Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 878: Love you all

"Now I really belong to you completely. You are not allowed to abandon me. You must always love me."

At the beginning of the shower, Aphrodite's deity was lying in the arms of Yi Shuihan's deity, and the blush on his face had not subsided.

I really treasured myself for so long Chu Ye gave Yi Shuihan, and afterwards Aphrodite developed a strong sense of insecurity. Although she is a goddess, she is a woman, and there is such a woman. Common ground, the first loss will produce anxiety.

What Aphrodite needs at this time is Yi Shuihan’s comfort. As a veteran driver with many experiences, Yi Shuihan will naturally not understand the customs. Aphrodite can feel Yi Shuihan’s support in a few words. Her attention, rest assured.

Having truly won the **** of beauty, Yi Shuihan felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. This sense of accomplishment turned into impulse, making Aphrodite feel frightened.

"Brother, if you want, I can give it to you."

Biting her lip, Aphrodite said, her love for Yi Shuihan made her not want to let Yi Shuihan down, even if she did so, she would be uncomfortable.

"For you, forbearance and forbearance, I am not just a scumbag for myself. It is worthy of your liking. Love is a matter for two people. Respect for each other is the most basic thing. You don’t have to leave me alone. In front of me, you just need to be yourself. I love everything about you, including your shortcomings."

The power contained in simple love words is powerful. Listening to Aphrodite is feeling full of happiness in body and mind. Looking at Yi Shuihan's deity madly, she feels that she is the happiest woman in the world at this moment.

A goddess like Aphrodite is not easy to be tempted, and once tempted, her loyalty to her partner will start from a high starting point. As long as Yi Shuihan does not die, she will always love him. Now Aphrodite Tu has almost reached the point where he can sacrifice himself for Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan and Aphrodite stayed in the underworld for nearly a month. The two of them are almost inseparable. They are tired of being together every moment, which is considered a honeymoon.


"Very good. The development this month is still very good. If this continues, it is estimated that when I leave this world, the portable world should be able to transform to a level that can accommodate silver."

Since the portable world has the sun transformed by the main godhead as its energy source, there is no need to worry about the aura becoming thinner due to expansion, and the world can expand and grow with confidence.

The only thing that restricts the growth of the world is only beings, but the high-quality souls imported from the Saint Seiya world have supplemented this shortcoming, allowing the portable world to develop at a high speed, saving more than tens of thousands of years.

"Now that the original carrier except me is in Athena's sanctuary, the other main gods occupy less than 10%. You can't care about Athena's dignitaries! The skin is really not thick enough for cultivation!"

Yi Shuihan is not the kind of ungrateful person. Athena didn’t say anything about repaying him for his help, at least he couldn’t avenge him. So even if he knew that robbing people from Athena could get greater benefits, Yi Shuihan still didn’t do it. .

Don't grab Athena, go to other main gods, Yi Shuihan, but don't have the mood. He doesn't bother to grab them one by one.

As a result, Yi Shuihan suddenly felt that he had nothing to do, and could only wait for the moment when the world was promoted.

"Suddenly I feel that I have nothing to do and I feel uncomfortable! But, is my idea a little bit cheap?"

No matter what Yi Shuihan thinks, he can't find things by himself, so in the next time he enters the cultivation mode again.

Aphrodite also learned about Yi Shuihan’s cultivation system from Yi Shuihan, and tried it by herself, only because her cosmic system had reached the ninth sense, and since she practiced, the cultivation system was really slow to progress, and finally gave up. An attempt at monasticism.

Of course, not cultivating the Tao does not mean that you cannot become stronger. The level of the treasure of Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is too high. Even if Yi Shuihan's hands are only incomplete, it still gives Aphrodite a great help, allowing her to cross from the eight stars of silver. After entering the Silver Nine Stars, he has completely stood at the top of the current world in his realm.

Yi Shuihan put all good fortune jade butterflies in front of Aphrodite, making Aphrodite feel that Yi Shuihan attaches great importance to her, and the love that has reached the full point is directly exploded.

Aphrodite still has the vision, knowing that if this good fortune jade butterfly is born, the main gods such as Zeus will be crazy to **** it, and it is estimated that he will not care about the world promotion.

She told Yi Shuihan that if there was a good fortune jade butterfly, she felt that she could break the limit of this world and become a golden powerhouse.

This did not surprise Yi Shuihan too much. After all, this is the good fortune of the jade butterfly. It has become the treasure of a generation of Taoist ancestors. The realm of Taoist ancestors is estimated to be at least the golden peak, or if there is a realm above gold, Taoist ancestors should be the unknown. Level.

If people in the realm of saints knew the existence of good fortune jade butterfly, he would definitely be willing to trade dozens of them in a world like Saint Seiya.

The value of Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is completely above the value of this Saint Seiya World, and even Yi Shuihan is still feeling lucky to get it for so long. His character is really good to the extreme, and Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is sent in this way. When he arrived in front of him, he even had an unreal feeling.

Cultivation to improve strength, and then make love with Aphrodite, let the clone go to see the situation of the underworld from time to time, and give advice to his fighters. Yi Shuihan's life is very easy.

In a blink of an eye, another half year passed, and at this time Yi Shuihan's strength had improved greatly. Although he had not reached the point of breaking through to the golden fairy, he was already on the verge of breaking through.

According to the general situation, even with the help of the good fortune jade butterfly, he will not progress so quickly. Of course, the help of Aphrodite is indispensable. There is something called double cultivation in the world, and Aphrodite is not a cultivator. Yes, but she has reached the Nine Silver Stars in her realm after all, and the effect of dual cultivation cannot be maximized, but there are many benefits.

The silver 6-star peak. The peak is the system’s evaluation of Yi Shuihan’s realm at this time. Yi Shuihan is now completely able to beat himself three and a half years ago, which also means that Zeus’s threat to him is getting lower and lower, almost nothing. Even if all the main gods go together, Yi Shuihan can easily suppress it, which is still very easy.

With one person's strength against one world, Yi Shuihan felt that he could do it completely. ,, ..

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