Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 883: Painful death, or eighteen-layer **** package?

Yi Shuihan's words obviously made the new-born Odin a little unhappy. He looked at Yi Shuihan with what he considered to be very deterrent, and the Gangnir in his hand gave out a dangerous breath if nothing happened.

"Why look at me like this? Let's say yes, I'm not gay."

Looking at Odin with disgust, Odin's rather majestic face instantly became dull.

As a **** who claims to be the king of gods, Odin has never been said to be a **** encounter. After experiencing this kind of insult for the first time, Odin's anger is almost breaking out.

"I wanted you to live a little longer. Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you."

Odin poses in a throwing posture, Gangneil in his hand exudes endless power, and Yi Shuihan can feel Odin’s small universe quickly inject into it. In a few blinks, Odin’s breath almost drops. Doubled.

In other words, the next blow used half of Odin's energy, which was simply shocking.

"I'll go, you don't need to think about this big move to know the damage explosion! I just don't know if it is a spell injury or a physical injury."

This time Yi Shuihan also looked solemn. From a certain point of view, Odin's current attack power is much stronger than Hades. Even if he is really hit, this clone might not be able to keep it.

"With such an artifact, it's no wonder Odin claims to be the king of gods and is still competing with Zeus."

Regarding Odin's affairs, Poseidon probably also concealed something! It is impossible to defeat Odin just by Poseidon's words!

Originally, Yi Shuihan thought that Odin was only an eight-star silver star, but now Odin, who has just recovered, has the aura of a silver 9-star. If it is fully recovered, it is estimated that none of the silver 9-stars are weak, plus Gangni It’s normal for this magic weapon to threaten Zeus.

Gangneil suddenly disappeared from Odin's hands, and one-tenth of a breath had reached Yi Shuihan's eyes over a distance of hundreds of meters.

"Time stands still."

Subconsciously Yi Shuihan used the power of time.

However, Gangneil, who should have stopped like this, didn't stop, just slowed down a lot.

This slowness is also relatively speaking. At this time, Gangneil also has the speed of light.

"Daddy is scared to death, you really want to kill Daddy!"

Gangneil swept past Yi Shuihan's side, and went straight through the past in a circle around the earth, and it was already in Odin's hands to appear again.

"How is it possible? You actually hid, so close."

Odin looked at Yi Shuihan in amazement. He didn't believe what he saw. You must know that it was Zeus, and he would never be able to avoid Gangneil at such a close distance. The main gods all know his power, at least in general. You have to fight Odin tens of thousands of miles away, because only in this way can you make an evasive action when Gungnir shoots.

Gungnir is a long-range artifact, but no **** wants to fight Zeus in close combat, because he will be shot by Gungnir on the way close.

To fight with Odin, to bombard with energy far away is already a common sense in the cognition of the gods.

The reason why Zeus can surpass Odin, even because he is in charge of Thunder, can still output wildly even if he is far away, Odin can't hurt Zeus at all.

Poseidon was able to seal Odin at the beginning because he used a special method to temporarily interfere with the performance of Gangnir. This was successful, and he was not the only credit for this.

"Actually, I was just lucky, why don't you try again? Maybe you will hit it next time!"

Yi Shuihan acted very casually, but in his heart he attached great importance to Odin or Gangnir. Even the static time could only affect but could not fully function. This artifact is truly against the sky.

Comparing Gang'nir with Hades's sword and Poseidon's trident is not a level artifact at all. Gang'nir exploded the latter two.

"But the stronger Gangnil, the more valuable it is for collection, isn't it?"

At this time, Yi Shuihan’s share was not angry because of Gangnir’s strength, but felt very happy. After all, in his opinion, Gangnir is already his property immediately, and his own things are naturally stronger. The better.

Odin looked at Yi Shuihan with a gloomy expression. He also wanted to believe that it was just a coincidence that Yi Shuihan could escape just now, but he did not dare to bet that the previous blow consumed nearly half of his strength. He was planning to knock Yi Shuihan off in a second, then hide him and wait until the peak is restored before he comes out.

He can still release the previous attack, but after releasing it, he will enter an unprecedented period of weakness. If Yi Shuihan is not killed or severely injured, he himself is in danger.

Just after getting out of trouble, he was about to face the crisis of death, and Odin felt very aggrieved.

Odin does not doubt that Yi Shuihan has the ability to kill him. In terms of life-saving, to be honest, he is no better than Hades.

Poseidon chose to seal instead of killing Odin, mainly because of the existence of Gungnir. If he is not allowed to survive, Odin desperately died and Poseidon could not bear it.

Yi Shuihan is different. He has the ability to dodge Gungnir's attack, which means that it is very difficult for Odin to die.

"If you win, it's better for us to take a step back. I will give you everything except Gangnir. You look at the fairy palace. Although it is a bit smaller, it is not bad after so many years of management. I'll give it to you as a plea for it."

Odin chose to serve softly, and his heart was to wait until his strength was fully restored before coming to Yi Shuihan to settle the account. At that time, Gangneil's power could rise a lot.

"You only have two choices now. One is to hand over Gungnir and I will happily send you a ride. Second, I personally take the shot and put your soul in the eighteenth **** to endure eternal pain. You may not know what **** is, so I'll explain it to you a little bit. The so-called eighteen-layer **** is a place specially used by our underworld to punish sinners. It is divided into tongue-out hell..."

While talking, Yi Shuihan also projected the scene of the Eighteen Hells in the air for Odin to watch, even the sound was heard, and just looking at it made people feel creepy, even Yi Shuihan himself was a little scared. ,, ..

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