Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 862: Pluto is coming

Without letting Yi Shuihan wait much, on the third day after Yi Shuihan accepted Apollo's original predator, Yi Shuihan felt the breath of the underworld.

Just like Yi Shuihan thought, Hades chose to attack Yi Shuihan alone. If Hades really unites with other main gods, Yi Shuihan will really find it a bit troublesome.

"Yi Shuihan, come out and die."

It was the death **** Danados who had long hated Yi Shuihan. He had previously hoped Hades would kill Yi Shuihan, but Hades considered that even killing Yi Shuihan would not be good. Instead, it would expose his hole cards and ignore Yi Shuihan for the time being.

To be honest, Hades actually wanted to kill Yi Shuihan, but Yi Shuihan's strength was there. Without real full strength, he felt that he could not take Yi Shuihan under the risk of being injured.

Of the three gods, one of them was still the top-level main god, with tens of thousands of miles of power, and the entire Lushan area became silent because of this shout.

Countless ordinary people looked at the sky in astonishment. Pluto was infested, and even the brilliance of the sun was covered by him. At this time, the sky was pitch black, like the end of the world.

At this time, let alone humans, even powerful monsters dare not emerge, for fear that they will be destroyed by accident.

In Yi Shuihan's side, the strongest besides him is Lan Ran, but even Lan Ran can barely maintain his expression in this situation.

Fortunately, Yi Shuihan had already transferred Xiaojie and the others to the portable world, so there was no need to worry about their safety in battle.

"It was originally planned that the king will be against the king and the general will be against the general, but the fighters established now basically have no effect!"

Thinking of this, Yi Shuihan was also quite speechless.

Now only Yi Shuihan is in Mount Lu, plus Poseidon’s soul, Apollo, and Aphrodite,

"What should I do? Husband, do you want me to help you make love, if you admit a mistake, Hades should forgive you."

Aphrodite looked at Hades in the void and the army of Hades with a serious expression.

These days, Aphrodite really has a touch of affection for Yi Shuihan, but this relationship is not reliable. If Yi Shuihan bows his head after listening to his advice, Aphrodite will probably consider it. Kick away Yi Shuihan.

"No need, let you see how I hang Hades today."

Just kidding, Yi Shuihan will persuade him at this time. He has long wanted to beat Hades, a narcissistic man, into a dog.

The clone appeared in the sky as soon as it stepped out, although it was only one person, facing the entire Pluto legion, it did not lose the momentum.

Looking at the Yi Shuihan in front of him, Hades felt very disgusted for no reason. This feeling came for no reason, but he was a bit cruel to Yi Shuihan, and he didn't think deeply about what was going on.

"He seems to be very different from the last time I met!"

Sleeping God found something wrong, but couldn't tell what was going on, but was subconsciously wary.

"What's the matter with that?"

In a certain enchantment in Lushan, Poseidon pointed to the sky above and asked doubtfully, in front of him was the deity of Yi Shuihan.

"Clone! Don't you know?"

Said as a matter of course.

I know what a shit! Poseidon wanted to ask carefully, but when Yi Shuihan said so, he was suddenly stagnant, and the body and face turned into a darkened soul.

"Have you ever said that?"

"Isn't there? Oh, forget it, it's not my fault! You didn't ask, I will tell you if you ask."


What do you say, why do I feel angry? Poseidon always felt that something was wrong.

"Have a chance, take advantage of this time to leave."

Apollo also noticed that Hades had arrived and Yi Shuihan was confronting Hades, and immediately looked happy, and quickly began to break free.

It was Apollo, the sun god, and this time was not in vain, except for Yi Shuihan's use of billions of nuclear fusion is studying how to escape.

If Hades didn't come, even Apollo could break free and wouldn't run away. After all, even if he did, he could only turn around and run when he saw Yi Shuihan.

Now, Apollo’s idea is to hide in the dark while Hades and Yi Shuihan are fighting. It would be best if Yi Shuihan was killed by Hades. If it doesn’t work, he can even help Hadi. Si, be sure to kill this nasty fellow Yi Shuihan.

His dignified sun god, the master of the heavens, has actually fallen to the point where he is now practicing for people. He is really deceiving the gods too much and absolutely can't bear it. During this period of time, he seems to be more and more obedient to Yi Shuihan, but in fact he is angry All are hidden in my heart, waiting to erupt.

"What are you doing? Brother!"

At the moment when Apollo just got rid of the restraints on his body, the familiar voice made Apollo's whole body shake, almost frightened and mentally ill.

"You... why are you here?"

Looking at Yi Shuihan dumbfounded, Apollo couldn't understand the current situation at all. Under his perception, there was also Yi Shuihan outside, exactly the same as the aura in front of him. He could confirm that both were true.

As the main god, it’s not that he doesn’t know about avatars, but the strength of Yi Shuihan’s avatars is too high. He didn’t think about avatars at all. Of course, Yi Shuihan is not an avatar, but a more high-end clone. Even if you don't kill it, you can easily condense it again.

"You don't even know about the clone? You are very unhappy when I am here! It's rare for me to come to see you specifically at this time."

"No, no, I am very happy that you can come."

Apollo said quickly, he is now very guilty, afraid that Yi Shuihan will fix him.

"Brother, how about I go out to deal with Hades, this Hades is too arrogant, I actually could not understand him long ago."

When he was speaking, Apollo's words were sincere, and there was no trace of PS, and the actor and everything were weak in front of him.

"Okay! Go fight Hades by yourself, and I will cheer you up next to you, OK?"


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