Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 875: Is it kind to break your hands and feet?

"Oh, I'm still a little too kind."

Thinking of having no grievances with Hermes, and invited the other party to have a meal the last time they met, Yi Shuihan finally did not choose to hurt the killer.

This is also considering that Hermes is unconscious at this time and is only controlled by the will of the world. Similar scenarios can be used for reference by some mentally ill people who commit crimes, and crimes are not guilty when they become ill.

The capital crime is unavoidable, and the living crime is naturally inevitable. In order to reduce the frequency of Hermes being beaten, Yi Shuihan started with no mercy, and simply interrupted Hermes' legs.

Because they are not ordinary people, they can fly even with short legs. In order to deal with this situation, Yi Shuihan used a trick he recently studied, the field of gravity. In this field, even he can only use it for walking.

Naturally, Hermes, who had a broken leg, could only crawl over to find Yi Shuihan.

"Why be so persistent."

When Hermes climbed in front of Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan kicked him hundreds of meters away, but the other party was crawling in Yi Shuihan's direction like a zombie.

The hall master god, like a zombie, has fallen to such a level, and there is no one. It is estimated that if Hermes is sober at this time, he may commit suicide in shame.

Compared with Hermes, Yi Shuihan is much gentler to Athena, Aphrodite and Artemis. Every time he just knocks them into the air with skill, this is definitely not because of These are all pretty.

Hermes and Hermes are not the worst. Apollo has not only broken his legs, but also his hands. Hermes can still crawl. Apollo can only wriggle like a caterpillar. Feel sick.

Other Lord Gods who have only met Yi Shuihan once, but have not had much hatred, Yi Shuihan also started lightly. Of course, this lighter is relative. It just didn't interrupt his feet, but just one foot.

If these main gods are sober, they might shout "Brother, don't be so cruel! We are all victims."

The reason why the divine body is a divine body is naturally that ordinary attacks cannot be injured, and ordinary injuries recover quickly, even if the hand is severed, it will be restored in a very short time under the control of the will of the world.

Therefore, Yi Shuihan repeated the interruption process for the same main **** every ten minutes.

Broken hands, broken feet, struggling, crawling, and being beaten, this is the current reincarnation of a main god. The day is still very long. Such reincarnation will be repeated many times. If they were not controlled by the will of the world, they would never With such perseverance, of course they certainly don't want them to be so persevering.

The main gods are not soft persimmons. How can Yi Shuihan pinch it? During the battle, Yi Shuihan will inevitably suffer some injuries. The injuries are not serious, and he will soon recover, but this is more or less The little influence on Yi Shuihan's mood made him less and less serious when he started to work.

After insisting on it for a long time, Yi Shuihan no longer had the energy he had at the beginning, and he seemed to have a sense of decadence throughout.

"When is such a day a head? It obviously feels that a long time has passed, but the day hasn't arrived yet."

When concentrating on a certain thing, people feel that time flies quickly, but there is also the experience of time slowing down, such as waiting in get out of class, waiting for the son outside the delivery room, and strenuous exercise.

Exercise makes time slower, so some people like to exercise, because it prolongs their lives in disguise.

Now Yi Shuihan is in constant exercise. Basically, the amount of exercise every second is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After all, the levels are different.

There is one exception among the gods, and that is Zeus. When Zeus confronted the deity, he was not completely crushed by the deity. Instead, he fought with the deity vividly. The deity was not easy to face him, and he couldn't do it at will. Interrupted hands and feet.

After all, it is the King of God, whose strength is far superior to other gods, and has long reached the limit of this world. If it were not for the limit of the world, he might have been promoted to the golden power long ago.

If Yi Shuihan is at the same level as Zeus, even if it's just the golden fairy corresponding to the 7-star silver, he can completely beat Zeus. Unfortunately, now he has only broken through to the heavenly fairy, and the gap between the 5-star and 9-star silver is still a bit big. .

Zeus is controlled by the will of the world, and when he fights Yi Shuihan, he relies entirely on his positive abilities. There will be no small actions such as sneak attacks. Such Zeus is actually slightly weaker than Zeus who has his own will.

This is actually a very good situation for Yi Shuihan, who focuses more on pure fighting.

"Now I understand why the clone was a little regretful when killing Hades. This kind of battle really makes people feel very comfortable."

The battle with Zeus allowed Yi Shuihan to find a lot of areas where he was not able to fight. The hard power did not improve, but the soft power increased a lot. It can be said that compared to the avatar being impatient because of the constant coping, the deity is very much for this time The world will make things difficult, but it feels okay.

Zeus was unable to improve his strength tens of thousands of years ago, so he was studying the moves and the application of power. The subtlety of the moves can be said to be ahead of Yi Shuihan by many thousands of years, and Yi Shuihan can learn something new almost every minute. thing.

The day was not long, so it passed quickly.

Yi Shuihan, who was fighting with Zeus, noticed that Zeus had a sudden meal. After a moment of stunnedness, he understood what had happened and immediately disappeared in place again.

The Pluto clone also withdrew from this battlefield silently.

The remaining three avatars looked at each other, and then made themselves a little embarrassed, pretending to be like the other main gods before regaining consciousness.

"Ah! It hurts, what's wrong with me? Why are there so many injuries on my body."

"His, it hurts! It feels like being beaten."

"I'm tired."

"Do you know what happened just now?"

The gods were aware of their own situation, looking at the appearance of other gods, they were all dumbfounded.

"Something's wrong, this is the feeling that I only have after using Lei Ji, and thunder-extinguishing fist, otherwise I won't feel so empty. Could it be that I was controlled by something before?"

Zeus felt the state of his body, and he was very panicked in his heart. This feeling was the first time since his birth. Even when he had not become a **** king before, he had not panicked like he is now. ,, ..

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