Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 869: The secrets of the underworld

As the Pluto, sitting in the underworld, the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of lives are under his control, and how respectable his position is. In the past, he took all of this for granted, believed that all of this should be what he deserves, and felt that everything was bestowed on him. Death is one's own duty.

However, when he really faced his death, Hades found that he was actually so resistant to death, even fear. He didn’t want to die, but when he died, he really had nothing. It used to be said that death is the destiny. It's only if he doesn't die.

Even in the face of Zeus, Hades had never been so scared, because he knew that Zeus had nothing to do with him, at most it was just a seal. Yi Shuihan was different. Hades, who had seen the power of thunder and fire, understood that Yi Shuihan It is his ability to kill.

This killing is not simply destroying the body, but also killing the soul and the small universe together, completely eliminating it from this universe.

"I apologize, it was mine before, just say what you want, and I promise you whatever."

In order to live, Hades wanted others to admit his mistakes for the first time, knowing that even in the face of Zeus, he had never been so low-pitched.

Dignity was trampled underfoot over and over again, but Hades couldn't even give birth to hatred. At this time, his only thought was to save his life.

"If an apology is useful, what else do you have to fist for? I don't accept your apology."

Yi Shuihan had already made up his mind to kill Hades clean, naturally he wouldn't stop just because of a word. After being low-key in this world for so long, it's time to make a high-profile and declare his existence.


Hades forcibly ran the small universe, ignoring his injuries, accelerated again, and flew towards the sanctuary frantically.

"Athena, Athena, come out and save me, I am your uncle, your uncle!"

The voice can be heard clearly throughout the sanctuary, including the holy city not far away.

"Whose voice is it? The uncle who claims to be the goddess Athena, now the Lord Saints will never let him go."

"Where did the idiot come here to go wild, his voice is very loud, and the strength is estimated to be good, but it is a pity that the language insulted the goddess Athena and will not live long."

"Aren't Athena's uncles Hades and Poseidon? These two are extremely powerful, how can they ask for help, you know they are joking when you hear them."

"Besides, Hades and Poseidon are enemies of our sanctuary, how can they come to ask for help!"

The ordinary people of unknown reason did not think that Hades was really asking for help. They would never think that things they thought impossible were actually happening in the sky.

"It's really desperate, I'm all begging Athena."

His premonition came true, but Yi Shuihan had no pressure. If Athena wanted to make a move, she would have made a move long ago. This earth is a back garden for the strength of the Lord God level. Although there is no meeting, everyone has already It's equivalent to being face to face, and all the gods know Hades's situation, and they would have taken a shot long ago.

In Yi Shuihan’s opinion, these gods did not take action. Apart from not having recovered from his previous appearance, he also didn’t believe that Yi Shuihan could really kill Hades. They were actually in their hearts when they saw Hades’s bad luck. Dark cool.

Although these gods knew that Yi Shuihan and Hades had fought fiercely before, they didn't know the real situation and didn't know much about thunder fire. Naturally, they couldn't think that Yi Shuihan could completely kill Hades.

Incomplete killing of Hades, even if Yi Shuihan destroys Hades’s body, the gods are happy to see, Hades called so miserable, in the eyes of the gods, he just didn’t want to directly destroy the body, he was out. The name’s love of the flesh is something that God knows.

Hades, if he knows the thoughts in the hearts of the gods now, would probably regret his own body for the cherishment he had shown before, so it is a pot of narcissism!

"Hades is here for help, what are we going to do?"

Compared with ordinary people, the golds know the truth of the matter. At this time, they are looking at each other. They never expected this situation. Yi Shuihan not only defeated Hades, but also chased Hades. Kill, listen to Hades's voice, you know how miserable Hades is.

Since they became Saint Seiyas, they have heard that the Sanctuary and the Underworld are mortal enemies. The Saints will fight the Underworld sooner or later, and they are already prepared. Who knows that Hades actually ran to the Sanctuary to ask for help. It just feels like being in a dream.

The golds looked at the expressionless Athena, feeling strange in their hearts.

Facing Hades's request for help, Athena also felt very strange in her heart. The term uncle had not been heard for too long.

Hades was forced to find himself and claimed to be an uncle. It was really hard for Athena to imagine how Yi Shuihan did it.

At this time, Athena was very fortunate that her attitude towards Yi Shuihan was not neglected because he is a foreign god. Although the relationship between the two parties is not very deep, it is considered friendly. This is probably the most correct thing she did when she came to the earth. one thing.

Will Athena save Hades? The answer is naturally no.

However, the reality is that Athena's face suddenly changed, and then she made a rescue operation.

What caused Athena to change her attention?

"Are you really going to kill him?"

Athena looked at Yi Shuihan solemnly, and was extremely shocked by what she had just discovered. Yi Shuihan actually had the means to completely kill Hades and destroy his soul.

Although she hates Hades, Athena can't let Hades completely dissipate. In that case, there will be chaos in the underworld, and the order of this world will also be greatly affected.

As a member of the twelve gods, Athena knew a secret, that is, Hades was connected to the underworld. If Hades died, the underworld would be ruined if he had no soul left.

The souls have no destination, wandering in the world, and all the gods know what will happen. In the ancient times, because of this, a terrible race was born and a great battle broke out. In the end, the gods all fell. I don’t know how many gods’ blood. Sprinkled the ground.

The emergence of the underworld is to prevent that race from being born again. ,, ..

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