.

"I agreed, but I have to deal with Apollo first."

Compared to overturning Hades, first using Apollo to improve his strength is what Yi Shuihan wants most.

"Yes, Apollo's weakness is..."

In the former African region, the sun **** Apollo temporarily settled. At this time, Apollo was enjoying singing and dancing, and did not notice the arrival of uninvited guests at all.

"I don't know if what Poseidon said is true or not, this is too bizarre, the dignified sun **** is actually afraid of such things."

Yi Shuihan held a large wild boar in each hand, and muttered while looking at Apollo's direction.

Step out,

"Hi, brother, I'm here to see you."

"It's you, Yi...ah! It's a wild boar, a wild boar, ah..."

Apollo looked at the big wild boar in front of him, his expression extremely frightened, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

The breath ran away directly, Apollo's sanity disappeared, and he unconsciously attacked the surrounding area.

"I went, it turned out to be true. Apollo was so scared that he was afraid of wild boars."

Looking at Apollo running away dumbfounded, Yi Shuihan's heart was full of horses, and he couldn't believe the weakness of Apollo.

Losing his consciousness, Yi Shuihan easily subdued Apollo, then stunned and took away.

"Well, this is..."

Apollo opened his eyes and found that he was no longer familiar with the place, and his body was also tied up, and his face was very ugly as he recalled the memory of his coma.

"What do you want, Yi Shuihan?"

With anger in his eyes, he felt very daunted by Yi Shuihan's sneak attack with a wild boar. He could guess that the other party was deliberate, otherwise it would not be so coincidental. He just brought a wild boar. He couldn't figure out why. Yi Shuihan will know this secret.

Speaking of the reason why Apollo was afraid of wild boars, it was a deeply hidden secret, and even Apollo believed that no one but himself would know.

It was a time when Apollo temporarily lost his strength due to an accident. He fell into a wild boar group, and then the wild boar did not attack him, because it was their estrus period, and the male wild boar regarded him as a female wild boar. , That day was the darkness he never wanted to recall.

Since that time, he will temporarily lose his mind when he sees the wild boar, and will not recover until he unconsciously kills the surrounding wild boar.

Apollo also knew that this weakness was a bit big, so he would shut his mouth when he saw this scene, and he tried not to get close to the place where wild boars existed.

Relying on God's sensitivity, he could feel the wild boar from far away and avoid it.

The reason why the wild boar appeared next to Apollo this time was because Yi Shuihan helped hide his breath.

"Don't struggle, if you can break free easily, I won't use them to lock you down."

Noting Apollo's small movements, Yi Shuihan smiled.

"What I want to do, naturally I will do you!" I will do you with a pig.


Apollo was directly shocked by Yi Shuihan’s words, and then looked at Yi Shuihan with horror.

"No, don't **** me, whatever you want, I promise you, don't **** me."

"That's right! Toast and not eat fine wine, it would have been better not to do so."

Will the toast be there again?

"Can you perform the billions of nuclear fusion continuously, or maybe you can perform it once."

"It can be used 5 times a day."

"En? I'll still find a wild boar to do it..."

"10 times, 10 times a day, really can't be more."

"It doesn't count what you said, and I don't believe it, so let's try first."

"Well, can you help me untie it."

"It doesn't need to be unlocked, it's okay to perform that trick in your state."

After half an hour, Yi Shuihan left with a refreshing expression on his face, while Apollo collapsed on the ground with a look broken by the play. ,, ..

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