Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 860: The gate of the underworld appears for the first time

"My world is still possible. Although it's only a continent and even the universe doesn't have it, it can at least contain the level of the bronze limit."

Yi Shuihan was a little disappointed for a world that had not suddenly become a silver rank, but this disappointment was not too great.

"It seems that something is still missing."

Suddenly felt that there were some defects in his own world, so Yi Shuihan looked for it carefully.

"By the way, I just said how it felt wrong. It turned out that there was a lack of a sun! Such an important thing has only been discovered now."

After finding the reason, Yi Shuihan was not happy because he found that if this problem is not solved, although his world will not degenerate into a portable space anymore, most of these living things that depend on the sun will become extinct, and then the world will be extinct. Evolve to some extreme worlds, such as the last creatures that are created are all of the dark type, like skeletons and the like.

Just as Yi Shuihan was thinking about how to solve this problem, World Will sent him a message.

After thinking for a moment, Yi Shuihan directly chose to agree, and then a sun slowly rose.

To create a sun out of thin air, even Yi Shuihan can't do it. At best, he can create a short-lived sun, not the kind of sun whose vitality has been calculated for hundreds of millions of years.

Naturally, the sun that appeared suddenly did not come for no reason. Its predecessor was the main godhead.

This main godhead is the crystallization of the power of the golden strong, which is heavier than the main **** of the Saint Seiya world. The energy contained and the transformation of the world will finally create a new sun, which completely solves the possibility of the world. Partial problem.

"There is still something wrong, compared to a flat world, the planet-shaped world is more pleasing to the eye!"

Tell your own thoughts to the will of the world, and then this world begins to change rapidly, as if a pair of big hands are fabricating it, turning this world into a huge planet.

"The sun is there, and so should the moon."

Compared with the sun, the moon is much simpler. After all, the sun contains endless energy, and the moon only needs a ball of earth. It can play a big role only because of its placement.

In almost a few tens of seconds, a moon was born. Once here, Yi Shuihan could not find any defects in this world.

"A world with only one planet, plus the moon and the sun, is shabby enough, but sooner or later, it will evolve into a real universe."

Isn’t it a bit too much to turn this world into an underworld?

This thought suddenly appeared, which made Yi Shuihan a little embarrassed. After all, if he didn't use this place as an underworld, he would have no other good way.

There must be a way to create the world, the world of Saint Seiya, at least the underworld of Hades was created by him, but even the underworld is definitely not as good as the portable world Yi Shuihan has now. First of all, there is no sun in the underworld. There are few pitiful creatures, and most of them are monsters and demons.

Besides, even if the method of creating the world is obtained, it may take a long time to create an underworld. From Aphrodite, Yi Shuihan learned that the birth of the underworld lasted for tens of thousands of years.

"It would be great if there was a dragon ball in the dragon ball world. Just make a wish and make a planet for you in minutes."

By the way, I can refer to some novels and divide the world into the surface world and the underground world!

The surface world remains unchanged, and the underground world becomes the underworld. Anyway, the underworld does not need a very good environment. It is just going to pursue the environment and make it appear on the surface. Urahara Kisuke's technology can completely make the underground and the surface look no different. .

"I'm really a genius, I solved a big problem so easily, and also solved the reincarnation system of my world incidentally."

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I am right, Yi Shuihan's smile has never stopped.

Regarding the construction of the underground world, it is not difficult for Yi Shuihan, a half-hearted creation god, to tell the world will of his own thoughts, and then the world will begins to act, and there is soon a conformity within the planet. The underground world demanded by Yi Shuihan.

Because with the promotion of the world, no matter the space of this planet will continue to increase, Yi Shuihan is not afraid that the underworld will be overcrowded in the future. It is really a big deal at that time to expand the space with space means.

"Everything is ready now, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng, when the staff is ready, we can start planning."

Half a month later, Ai Ran returned to Mount Lu with the gods of death like Yamamoto. There were also tens of thousands of human beings who had sheltered under the gods of death after the earth change.

The people were arranged in the four major gathering places, and the death gods went to Lushan to meet Yi Shuihan.

"I should have told you about the matter. Since you are here, it means that you have agreed. Now I will ask one last time. If I really join my underworld system, even if I am a person in the future, the freedom of life and death is in my hands. No You can leave right away if you like, and I will never pursue it."

Of course, it won’t be held accountable. Although this underground palace is a start-up, the location inside is actually good for these gods of death. As long as you are not a fool, you know how to choose. As for freedom and life and death, can it be said that it is not Yi Shuihan’s men They can control these things. The world is too dangerous. Any gods and death gods will be exterminated. Instead of this, it is better to find a big backer, and Yi Shuihan obviously fits the image of this big backer.

None of the death gods quit, Yi Shuihan nodded, and then opened his personal world. For the first time, a door to the underworld appeared in the world of Saint Seiya.

When the door appeared, Hades, who was far away in the blissful land of the underworld, felt a palpitation inexplicably, as if he had lost something extremely important, which made him feel very bad, but he was just trying to find no results. It can only be left alone.

Hades never knew how big a mistake he made when he chose to close the connection between the underworld and the outside world. ,, ..

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