Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 870: The underworld is gone

Seeing Athena's appearance, Yi Shuihan stopped attacking, and Hades hid behind Athena in embarrassment, looking very sullen.

"It seems you noticed."

Yi Shuihan knew from the appearance of Athena that Athena had discovered that he could completely kill Hades.

To urge the thunder fire to the point where he can kill Hades, he can't completely keep his breath from leaking. It is normal to be found by Athena so close.

"Can you please don't kill him, even if you destroy his body, but his soul must survive."

When Athena spoke, Hades had a very ugly expression. After all, he was obsessed with his own body. He felt that since Athena had taken action, he should be completely frightened and abandon his own body. He is really unwilling.

In the past, he often laughed at Poseidon for not having his original physical body, and he was using pirated goods. At that time, he never thought that he would have such a day. After all, he loved his physical body very much, and has been in the Pure Land of Bliss. Protected.

At this time, Hades wanted to say something hard, such as the body in the soul. Unfortunately, he couldn't say it. The words were stuck in his throat. He was really scared by Yi Shuihan's ferocity.

"What are the consequences of killing him completely? If you want to say that other gods will deal with me because of this, I can tell you that I am not afraid."

Yi Shuihan's tone was very firm.

This attitude shocked Hades, and Athena looked at Yi Shuihan in surprise.

"If he is completely disappointed, the underworld will be destroyed, and then..."

Athena slowly heard an ancient secret.

I thought that Yi Shuihan would give up his plan to destroy Hades' soul after listening to it, but I didn’t know that Yi Shuihan was just an expression of an irrelevant story after listening to it. There was no surprise or disappointment that Athena expected. Kind of expression.

"Did you finish?"

Athena nodded subconsciously, and then listened to Yi Shuihan to continue.

"Isn't it a matter of the soul? The underworld is gone, and there is no my underworld. The problem you said is actually nothing at all."

"Netherworld, what is that?"

"You can think of it as another underworld, haven't you discovered it? Recently, the underworld has been disconnected from the human world, that is, it has gone on strike. Now the souls on the earth are handled by our underworld."

When Yi Shuihan said this, Athena remembered that the Pope had reported to her one thing. The strange guy in black and white clothes used a chain to bring the soul to a strange door.

"So it was his masterpiece."

Because of the special time period, Athena didn't have the mind to care about black and white impermanence, so she didn't delve into it, and she didn't know the existence of the underworld.

Knowing that even if the underworld disappears, there will be an underworld to replace it. Athena is relieved a lot, and she wants to protect Hades.

Hades knew that Athena was his only hope now, and hurriedly yelled, "Don’t believe him, how can an underworld replace the role of the underworld? It took me tens of thousands of years to build the underworld, and his underworld only appeared. Just a few months, don't be fooled by his words."

"Haha." To Hades, who was already a little mad, he uttered this highly lethal word, with no meaning at all. He believed that Athena could make a correct judgment.

In fact, Athena also believed in Yi Shuihan’s words, because from her contact with Yi Shuihan, she could roughly guess what kind of character Yi Shuihan was. She believed that Yi Shuihan would never be in this way. Lies about things.

Hades's words made Athena a little hesitant. It is really too important for this matter to be afraid of anything but ten thousand.

"Trust me, just let it go!"

Yi Shuihan's words seemed to have this magical power, Athena subconsciously turned her body sideways, and then Yi Shuihan shot at this moment, and the two clones shot at the same time. Hades did not expect it to be so sudden, and it was too late to defend. Up.

Two fists braving the purple thunder flames pierced Hades's body from left to right. Even an attack that smashed the earth could not cause any injuries to the divine body, so fragile under these two fists.

Hades widened his eyes and looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief. The pain in his body and the pain in his soul made him want to coma, because the pain ceased when he fainted, but now he couldn't even coma.

The thunder flame is as contagious, spreading continuously in the wound, causing Hades's body to be continuously burned, and there is no possibility of recovery at all.

Compared with the damage of the divine body, the damage of the soul is even more shocking for Hades. His previous feeling was not wrong. Lei Yan really had the power to completely kill him, and now he felt it.

"this is……"

Athena stared at the picture in front of her blankly. She had no mercy for Hades's misery, but felt refreshed inexplicably. In fact, she wanted to give Hades a lesson. Hades's ass. She has long been unaccustomed to the appearance of.

The fist withdrew from Hades's body. The two big holes in Hades looked so miserable. If they were seen by others, they would think that Yi Shuihan was a great villain, and Hades was pitiful. victim.

"Please, let me go...I..."

Hades was vomiting blood and begging for mercy. His voice was already weaker than an ordinary person who was dying of illness. If it weren't for Yi Shuihan or an ordinary person, he might not be able to hear it clearly.

In this regard, Yi Shuihan just punched again with indifferent expression, and suddenly there were two big holes. This time Hades lost the strength to speak and could only use his eyes to beg for mercy.

It stands to reason that as a god, even if the body is completely destroyed, it should not be so weak, but the thunder flame that can't stand Yi Shuihan is the simultaneous damage of the soul, and his soul has been severely injured just like the body.

After these two times, Hades’s realm was directly beaten to 9 silver stars, leaving only 8 silver stars. After recovery, he cannot reach 9 silver stars again, unless he can defeat Yi Shuihan, which of course is based on Under the premise that he can survive today.

"Give him a good time!"

Even Athena couldn't stand it, she said, she had a feeling of sorrow and death, and Hades was one of the twelve gods after all. ,, ..

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