Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 880: Gangnir

He didn't tell the truth, there was definitely a concealment. This was Yi Shuihan's first reaction after hearing Odin's words, but he didn't directly point it out.

"Why should I help you kill the Wing God? I have no grievances with the Wing God."

Just kidding, if Odin said that Yi Shuihan would go and do what he did, Yi Shuihan would still be a fart, if it wasn't boring, he wouldn't be here even if it was Odin's invitation.

"After this is done, the Godhead of the Wing God belongs to you, and his subordinates are at your disposal."

Odin waved his hand, a very generous look.

"Do you see me like a fool?"

Yi Shuihan looked at Odin as if you were an idiot, the contempt in his eyes made no secret.

"Ahem" Odin was also a little embarrassed when he was seen. "I know that using the godhead to become a god, with this method, you can have a god's subordinate."

"I also know this method."

Speaking blankly, Yi Shuihan was already a little dissatisfied at this time, this Odin was completely playing him!

Odin was also aware of the change in Yi Shuihan's mood, his complexion changed, and the last scene was extremely painful and said, "As long as you kill the Wing God, I am willing to give you my divine tool Gangnir."

Gangnir is a long spear, also called the eternal spear. The ability of this spear is quite simple and powerful, that is, "it will hit the target as soon as it is thrown." It is a great gun with a hundred shots and can penetrate it. anything.

Even among the many weapons of the main god, this gun is famous. Even Poseidon wanted to get him, but he didn't get his wish.

"If there is Gangneil, you don't need me to do it!"

Yi Shuihan is still a little moved by Gangneil, mainly because the ability of this gun is indeed very charming.

An artifact is a huge increase in strength. According to Yi Shuihan’s estimation, even a sixth sense with this artifact can easily destroy a low-star silver, and the so-called Wing God undoubtedly belongs to this. category.

Odin's power can only envelop the fairy palace, and the Wing God is indeed powerless without entering this range, but Yi Shuihan doesn't believe that Odin has few seventh senses under him, and that is not a **** fighter.

Next, Odin explained Yi Shuihan's doubts.

"Gangnier is no longer in my hands. Before I was sealed, I placed it in a peculiar place, where even ordinary gods could not reach it, only to reach the level of the main god."

"So, you want me to do it with just one piece of news, but Gunnir has to find me personally?"

"Only I know the place, otherwise Poseidon would have taken it away."

Odin was very confident when he said this.

"Tell me the place first, I will get Gangnir and then I will take action to solve the Wing God."

Yi Shuihan put forward his own request.

"It's impossible? What if you get Gangnir and don't do it? Why don't you kill the Wing God first, and then I will tell you where Gangnir is."

"Then why should I believe that the Winged God is dead and you will tell me where Gangnir is?"

"I would rather face the Wing God by myself than a strong man who killed the former Pluto."

Looking at Odin deeply, Yi Shuihan suddenly felt speechless. Odin really had so much truth to say.

"Well, you succeeded in persuading me, I will help you solve the trouble, and then you tell me where Gangneil is. If you dare to breach the contract, I promise you will die more ugly than Hades."

"At that time, naturally, as long as the Wing God dies, you will be able to obtain the location of Gungnir."

Although it faintly felt that something was wrong, Yi Shuihan still planned to kill the Wing God first, and talk about the rest of the matter. With powerful power as the foundation, he was not afraid of conspiracy.

After the negotiation, Yi Shuihan left the statue of Odin directly, not knowing that after he left, the big white light ball representing Odin completely turned into a black big light ball, and he said something abnormal. .

"I will be able to break the seal immediately, and the position of the **** king must still be mine at that time. Zeus will wait and see. I will definitely not lose to you this time..."

In a distant place, Zeus's closed eyes suddenly opened, looking at Northern Europe, with a smile on his face.

"The old guy can't help it anymore? It's a pity that yours is under my control."

Yu Wing God is easy to find, because he did not hide his aura, of course, even if it is hidden, it is completely useless for Yi Shuihan.

"The Wing God is really appropriate, but I think it might be better to call Birdman."

The guy Odin called the Wing God had a pair of bone spurs on his back, and his face was a gloomy middle-aged man, who looked like the evil big boss.

"Now I don’t have a burden at all. I was worried that the so-called Wing God is a big girl with super good looks. In that case, I really can’t kill him for no reason. Growing up like this is definitely not a good thing. I killed him. It is also for the people."

Yu Wing Shen was directing his recently recovered monster to attack the fairy palace, completely unaware of Yi Shuihan's arrival.

After a while, the Wing God let all the monsters leave, leaving him alone.

"Odin, hehe, you are Odin, so what am I? There can only be one real Odin."

This whisper was heard by Yi Shuihan, and immediately Yi Shuihan stopped the hand that had been stretched out.

Looking strangely at the Wing God below, or someone with another identity, Yi Shuihan felt a secret breath.

"Could it be that this guy is Odin, it shouldn’t be! The one I saw just now is the real Odin from that point of view, and compared to Poseidon’s words, the one that was sealed in the statue of Odin is undoubtedly true Odin."

Regardless, just ask the following guy directly.

Yi Shuihan appeared in front of Yu Wing God.

"who are you?"

Yu Wingshen was taken aback. He was surprised that Yi Shuihan could approach him quietly, and he didn't notice it when he was so close. This made him very jealous of Yi Shuihan. Such a situation would happen, not Yi Shui. Han's superb concealment skills are that Yi Shuihan's strength far exceeds him, no matter which possibility it is, it is not a good thing for Wing God, of course the latter makes Wing God even more afraid. ,, ..

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