Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 867: The clone appeared, the gods were shocked

There are so many souls accumulated over the years in Nuo Da's underworld. Yi Shuihan's desire to evacuate is obviously unrealistic, and it is estimated that he would not be able to evacuate his underworld.

That’s why Yi Shuihan chooses high-quality souls. What are high-quality souls? Naturally, those souls have evolved after the Earth has undergone the Great Change. It is estimated that these souls are comparable to dozens of previous ones. .

"Those of Styx have been there for so many years, and they know howling souls all day long. If I bring them back, I won't talk about the source of growth, even the environment will be polluted."

Thinking of those numb faces and ugly faces, who only knew howling all day long, Yi Shuihan had the urge to destroy them.

After busying for 3 days, Yi Shuihan left the underworld. At this time, there were close to billions of high-quality souls in the underworld, and it seemed that there was no empty space at the beginning.

Those gods of death who originally belonged to the world of corpses and souls, now the gods of Yin, see that they have jurisdiction over so many souls, one or two jumped up happily. It was really too low in the past. It is only a million, which is completely incomparable with the present.

In the past, an ordinary **** of death, it is estimated that there are thousands of ordinary souls envied by them. Now, if one is not used to hundreds of thousands of souls, it feels very comfortable.

It can be said that they are only initially getting the taste of power, and their loyalty to the soul world has long been thrown away, and now they are asked to be the captain of the original soul world and they will not go.

Yi Shuihan didn't know this, but even if he knew it, he would laugh it off at best.

"I don't know if it is my illusion. I always feel that I am being targeted by something. It shouldn't. With my current strength, even the strongest Zeus in this world can't do this."

Inexplicably, whether it was Yi Shuihan's deity or the clone, this feeling suddenly appeared, but he couldn't guess the source.

I became a little more vigilant in my heart, and simply took the initiative to let the clone number 3, who should have returned, look for the trace of Zeus.

At the same time, Lushan

The avatar who was fighting with Hades suddenly froze, and Hades seized the opportunity to regain the upper hand, but when Hades planned to take the opportunity to expand its advantage, the avatar spoke.

"Hades, should you say that you are confident or arrogant? You brought all the combatants out and left them in a place as big as the underworld."

Hades moved slightly when he heard this, "Don't want to disturb me with trash talking."

"Trash talk? Haha, do you think so?" Yi Shuihan reported an address to Hades by means of sound transmission.

In an instant, Hades's complexion changed drastically, because that address was where he placed the original carrier.

"You are despicable, you actually let your fighter go to the underworld."


Yi Shuihan was taken aback, and then he realized that Hades had misunderstood. No wonder Hades thought so. After all, he didn't even know that he was against him now, and he didn't see Yi Shuihan here. The fighters also knew Xiaojie and them based on his intelligence.

There is no explanation, just a smile at Hades, the misunderstanding will let you continue to misunderstand.

Danadus on one side heard Hades's words, and immediately went back to the underworld to have a look, but Yi Shuihan's words kept him in place.

"I dare to tell you now. Naturally, it's because the things have been done. Also, I took away some things you don't want to help you clean up the underworld. Don't thank me."

If he had the ability to crush Yi Shuihan, he would have exploded long ago. Unfortunately, the previous battle told him that Yi Shuihan’s strength is not comparable. He is weak.

Hades didn't know what to do for a while, a little confused.

The clone looked at Hades with some regrets. When the deity passed the news, he knew that the battle would not last long. To be honest, he was actually more willing to continue fighting with Hades.

"Why haven't I found out that I have the potential to fight madness before?" I asked myself and couldn't get the exact answer.

Hades suddenly raised his head, looking at Yi Shuihan with burning eyes, and said

"No matter what conspiracy and tricks you use, as long as I defeat you, everything will come back. After all, the world still respects strength."

When talking, Hades's momentum has improved a lot, it seems that he wants to understand something. Now he has more reasons to defeat Yi Shuihan than before.

Even if Hades desperately wanted to defeat Yi Shuihan, he did not reach the point where it was necessary. Now if he cannot defeat Yi Shuihan, he will be over for this origin battle. His ambition is declared bankrupt and he has waited countless years. Hades will never give up until such an opportunity to become the true ruler of this world, standing above Zeus.

The fighting spirit was completely aroused. Before, it was because of fear of physical injury that he fought with all his strength. Now this reason has changed, because the Supreme God Seat is about to be produced.

Yi Shuihan also noticed the changes in Hades, and was also aroused in his heart to fight. Not only was he not afraid, but he felt that this was good.

Thinking of something, the clone took away the fighting spirit, as if not wanting to fight Hades.

"What? You want to run!"

Hades looked at the clone unexpectedly.

"It's not me who wants to run. It should be you. Ask you a question. How do you think I am better than you?"

Although it’s weird, Hades chose to answer

"You are very strong, not much worse than me, but I will definitely win in the end."

"Then you think two of me, can you still win?"

"What are you... meaning..."

Hades' words came to an abrupt end, because next to Yi Shuihan appeared a No. 2 Yi Shuihan who had exactly the same breath as him, and could not tell the truth from the fake.

This No. 2 Yi Shuihan is naturally clone No. 2. He was next to Apollo before, but now he finally doesn't plan to keep watching.

"What's that? Is it a clone? It's exactly the same!"

"No! The new one seems to have no difference in strength from the previous one!"

All the gods who noticed the appearance of clone number 2 were deeply shocked. ,, ..

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