Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 881: The relationship between Wing God and Odin

"Odin asked me to kill you."

When he said this, Yi Shuihan's expression was very plain, as if he was talking about the house.

After hearing Yi Shuihan's words, Yu Wingshen tightened his pupils and showed obvious hostility towards Yi Shuihan, but because of Yi Shuihan's way of playing, he still did not attack immediately.

"What price did he pay, I doubled, how about we killed him together?"

"Do you have Gungnier?"

"What! He actually intends to hand over Gungnir to you? No, he would never do this. Without Gungnir, he would..."

Just when Yi Shuihan's attention was focused on what the Wing God was going to say next, the Wing God started his hand, and the bone spurs on his back hit Yi Shuihan at an astonishing speed.

"go to hell!"

Yu Wing Shen's eyes were blood red, like a wild beast.

"En? There is no touch."

When Yu Wingshen realized this, he felt that his eyes went dark and his head was full of power, and his body involuntarily fell down quickly.


In a standard face-to-ground posture, the entire body directly smashes a huge human-shaped hole on the ground.

Yu Wing Shen wanted to get up, but Yi Shuihan's feet had already stepped on his head. His head had just risen a slap in the distance before he was in intimate contact with the ground again.

"Sneak attack is not a behavior that God should have. Now I ask you to answer, you know what will happen if you don't answer."

"what's your name?"

There was silence for 3 seconds, and then thunder flames flashed on Yi Shuihan's decisive feet, and Feather God's hair was burned out in the blink of an eye.

"Octon, my name is Oakton, stop now."

Lei Yan couldn't even stop Hades. This was just how the gods who had just set foot in the realm of God could resist. The death crisis on his head completely softened the wings of the gods, and shouted in horror.

"What does the sentence you just said, Odin can only have one?"

Recovering Lei Yan, Oakton's head was already blackened and he could smell the smell of meat.

"I am the remnant soul of Odin. I have part of the memory of Odin. Odin in the fairy palace is another part of the remnant soul. My goal is to kill him. Then I can become the real Odin. Before that, I The name I gave myself is Oakton."

"Why kill and not swallow the fusion?"

"As long as one of us dies, the soul of the other will be restored, and there is no need to swallow and merge."

This explanation made Yi Shuihan feel very strange and incomprehensible, but from the look of Oakton, he did not lie.

"Something like seeing a certain movie before, killing myself in various parallel worlds, complementing myself, and becoming a **** when I have only one left."

No wonder Odin wants me to kill him. If you kill him, Odin will naturally recover. If you can't seal it, you can't trap him.

"Odin didn't tell me the truth, it's just that I don't seem to have a reason not to kill this Oakton! But if I kill it, I always feel a little unhappy."

No matter what, when I get the news from Gungnier, I will teach Odin a meal. If I dare to lie to me, I have to beat him all day and night.

As if noticing Yi Shuihan’s killing intent, Okton’s expression was very frightened, and finally roared out just before Yi Shuihan started.

"Don’t kill me. Even if you kill me, Odin will not give Gungnir to you. Gungnir is sealed with him. If he gives you Gungnir, he can’t Break the seal."

"Are you sure Gangneil was sealed with him?"

"I'm sure, it is through Gangnir that he has the power to approach the gods in the fairy palace. Without Gangnir his power can't even break through 100 meters away from the seal."

The heart to kill Oakton disappeared suddenly. If Oakton said it was true, Odin was playing tricks 100% of him. It is estimated that when he kills Oakton, Odin will directly break the seal and recover. If he is capable, he will hand over Gangneil? Obviously impossible.

"He really isn't afraid of me, and knowing that I killed Hades, is there any hole in the cards?"

Some wonder where Odin is emboldened.

"What's your original plan? Since Odin has powers close to God, you should not be able to kill him."

"As long as I get outside the idol, I can naturally kill Odin. Gungnir’s power has no effect on me. After all, I am also Odin. Although he controls Gungnir, he can’t use it to attack me. the host."

"It's not difficult to approach the idol with your strength. Why use monsters to attack the fairy palace?"

"If the fairy palace is not broken, I won't be able to enter the fairy palace. The fairy palace has a barrier specifically for me."

Under the threat of life, this Oakton knew everything he could say, and he wanted to confess everything he knew.

"It seems that the proportion of remnant souls here should be much worse. This kind of tolerance really does not deserve to be Odin."

For Oakton, Yi Shuihan still looked down on him, it was a waste of money!

This is what Yi Shuihan wanted badly. In the face of death, even Hades was completely scared at the end, and his performance was actually no better than this Oakton.

The reason why he feels that Odin is stronger than this Oakton is only because Odin has not been driven to a dead end, and has an artifact like Gangnir, even if he is sealed, his confidence is better than that of Oak who has just set foot in the realm of God. Dayton is much stronger.

Holding Okton in one hand, Yi Shuihan flew towards the fairy palace. He planned to bring Okton to Odin and let them meet.

Coming out of the fairy palace, Yi Shuihan easily entered, but Oakton was blocked by an invisible barrier.

"Sure enough, there is an enchantment, and it can still automatically recognize Oakton. It is indeed impossible to enter with Oakton's strength unless his strength reaches the main **** level."

After careful observation, Yi Shuihan discovered that this enchantment was aimed at the soul aura of Oakton, which belonged to Odin.

Not to mention Octon, it is Odin in the idol. If he comes out and his strength is not restored, he will not be able to break through this barrier. To figure it out, he can only remove this barrier from within.

"Unfortunately, this barrier can't stop the people I want to take."

It easily broke this barrier, bringing Okton into the scope of the fairy palace. ,, ..

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