Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 863: Fight Hades Again

"Why don't you talk anymore? Hey! Talk."

Apollo's face was dull, and Yi Shuihan's clone looked at him suspiciously, and shook his hand before his eyes.

It's a pity that Apollo is already determined to pretend to be crazy and stupid, and he will not be moved by Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan didn't really want Apollo to fight Hades, he just teased him. Seeing that Apollo was honest, he stopped focusing on it.

"Is the strength of a clone enough? Otherwise, your deity will go with it."

Poseidon suggested to Yi Shuihan that when he saw his big enemy Hades, if he hadn't lost his physical body and a new physical body hadn't been cultivated yet, it is estimated that he would have gone up with Hades long ago.

Without the physical body, Poseidon is still very strong, but facing Hades, even if he has a physical body, he can't do it. It is completely to deliver food. If he is sealed again, then Poseidon will cry.

So now Poseidon has made up his mind and will never take action as a last resort. It is best that Yi Shuihan can also put Hades into a soul state, and then he goes up to show off.

As a true original body, I look for the bitter force that was destroyed many years ago. In this matter, Poseidon has not been ridiculed secretly by other main gods, so it is extremely hopeful that there will be a person who has also lost the real body. Companion Di, if this companion is Hades, the guy who has developed love for his own body, Poseidon feels that he will wake up from a dream.

"Just look at it, am I not ready to shoot at any time?"

Yi Shuihan said faintly, he is really ready to take action at any time, but not against Hades, but against the main gods who have not yet appeared. The most important of these is the **** king Zeus and the soul of Poseidon. The body is actually within the range of Yi Shui Han's defense.

Even if Poseidon and him are in the honeymoon period, the relationship between the two seems to be very good, in fact, they both know this is an illusion, only because relying on Yi Shuihan Poseidon feels that they can get revenge more easily, this is right. Yi Shuihan expressed his good intentions, if the two of them had a disagreement, they might turn against each other in seconds.

Above the void, Yi Shuihan was wearing his incomplete version of the armor, looking at Hades, the Hades, with a casual expression, as if other existence had been ignored.

"Hand over what you got from Apollo and serve me for another million years. I will spare you today."

"You can't say you are a fool. If this condition is changed to you, would you agree?"

"So there is no talk?"

"I'm talking about your sister, hurry up and start fighting, I'm still waiting for the super god!"

The pre-war negotiations ended and the atmosphere became deadly.



"Follow the original plan."

Upon receiving the instruction, Danadus waved to the underworld fighters behind him. The underworld fighters dispersed. Why are they going? After a little thought, I knew that I was looking for someone. After all, the last time is still vivid.

There was also Sleeping God walking with the Underworld Warrior. Only one Death and the Underworld were left at the scene. The Death was still playing soy sauce next to him.

Yi Shuihan, who sees all this in his eyes, is completely indifferent. If he can find it, he will lose. This battle will be unfair from the beginning, not to mention that Hades has never won Yi Shuihan, even if it is. Don't think of any benefits if you win.

Not to mention the benefits, it is estimated that even the capital will be lost. After seeing that Hades brought out almost all of the combat power, Yi Shuihan had the idea, and planned to secretly come to the bottom of the salary, go to his lair and put the original belongs to Ha Diss' original predator snatched it.

With Hades as the center, the dead world spread instantly, and the dead world was shrouded within thousands of miles. At the same time, the shape of Hades changed a lot. The most intuitive dead spirit continued to surround his body, and then His body became slightly dark, as if it were a corpse, and it was lifeless.

"Don't think that I'm scared when you add special effects. It's just a corpse special effect. With bit effects, I will never lose. Look at my Super Saiyan special effects."

A golden flame ignited around Yishuihan, the dead gas nearby turned into nourishment, and was ignited as soon as it approached.

"The last time Ares was present, you barely escaped your life, this time I see how you can escape."

Hades's voice was cold, as if it were a deep cold wind in the abyss, making people cold all over.

"Same words for you. If you weren't for Ares last time, you would have been beaten out by me, believe it or not."

Strike back with words without hesitation.

Hearing Yi Shuihan's words, Hades's eyes became even colder, and then he didn't continue to use meaningless mouths, picking up the divine sword and coming over.

Only one thousandth of the time of the breath has come to Yi Shuihan's face, the divine sword is shining with black light and slashes down vertically, looking along the divine sword, you can see a small black line on its trajectory, that is A scene that tears up the space due to being too sharp.

In less than a thousandth of the time of breathing, Yi Shuihan found the escape track. The sword almost wiped his clothes and passed by. While avoiding, he also swept with a sword transformed from armor. At the same time, one foot aimed at Hades's lower body at a very tricky angle.

Hades's complexion changed slightly, and he cherished his body to the extreme, and he would not allow Yi Shuihan to attack his important position.

The black energy surrounding it suddenly condensed into a sword and slashed towards Yi Shuihan's leg. Its power was slightly inferior to the divine sword, but it was not much different.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Shuihan and Hades have fought for countless rounds. Even Danathus can only see the continuous flashing of black and yellow light, and he can't even see the real battle. My heart is extremely shocked.

"Lord Hades, forget it, even that guy..."

Even if Danadus didn't want to admit it, he knew that Yi Shuihan was far beyond his level and was an opponent at the same level as Hades.

After a few breaths, the two sides separated, and the aura rose a lot from before.

"This is the end of the warm-up. Are you ready to die next?"

"Aren't you the Pluto? Death is your destination. Recognize reality!",,..

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