Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 882: Break out

At the same moment when the barrier was broken, Odin inside the statue of Odin, the black big ball of light was constantly flashing, and his breath suddenly became weaker.

"Who, who broke the barrier, how could this happen? If he doesn't come, the barrier will not be triggered. Even the existence of the main **** level should not be able to find the barrier."

There was a panic in the voice.

"Odin, see who I brought you."

In addition to the idol, the Yi Shuihan zone appeared in Oakton. Oakton looked at the idol in front of him with surprises in his eyes. He did not expect that Yi Shuihan not only did not kill him, but also brought him here.

"You fake Odin, I will let you die today. It is me who inherit the title of Odin."

The goal of his own day and night thinking is right in front of him. As long as he breaks the idol, the Oakton class has the ability to kill Odin who is still in the seal, thus becoming the real Odin, the king of God.

Oakton didn't even care about Yi Shuihan, and had to make a move to gather his supernatural power.

In Oakton, as long as he can kill Odin, his power will skyrocket to the point where he is not afraid of Yi Shui Han, and Gangnir will also become his possession.

Yi Shuihan didn't bring him here to let him kill Odin, so a hand knife knocked him out immediately before Oakton shot.

Distracted and entered the idol, what I saw was the angry expression of the old man transformed by Odin.

"What do you mean? What did you bring him for? Are you planning to break the agreement?"

"I'm not a breach of contract. I just want to change some of the agreements. Give me Gungnir and I will kill him. Otherwise, I will let him kill you."

"Gangnir is no longer in my hands. How do you ask me to give you? As long as you kill him, I will tell you where Gunnir is."

Odin still wants to continue cheating.

"At this time, you still want to lie to me. The guy outside told me everything. He is not the hostile **** you said, he is you! Gangnir is also in this seal, accurate It’s in your hands. You just want to use my hand to break the seal."

Every time Yi Shuihan said a word, Odin's face became more gloomy, and this made Yi Shuihan more convinced of Oakton's words.

Odin fell silent, and Yi Shuihan didn't urge him, so he looked at Odin quietly.

"I can't take out Gangnir now. Only when my strength is fully restored can I have a way to take it out. At present, I can only use part of its power. This time I am telling the truth. You If you don’t believe me, I can’t do anything, but if you let the guy out there’s the hand, I promise you will definitely not get Gunnir."

"Trust me, if I really don't hand Gungnir over to you after it's done, you can shoot me. I'm not your opponent, am I?"

Odin looked sincere.

Had it not been for Yi Shuihan had discovered that a force in the dark had gathered and was ready to strike a fatal blow to Oakton, he might have to be fooled by Odin.

"This is not dead!"

Yi Shuihan pretended to be thinking, Odin's eyes were already showing excitement, and then he launched an attack with a hand he thought he could.

With a sound of "pop!" Yi Shuihan directly shot the attack that was enough to kill Octon, making Odin's complexion extremely terrifying.

"Suddenly I think it's not bad to kill you, just don't forget it, Gangnir!"

Damn, treat me like a fool before playing around!

Odin's repeated refusal to put Yi Shuihan in his eyes finally angered Yi Shuihan and made Yi Shuihan's decision to lose him.

What I didn't say was that a thunder flame hit the immovable ball of light.

Odin's influence disappeared, and the big white light ball turned black at this moment, exuding this extremely evil aura.

"It's useless, with this thing, you can't help me. Since you are not obedient, then I will kill you together. Thank you for bringing Oakton here and knocking him out. Past."

A gun suddenly appeared in front of the **** ball of light. The gun had a black chain on its body, but the source of the chain was not found.


Even if it was the first time I saw it, the name of this gun naturally appeared in Yi Shuihan's heart.

Gangneil suddenly released a black light, the chain was temporarily broken away, and then it turned into a phantom and shot at Yi Shuihan's thunder flame.

The lightning was penetrated in an instant, and then dissipated, but the gun continued to advance without stopping. The target was not Yi Shuihan, but Oakton outside.

"Good baby."

This scene made Yi Shuihan's eyes brighten, and even Lei Yan could be destroyed. He was a little surprised by the power of Gangnier, even if this Lei Yan was only a weakened version, Yi Shuihan did not make full use of it.

Wanting to see how powerful this Gangneil was, Yi Shuihan didn't stop it.

Gangneil successfully attacked Oakton, and then Oakton woke up with a horrible cry.

"How come, how can Gunganer attack me?"

Oakton's face was horrified, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and he couldn't believe that Gangneil had caused him any harm.

"Hahaha, how many years ago did you understand Gangnir, I could have it attacking anything in a short time, idiot, it's your honor to die on Gangnir."

In Odin's laughter, Oakton's body turned into nothingness, everything was destroyed, and even the godhead was not left.

Oakton's death, the black light ball aura representing this Odin skyrocketed instantly, just a few breaths soared several times.

"My power is finally back, **** Zeus, this time I want you to taste the taste of being sealed."

Odin's strength soared, and the black ball of light kept trembling, the space of the idol began to collapse, and the idol began to continuously appear cracks outside.


The idol finally burst, and Odin’s figure appeared where the original idol was. At this time, he is the image of a young man with a spear first. If you look closely, you will find that this young man is eighth similar to the idol of Odin, completely young. Version of Odin.

"Interrupt your obscenity, I think it's time for you to report in the underworld.",,..

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