Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 859: The real world

Yi Shuihan didn’t need to think about the framework of the underworld. He directly copied the eastern underworld. The supreme leader, Yama King, was naturally his own. For the following ten points, Yama would let Xiaojie and the others act as a guest, and then the chief judge, Yi Shuihan, planned to give Yamamoto. After all, there is always some benefit to others.

As for the black and white impermanence under the judge, the bull's head and the horse face, Yi Shuihan doesn't care too much, as long as it is suitable, anyone can do it.

After spending a whole day finishing the plan of the underground palace, Yi Shuihan silently watched the movement in the portable space.

"I should have thought of it, Godhead has a great use."

In the portable space, a big tree that is several thousand meters high appeared so conspicuous. At first, Yi Shuihan thought it was the result of natural evolution, but later he didn't think so much because the big tree turned out to be similar to a novel. Things like the tree of life in the middle of the world actually began to give birth to elves.

This tree looked so similar to the tree of life, and Yi Shuihan directly named him a tree of life, which had a certain sense of wisdom.

Because Yi Shuihan is the master of this space, it is equivalent to the child of Yi Shuihan, who regards Yi Shuihan as a creation god, is very close to Yi Shuihan, and shows everything about himself without reservation. In front of Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan saw its initial birth process. It was a godhead. As soon as it entered, it was attracted to the vicinity by the red grain rock, and then began to melt under the special red grain light, and finally grew into this big tree. .

What made Yi Shuihan feel a little surprised is that red granular rock actually played the role of nourishment in the growth of this big tree. There was only a small piece of it, but it has basically been consumed now.

Yi Shuihan was particularly distressed about the disappearance of red granules, but thinking that red granules would not be able to evolve so quickly without disappearing in his own space, he felt a lot of balance.

"I remember when I was in the DC world, I also got a piece of the Lord Godhead."

Yi Shuihan found it in a corner of the portable space as soon as his mind moved. For it stayed here early, but nothing changed, such as becoming a tree of life, Yi Shuihan felt a little strange.

"Probably it is too high-end, red granule can't be used for a while, so it's the next best thing!"

With a more correct answer in his brain, Yi Shuihan began to pay attention to another important point.

"Something is wrong! Poseidon seems to have no godhead, so why do the gods I saw before have a godhead?"

It's hard to figure out this question by just thinking, but fortunately Yi Shuihan is in a simpler way.

The clone who was doing "good" things with Aphrodite suddenly asked Aphrodite about the Godhead, and then smoothly obtained this top secret information in this world.

"The gods who are truly recognized by the world can fully integrate the godhead into his own small universe through a certain method. Soul, godhead, and small universe are one, so that the physical body will no longer restrict God so much. You can change your body at will. Of course A strong body can greatly improve strength."

To make the godhead completely disappear, there are three conditions required: a true **** recognized by the world, a certain level of strength, and a method of fusion. The strength is too weak, even if you know the method of fusion, you cannot succeed.

If Yi Shuihan followed the small universe cultivation system, this method would be of some use to him, but the Eastern cultivation system he followed naturally can only be listened to as a secret. After listening, he threw this memory into A certain corner of the vast sea of ​​memories may never be used.

"Begin, the birth of the will of the world."

Yi Shuihan, who was observing the portable space, suddenly shook his whole body and instantly concentrated.

The promotion of the portable space to the real world depends on this. Even if Yi Shuihan knows that the possibility of success in promotion is very high, it is still a little nervous, because there is also the possibility of failure, even if the possibility is low, it is almost negligible.

A will was slowly born under Yi Shuihan's gaze, like a newborn baby, the moment of birth was so pure white.

"so amazing."

Yi Shuihan could feel the connection between himself and this will. It was very special. He even felt that he could completely manipulate this will, and this will seemed to exist as his clone.

Once the will of the world is born, the portable space becomes the real world. Then, as long as it evolves step by step, it will become a real behemoth one day. At that time, this world will be the foundation of Yi Shuihan.

The space is expanding rapidly, and the animals and plants inside are also born at an abnormal speed, as if countless years have passed in a short moment, hundreds of millions of lives are born in an instant, and the entire world becomes alive in the blink of an eye exuberant.

What makes Yi Shuihan feel a little surprised is that the creatures born in the portable space are all the species he has seen or have influential in his mind, from the most common chickens and ducks and other ordinary animals to the magical creatures in the magical world, and even demons. The existence of beasts is completely unreasonable, and it feels like multiple worlds are mixed together.

"Is it because I have this power in my cultivation, so the corresponding life was born in this world?"

Yi Shuihan thought thoughtfully.

The tree of life has grown rapidly after the world’s will is completely condensed. Compared with the previous few kilometers, it has now grown to more than 20,000 meters, which is much higher than the highest peak of the earth before.

In addition, the elves finally bred out in the process, and the elves who stepped forward appeared in an instant. They were similar to those recorded in the novel. Their body appearance was similar to that of humans, except that the ears were a little bit pointed, and then they were handsome males and females. Beautiful.

Noting Yi Shuihan's gaze, these newborns bowed to him and shouted "Father God", which was a frenzy.

Yi Shuihan was not stingy, and gave these elves some power at will. In an instant, these elves who were born only about 7-star Black Iron skyrocketed in strength, most of them were promoted to bronze, and there was even a female elves directly promoted to bronze. With 9 stars, Yi Shuihan directly gave her the position of the Elf Queen, and at the same time passed on some common sense of life. ,, ..

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