Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 871: Ways to overcome weaknesses

"It's not that I don't give him joy, it's that his vitality is too tenacious."

Yi Shuihan didn't say this sentence, but silently started again.

Yi Shuihan hadn't expected the strength of Hades's will to survive. He smashed the divine body by half, and his soul was also severely damaged by the same degree, and he was still alive.

In Athena's eyes, this was torturing Hades, looking at Yi Shuihan with a slight dissatisfaction, making Yi Shuihan a little embarrassed.

Just when other main gods noticed something was wrong, Hades's breath was weakened to an unprecedented level, as if his soul was about to dissipate, and they wanted to come over and see what was going on.

Yi Shuihan didn't give them this opportunity, and Hades ended his evil life under his fist.

Because the godhead was integrated into the soul, after the death of Hades's soul, the godhead also disappeared, and when his soul was completely destroyed, the underworld also changed accordingly.

First, all the buildings built by Hades’s supernatural power collapsed crazily, all barriers lost their effect, and then the water in Santuchuan rose crazily. I don’t know where these rivers came from, as if In general, there is a feeling of swearing to submerge the underworld when seeing this trend.

Countless souls wailed in pain after being submerged by the river, and some souls still fleeing.

However, the disaster did not end like this, it was just the beginning. The boundary of the underworld began to disappear inexplicably, as if it had been swallowed by something. The volcano erupted and raged with death, and there was a cold wind that made the soul feel like a knife cut. .

If the end of the world occurs, it is nothing more than such a scene.

The magic stars that existed because of Hades's divine power have fallen one after another and can no longer be reborn.

"Master Hades!"

Sleeping God can't feel Hades's small universe at all. When he sees the Underworld Warrior inexplicably turned into ashes, he finally realizes the terrible facts. He has been appearing in a calm form. At this time, it is inevitable that he is a little crazy, Hardy. The death of Sis was also a great blow to him.

You must know that the Sleeping God and the Death Brothers are backed by Hades, and they have not put other main gods in their eyes. For countless years, they have offended and I don't know how many main gods are. If Hades is still there, it's okay, neither of them can move. Now that Hades is dead, maybe the Lord God will come to trouble them in the next moment, and their life will start to be difficult.

Compared with the **** of sleep, the **** of death Danados is really an exaggeration. When he discovered the fact that Hades was dead, he was directly trembling with fright, his complexion was demented, and he kept talking.

"This is impossible, Lord Hades will not die, he is Pluto, the king of the kingdom of death, will not die, definitely not. No..."

Hades is really dead. It is difficult for Danadus to imagine what would happen if Yi Shuihan had the heart to kill him. Then he might have to die too. Death is also a terrifying thing for the **** of death. As the **** of death, he understands death, so he is more afraid of death.

The underworld has entered the stage of destruction. If the other master gods don't understand what happened now, they will be incurable. After a short silence, the divine power erupts uncontrollably.

The endless divine power made the entire earth in a state of almost time static, the wind no longer blows, the rain no longer falls, and even the clouds no longer float freely.

Ordinary people's thinking, even powerful monsters, lost their ability to turn under this mighty power.

The only ones who are still sober are the Lord Gods and Yi Shuihan.

"You actually killed Hades?"

Poseidon looked at Yi Shuihan's deity with horror on his face, even he had never thought of completely killing Hades, even if he hated Hades to death.

Poseidon felt quite unsafe in front of Yi Shuihan’s deity. After all, this clone was killed even Hades, who was stronger than him, and there was only one soul body. If the other party had the heart, wouldn’t it? I can also obliterate myself.

The more things he knows, the more Poseidon is in awe.

Other main gods only know about the two clones of Yi Shuihan, maybe they think they are one deity and one clone. Even if they know that the other party killed Hades, they think that the main gods united Yi Shuihan is definitely not an opponent, but Poseidon cannot. Think so.

Not long ago, he saw Yi Shuihan easily split a clone with the same strength as Hades. Who knows if this ability can continue to be used. If possible, plus Yi Shuihan’s deity, this strength is The strong hasn't changed, and whether the remaining Lord God United will be able to get rid of the water and cold will have a big question mark.

"This world is about to change, and the world ruled by the twelve gods for a long time has won a challenger."

Poseidon's thinking was in a mess, and he couldn't decide what he should do now.

Different situations were staged in the place where Apollo was imprisoned. When he discovered Hades's death, Apollo was overjoyed, especially after feeling the power of other gods, Apollo smiled more on his face.

"Let you kill Hades, you have committed public anger this time. It depends on how you die next. As long as you die, no one will find my secret. But in order to make up for this weakness, I will never escape. To find time to overcome it, next time, no one will be able to deal with me in the same way."

Apollo's mind showed his method of overcoming his weaknesses. His tall body supported the boar and kept undulating, completely conquering the entire pig herd.

Just thinking about Apollo has an urge to vomit, making him no longer want to overcome this weakness.

"Your man is in a big disaster! He is too courageous, now the king of God will not forgive him."

Artemis felt that today was the day she was surprised the most, and all the surprises all came from Yi Shuihan, which made her want to know more about Yi Shuihan.

"Why? He killed Hades, oh, no, I have to tell him quickly, let him escape, with his strength as long as he leaves the earth, at this critical point, the king of Zeus should not be chasing him ."

Aphrodite muttered in a low voice, and then seemed to have made up his mind, and immediately rushed to the sanctuary regardless of Artemis beside him. ,, ..

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