Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 879: Immortal Palace for Help

It has been nearly a year since the earth’s great change. The situation on the earth has stabilized now. The real elites left by mankind are mostly warriors who have experienced battles. Only a small number of infants are old and weak. Almost none, because those who either died in the migration process or were promoted to non-old and weak because of the spar provided.

Without the deliberate intervention of God, the earth is divided into three parts, the land is occupied by humans and monsters, and the sea is the world of those sea beasts.

It stands to reason that although human beings are much stronger than before, they are not enough to become one of the three hegemons, both in terms of quantity and quality.

It's just that human beings are favored by Gods after all. Although Gods did not deliberately target monsters, if these monsters really aggressively attack people, they will never end well.

For example, the four cities of Lushan Suzaku, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Qinglong under the shelter of Yi Shuihan. Four months ago, an army of tens of millions of monsters wanted to destroy the city of Suzaku, and the leading monster was directly Bronze 7 stars. The 7th sense in the small universe, and the most powerful in Vermilion City has only 4 bronze stars.

The difference in strength is so great that there is no other external force to intervene. Suzaku City is bound to end. However, just because these monsters are coming so aggressively, Yi Shuihan's attention is drawn, and then the monster army is wiped out at random, Suzaku Some residents of the city didn't even know that these monsters came to attack Vermilion City.

The monsters are also wise. Knowing that there is a powerful existence like Yi Shuihan, they naturally dare not attack human cities, but just stay in their own territory honestly.

In one year, the original ordinary beasts have grown to a 7-star bronze level. This also shows from the side how much the world is going to be promoted during this period of time. It is estimated that several beast gods may appear when they are promoted. , Of course, the premise is that other main gods do not interfere.

"The fighters have all reached the peak of the eighth sense, but there is still only Aizen and the ninth sense. The will of the gods is really not so easy to break through!"

Yi Shuihan's clone had just checked Xiaojie and their progress, and said with some emotion.

It took a year or so to cultivate from scratch to the point of becoming a god. If this is said, no one will believe it, and even gods will believe it. The cultivation of the small universe is not that simple, even if the main **** like Athena personally gives instructions. It won't have this effect, let alone one year, it's impossible to give it a few hundred years.

The fighters of Apollo, from the ancient mythology to the present, have gone through tens of thousands of years. They are only from the eighth sense not breaking through to the nine senses. This is definitely not that Apollo did not want them to break through to the ninth sense, but Powerless.

On the one hand, the cultivation of these main gods was not cultivated by themselves. Most of them became gods as soon as they were born, and then rely on long years to accumulate strength. On the other hand, it is the characteristics of the small universe. People who are not talented against the sky cannot become gods. Without the approval of the will of the world, it is even more difficult to become a god.

Let Yi Shuihan teach a few immortals out, it is estimated that he will be very relaxed, but the ninth sense, he wants to cultivate a person that is not so difficult for Apollo to cultivate one, but it is not easy. Fortunately, the existence of jade butterfly is good for him. Under its influence, Xiaojie and the others will eventually break through, it's just a matter of time.

"There is news from the fairy palace, want to ask for help?"

Holding the latest news in his hand, Yi Shuihan showed a playful smile on his face.

The so-called fairy palace naturally refers to Northern Europe, the territory of Odin, and Odin is not an unknown god. If it hadn't been suppressed by Poseidon, he might also be a member of the main god.

When Yi Shuihan was chatting with Poseidon, he once talked about Odin. According to Poseidon, Odin called himself the King of Gods. This was dissatisfied by Zeus and asked Poseidon to destroy him. It was only in the end. Odin's strength is still very strong, and Poseidon can't completely destroy him. He just beat him to half and his soul is sealed.

A **** like Odin, even if it is sealed, can display the power to completely crush the god, but the scope can only be in the Nordic fairy palace, so it still maintains its orthodoxy in Northern Europe and is worshipped by humans.

Asking for help in Northern Europe is definitely not really asking for help, but Odin is trying to make trouble.

"Would you like to meet Odin?"

After thinking for a moment, Yi Shuihan made a decisive decision and went to see if Odin was not malicious to him. As long as Odin dared to show his minions, Yi Shuihan wouldn't mind killing Odin completely.

Without bringing anyone else, Yi Shuihan went to the Nordic Immortal Palace alone.

When he came to the Nordic Immortal Palace, Yi Shuihan was surprised to find that his thoughts seemed to be wrong, because the Immortal Palace was really under attack, and the attacker was not weak, and the leader was a god, a true god.

"Lord Hades, please come over."

Without waiting for Yi Shuihan to learn more about it, a slightly older voice sounded in Yi Shuihan's mind.

"It's Odin."

And the title of Pluto, it seems that a certain main **** has been in contact with him recently!

Yi Gao was bold, and Yi Shuihan passed directly towards Odin's place.

A statue of Odin with a height of several tens of meters appeared in front of Yi Shuihan, and Odin's remnant soul was in the statue.

With a trace of distraction, Yi Shuihan entered the statue, and the outer seal had no effect on him.

This is a white space, and Odin's remnant soul is like a huge ball of light in the center of the space, exuding amazing power.

Even if he was in despair, Odin seemed to be stronger than the average god, and it is estimated that even if the **** of death came here, he would fight with Odin in two ways.

Yi Shuihan's distraction turned into Yi Shuihan's appearance, and the big ball of light also transformed the image of an old man in front of him, almost the same as the statue outside.

"Let's talk, what can I do for you?"

Asked very simply.

Odin didn't care about Yi Shuihan's directness, but slowly talked about the matter.

It turns out that the **** who is attacking the Nordic Immortal Palace is a former opponent of Odin and a defeated man defeated by Odin. It is thought that the other party is dead. How can I know that it is now coming back, and it is bullying Odin and being sealed, and wanting to be completely The destruction of Northern Europe makes Odin a lonely man.

"The predecessor of this **** was the Winged God, and his current strength is only comparable to just breaking through to the ninth sense, but he is not something I can deal with. I want you to help me kill him.", ....

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