Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 868: Make sure you die without traces of death

"Our beauty is really good at playing, do you often 3p with them?"

After Artemis was surprised, he ridiculed Aphrodite who was a little confused next to him.

However, Aphrodite at this time was not in the mood to pay attention to Artemis, and she was now in a state of confusion.

"The new deity, or the clone, if it is the deity, then the clone and me? What does he think of me, a plaything?"

The more I thought about Aphrodite, the more I felt frustrated, and there was some fear in my heart that my guess would happen.

In the past, she used to be stray, mainly because she did not meet a man who could let her stay. As one of the twelve gods, even if her strength is not top, this is still to be compared with someone. The strength of the eight silver stars is in this world. It is estimated that there are about 10 better than her.

Except for a few women, these 10 men are not her food, at most they have **** with her. Therefore, under her skirt are more men who admire her beauty and are weaker than her. These men are she I can't look down on him, don't look at him slutty, in fact, he has a set of own standards in his heart.

The appearance of Yi Shuihan undoubtedly met Aphrodite's standards, handsome in appearance, powerful, domineering and gentle towards women, and can surprise her from time to time, plus the mysterious coefficient is high enough, all of this Everything attracted Aphrodite.

Even Aphrodite herself didn't realize that Yi Shuihan's position in her heart was unexpectedly high, making her afraid of Yi Shuihan abandoning her.

"Definitely not, he must be sincere to me, I want to make it clear to him that I have always been... I am still..."

Muttering in a low voice, Aphrodite was already planning to share her most important secret with Yi Shuihan.

Even Yi Shuihan hadn’t expected that the appearance of this clone would actually cause such a big change for Aphrodite. If he knew it, he would have to say “this is also OK”. If he knew it, he would definitely not hide it. The avatar thing.

Artemis noticed Aphrodite's look. As a female, she faintly grasped the real situation, and she was even more surprised than Yi Shuihan appeared just now.

Before this, if anyone said that Aphrodite would suffer from a man's gains and losses, she would absolutely not believe it, even if she did, she would at best pretend, and now she believed it, she could not see the slightest Aphrodite at all. camouflage.

Originally wanted to continue teasing Aphrodite, but now she lost that mind. Suddenly, she wanted to know what the charm of Yi Shuihan was that could make Aphrodite so big for him. Change.

Not to mention that the two women have their own minds. In the void, Hades's face is embarrassed, and his heart is also extremely blank.

What? Is it because my eyes are blurred, why is there another Yi Shuihan. Which of them is real and who is fake? Both are true and both are false?

The appearance of No. 2 clone completely made Hades lose the confidence to defeat Yi Shuihan.

Now Hades's fighting spirit is completely gone, let alone fighting, he is already thinking about how to retreat.

Hades hates Yi Shuihan. You said that if you showed your background, could I offend you? This clearly means to cheat!

"What should I do with him? Just kill it?"

It's really here to kill Hades, Yi Shuihan still didn't have that preparation, not that he didn't dare, but he didn't think about what to do after he killed Hades.

Killing Hades, it is impossible for other main gods not to have ideas, and it is very likely that Yi Shuihan will face the siege of the main gods.

It's just that if you don't kill Hades now, you will definitely face him in the future, and Hades will definitely not come alone by then.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Shuihan still didn't make up his mind, so he looked at Hades quietly.

Hades was also looking for death, because Yi Shuihan didn't take the lead. His brain was hot, thinking that Yi Shuihan was pretending, and the new clone was probably a parallel importer, so he wanted to try it out right away.

He threw an energy bomb at Clone 2 and planned to continue fighting if Clone 2 showed some weakness.

As a result, the result is decisive cheating.

This energy bomb made Yi Shuihan a decision to kill Hades directly.

Just kidding, if you don't come to provoke you, you dare to look down on him.

As for the consequences of killing Hades! What about the siege of the Lord God, I am still afraid that Yi Shuihan will not succeed.

"Cultivation is originally a matter of retreat if you don't advance. A moment of patience can be said to be a strategic retreat. If you have strength, you will always be cautious about where you are. Then there is something to cultivate. Cultivation is not for the sake of being strong or doing everything you want. , The big deal is to use the system as soon as you leave."

With such an idea, it is unceremonious to start with two clones. Just a few breaths made Hades shine, and Hades played with the clone 1 for a few days but didn't receive anything. Hurtful.

Hades was also scared right now, and he dared not confront head-on, but just defended, and then began to escape, seeing that the direction he was escaping was not the underworld, but the sanctuary.

"Is he going to ask Athena for help?"

An absurd idea appeared in Yi Shuihan's mind.

"It doesn't matter, it's no use looking for Athena. If you kill you, kill you."

The two avatars doubled Hades, directly from Lushan to the place close to the sanctuary. The movement along the way was felt by the entire earth. Some ordinary people did not understand what was happening and looked at the sky inexplicably.

"Yi Shuihan, don't deceive the gods too much, don't you really want to kill me, but I wait for the twelve lord gods to be in the same spirit, and you will only have a dead end if you kill me."

Most of the **** clothes on his body have been broken, the blood of the gods is spilled on the earth, and the hair is scattered, and Hades has the style of Hades, and the whole seems to be a beggar.

"You control death and think that death is the best destination. Why do you resist so much when it's your turn to die? Good boy. Give up resistance, I'll give you a happy life and ensure that there is no trace of death.",, ..

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