Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 858: Establish a netherworld

In order to get Apollo to cooperate, Yi Shuihan still gave him some hope. As long as Apollo can perform a thousand billion fusions, he will release Apollo, and he will never use wild boars to deal with him in the future.

This one thousand times was also stipulated by Yi Shuihan based on the influence of these billions of fusions on him. After a thousand times, these billions of fusions should have no effect on him, and even about 800 times, it is almost equivalent to no effect.

People don’t force themselves to never know how much potential they have, and the same is true for Gods. Apollo said that 10 times a day is the limit, and finally increased to 15 times abruptly, although afterwards, he didn’t even have the strength to move.

Originally, Yi Shuihan thought that Apollo had other tricks similar to billions of fusions that could improve his physical ability, but when I asked, I found out that this is already the strongest of his type, and there are some tricks that might be even more against the enemy. It was powerful, but it had nothing to do with this fusion, and it didn't help Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan wasn't worried about Apollo's escape, because his deity had been sitting in Mount Lu, and even this time he was just a clone of him.

"When to deal with Hades?"

Poseidon asked impatiently.

"No hurry, you have to know where he is first!"

"Where? Shouldn't he be in the underworld?"

"What then? Do you know how to get to the underworld?"

"That's not easy, it's not the underworld, as long as the strength reaches the gods, you can feel it, you can't..."

Poseidon's words came to an abrupt end, because he found that he could not feel the underworld.

After all, the underworld is a world opened up by Hades. Its responsibility is to lead the dead souls. It is usually open. Otherwise, the souls cannot enter, but now!

Obviously Hades closed the connection between the underworld and the outside world, in order to prevent people from easily marking his base camp.

In fact, before Poseidon was defeated, the connection between the underworld and the outside world was still there, but because Poseidon's relationship with the underworld was too great to withstand the attack of the sanctuary, Hades closed the underworld.

Because of the closure of the underworld, the souls of dead creatures on earth can no longer go to the underworld, and can only become lone ghosts.

"So, now I can only wait for the people of Hades to take action. As soon as they show up, I will immediately go to the underworld to trouble him."

"That's all there is. I didn't expect Hades to be so scared now, too. He was like this before and kept hiding his true body."

After sending Poseidon away, Yi Shuihan's expression became a little strange, because just now the system released another mission.

"Task Name: Establish the Underworld

Mission description: Hades closed the passage of the underworld, causing hundreds of millions of lone souls to wander in the world, causing a certain degree of damage to the balance of the world, gradually replacing the function of the underworld and restoring the order of the world.

Task reward: promotion in this world can have the power of the natives of this world


"Holy Spirit, can you explain what the power of aboriginal people is?"

"The so-called aboriginal power is that the will of this world will treat you as a native of this world."

"It's over? What are the specific benefits?"

"Generally, there is no benefit, but because this world is about to be promoted, the advantage is that when it is promoted, it will bring a good fortune to the life of this world. You were originally not qualified to enjoy this good fortune, but now you You can use this to increase your strength, and in fact, you are now equivalent to participating in the battle for the origin, but the other gods don't know it."

After a systematic explanation, Yi Shuihan finally understood the cause and effect, and felt that this task could still be done. Didn't see other people Zeus and Hades waiting for the world to be promoted to gold! If he can build this underworld, he will no longer collect the origin carriers, he is estimated to be able to gain benefits and pay attention to promote himself to the golden immortal.

"If all the original carriers are taken over, maybe I can also directly advance to the gold level, that is, Da Luo Jinxian!"

Of course, this is just to think about it. The main reason is that the starting point of his realm of strength is too low. It is estimated that even if it is really done, he will not be able to directly break into gold. After all, in terms of contribution, it is necessary to drag the origin of another world into this world. Accounted for most of the credit, the contribution of the twelve lord gods on this point is great.

But even so, the position of a golden immortal is still very attractive to Yi Shuihan. After all, it will take several years or even longer for him to break through to the golden immortal even if there is a good luck jade butterfly.

The establishment of the underworld seems to be a very large project, but it is not difficult for Yi Shuihan now, and it can even be completed in less than a year.

"Hades can open up an underworld, and it doesn't matter if I make an underworld."

To build a descent, you must first have a realm of your own. If it was difficult for Yi Shuihan to do this before, now, there is a ready-made world waiting for him.

This ready-made world is naturally a portable space. After such a long transformation, it has finally come to the end. Yi Shuihan estimates that in just a few days, it can completely become a real world.

The portable space itself was born with Yi Shuihan’s skills. Even if it becomes the real world, it is under his control. Even if the world will be born in the future, and even the way of heaven, he will be the supreme existence. The world can be reinvented.

Of course, if you want your portable space to be promoted to a world with heaven, it is still too far away for Yi Shuihan, and it is already very good to be a world that can accommodate silver.

"The manpower is a little bit short to establish the underworld! Maybe those people in the Soul World can use them. Anyway, they are now unemployed. I'm creating job opportunities for them! And it's still quite a counterpart job. All of his work experience can be used, but the rules need to be changed slightly."

After making up his mind, Yi Shuihan sent Lan Ran a horse on his behalf to subdue the old man Yamamoto and the others. The old man Yamamoto was not worth his visit. ,, ..

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