Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 876: Meet the deity

Zeus's performance was fairly good. His city was deep enough. Even if he was panicked in his heart, his appearance was still the same as before. No one knew what he was thinking.

The other main gods noticed the condition of their bodies, they were all shocked, even Athena, this goddess of wisdom couldn't keep calm.

Of course, there is no harm if there is no comparison. The Athena just look a little embarrassed on the surface, and their hair styles are a little messy. Thinking about Apollo and Hermes, they are almost crazy at this time.

It's miserable, it's really miserable. When they regained consciousness, they still crawled or squirmed on the ground. Even if they regained consciousness, the injury would not be healed immediately, so they could only stay as they were, lying on the ground and waiting for recovery.

How can this embarrassing appearance be acceptable to the high-ranking main god, let alone a group of main gods around, if there is a gap on the ground, they would be happy to get in.

The Lord God who is in a better situation is inexplicably balanced when he sees that the situation is worse than himself.

Humiliated and incomparably angry, Apollo felt his dignity being trampled severely. The last time he felt this way was in the wild boar herd, for a moment he even thought of suicide.

"Are you OK?"

Aphrodite didn't even tidy his hair, walked up to Yi Shuihan with a complex expression, and asked softly.

The three Yi Shuihan in front of him were exactly the same, so she didn't know which one to look at.

"Fortunately, this injury is nothing."

Yi Shuihan frowned and said, trying to make himself act like a victim.

Speaking of these main gods encountering this kind of thing, the first suspect is Yi Shuihan. There are too many strange facts that happened because of Yi Shuihan. For other main gods, they know the foundation and know the foundation, and they don’t think anyone can. With this ability, the gods can do all this without knowing it.

"Is it him? Probably not, he should have been manipulated too."

Yi Shuihan's acting skills easily evaded all the gods present.

In fact, these main gods are unwilling to think about it, because even if it is confirmed that Yi Shuihan did it, this will make them more panic.

After experiencing such an event, the main gods had no other thoughts, and they all wanted to go back and quietly. As for how this event happened, they also chose not to discuss it in depth.

As Yi Shuihan has experienced this disaster together, it can be regarded as sharing the joys and sorrows with other main gods, and their relationship between them is intangible. Other gods have become less repulsive to Yi Shuihan's killing Hades.

After all, Yi Shuihan had already expressed his kindness, indicating that he didn't kill Hades for no reason, and he respected them, the main gods.

Of course, if it were not for the terrifying strength of Yi Shuihan, even if the war really started, it would be possible to pull a few backs, and these main gods would not easily expose the killing of Hades.

Twenty minutes later, the previous rotten people's day group once again became a tall **** group, all of them restored their most handsome and beautiful sides.

The atmosphere was a little dull, everyone had their own ideas, thinking about what was going on before.

"Ahem, if nothing else, let's go!"

Zeus is no longer in the mood to trouble Yi Shuihan, and this opening shows his attitude.

"Um, I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

After Apollo finished speaking, he immediately disappeared into the underworld, as if he was running for his life.

Apollo took the lead, and the others who were not familiar with Yi Shuihan also bid farewell. In the end, only the beauty **** Aphrodite was left on the scene.

It can be seen that Aphrodite is also very nervous at this time, she is holding the corner of her clothes with both hands, as if hesitating to talk.

Aphrodite is now facing 3 clones. If there is only one, or she will simply fall into Yi Shuihan's arms, but now she is really not a choice.

"Are you still you?"

Aphrodite asked a question that sounded silly, but Yi Shuihan understood what he meant.

"I'm naturally still me." A avatar came out and gently embraced Aphrodite in his arms, and said softly, "Don't worry, I said you are my woman, no matter what. It will change."

Before Aphrodite lost his protection, Yi Shuihan was in the eyes, and was still very moved by her performance. Besides, even if Aphrodite did not support him, he still wanted to force her to occupy her because of his character. At most, he won't be sincere.

In the past, he was only interested in Aphrodite's body, but now because of Aphrodite's behavior, Yi Shuihan has initially moved a little sincerely.

Feeling the solid arms and the embrace full of security, Aphrodite felt that all his anxiety had disappeared, and felt that everything he had done before was correct.

"I don't care whether you are a clone or the deity, anyway, I will consider you, and you are not allowed to not want me."

As if she was acting like a baby, it showed the charming and charming little girl, regardless of her age, it was still very enjoyable.

The girls are like this, and Yi Shuihan can no longer hide and tuck him, the deity walked out of the void next to him, and all the clones except the Pluto clone were released by the deity.

Aphrodite looked at Yi Shuihan's deity in a daze, a little at a loss.

"Why? I don't know anymore! I am the deity, but the clone is also me. The reason I used the clone to walk outside was just to guard against outsiders."

To say this is naturally to admit that Aphrodite is a wife.

Aphrodite was always with the clone before, and it was still a bit unaccustomed to see the deity.

"Actually, I have something to hide from you. I am actually a girl."

Aphrodite was already flushed when he said the last two words.

I had expected it a long time ago, but when Aphrodite said it, Yi Shuihan was still very excited.

"It's impossible, we don't already..."

He still pretended to be shocked, and at the same time there was a surprise in his eyes. He didn't know if Aphrodite knew if he had any other ideas about this matter, he would still be a little safer at this time.

Aphrodite was very satisfied with Yi Shuihan's reaction, and then simply went to battle in person, allowing Yi Shuihan to personally verify the authenticity of her words.

At this point, the deity and the deity are successfully connected. ,, ..

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