Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 884: Palace punishment and hell

Compared with the underworld, the eighteen layers of **** in the underworld is obviously more terrifying. Even if it is a **** who has survived for so long, Odin is completely frightened by the scenes in the scene. As long as he brings himself in a little bit, he feels better than It's better to be dead after 18 hells

"Eighteen levels of hell, do you think I'm afraid?"

Odin tried his best to show his disdain for the eighteenth hell, but his trembling hands betrayed him.

"Really? Then I'm relieved. Actually, I was a little sorry for putting you in the eighteenth floor of hell. Now it seems that this apology is completely unnecessary. It can be seen that you like the eighteenth floor of hell."


Where do you tell that I like eighteen layers of hell?

Odin wanted to yell very much, but was abruptly held back by him.

"On your side, Zeus is watching you?"

Yi Shuihan suddenly shouted.

"This kind of trick still wants to fool me."

Odin was completely unmoved, and even thought Yi Shuihan's move was silly.

Normally, this is the same, but Yi Shuihan is really telling the truth this time. He did see Zeus, and Zeus smiled at him.

"Damn scum, even Zeus is watching you, you can't find it, you deserve to be played by Zeus to die."

Yi Shuihan also felt surprised, but he didn't think much about it. If Zeus dared to grab his Gangneil, he would do it with Zeus.

"Did he find it?"

Far away in the millions, Zeus, who is not even in the time and space of the earth, frowned inexplicably at the sight in front of him. He is an artifact to observe the scene of the fairy palace. He has used this artifact many times, but has not been discovered once. Before, he was not smiling at Yi Shuihan, but at Odin, laughing at his arrogant confrontation with Yi Shuihan.

In fact, it was Hermes who told Odin that Yi Shuihan was the new Pluto, and Hermes was ordered by Zeus to tell Odin.

Zeus knows Odin very well, knowing that Odin’s temper is likely to conflict with Yi Shuihan. His plan is to use Yi Shuihan to kill Odin. For this reason, Odin’s news about Yi Shuihan is incomplete. Yes, he didn't even know that what he was facing was just a clone of Yi Shuihan.

Because of being sealed, although Odin could faintly feel the battle between Hades and Yi Shuihan, in fact he knew nothing about the real situation.

If Odin clearly knew the three clones shown by Yi Shuihan, I am afraid that he would not provoke Yi Shuihan from the beginning.

Zeus just took advantage of the mismatch of information and guided him to easily create the current situation.

"Obviously that old fellow Zeus is calculating, but since the appearance fee is not bad, I will write down the account this time."

Odin's non-attack does not mean that Yi Shuihan has to wait. Gangnir's deterrent is much lower for Yi Shuihan, and he doesn't mind getting closer to Odin.

A flash came to Odin's back, the armor on his body had been dressed, and a punch hit Odin's back.

With a bang, Odin's back was dented by this powerful punch.

Yi Shuihan was unforgiving. He let Odin float in the air with one knee, and then began to beat him. Most of Odin’s strength was on Gangnir. With such a powerful weapon, he was not good in other areas. After all, there are simple ways to defeat the enemy, so why choose difficult ones?

Odin was slowly lifting off by himself, surrounded by countless afterimages that belonged to Yi Shuihan. Yi Shuihan attacked Odin from all directions. Odin's whole body made a crisp beating sound. They all move involuntarily.

"1000 Combo"

"20,000 Combo"


"100 million combos"


"The 10 billionth combo"

With a loud shout, Odin, who had already lifted up to 10,000 meters, no longer lifted off, but was in control for a while, and then fell straight down.

In less than 10 seconds, Odin was hit tens of billions of times in a row, and he was right about his identity as a false god.

"In my hands, there can still let you run away."

Gangneil has been caught by Yi Shuihan, but it is still struggling fiercely. It is still possible to return to its main god.

"You will be mine from today. Don't think about your former master."

While speaking, Yi Shuihan erased Odin's mark on Gangnir.

For others, this mark may be difficult to erase, especially when Odin is still alive, but in Yi Shuihan's hands, just a few breaths of kung fu imprints are completely erased.

Odin, who was lying on the ground in a coma, spewed out a mouthful of blood, then came out of his coma, and saw Gangneil in Yi Shuihan's hand with another spout of blood.

"Gangnir is mine, you return my artifact."

Unable to feel the connection with Gangneil, Odin was distraught with grief, and his complexion was extremely mad.

For Odin, the importance of this Gangneil is even comparable to his half-life.

"Now Gangnir is mine. I just helped you fulfill your promise. Treasures are psychic. Naturally, I want to have a good master. Obviously, I, you, and you are more suitable to be the masters of Gangnir. ."

Under Odin's eager eyes to kill, Yi Shuihan pointed Gangneil at him, and then flung it gently.


Gangneil successfully penetrated Odin, causing Odin to make a miserable cry.

Being attacked by his own divine weapon was also a huge blow to Odin. Even if Yi Shuihan didn't use Gunganer's power, Odin was still in a coma again.

Recovering Gangneil, Yi Shuihan opened the ghost gate, and then brought Odin into the underground palace.

Since the establishment of the underworld, the eighteenth-layer **** has not had time to have its first guest, and now Yi Shuihan has brought this guest.

First, Odin's power was completely sealed, and he was about to throw it into the eighteenth **** to suffer. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration, but it temporarily delayed Odin's torture time.

Contacting the will of the world adds two layers of eighteen layers of hell, one layer is called palace punishment hell, and the other layer is called **** hell, the nineteenth and twentieth layers respectively.

Palace punishment hell, every soul that enters this **** will be cleansed 10 times a day. That thing will grow out after being cut. Basically, after it grows, it will be cut, then grow, and cut again.

Gay hell, as the name suggests, is a **** dedicated to male souls. Here you will become a little sufferer, and you will continue to suffer the flogging of other males. The most terrifying thing is that this male is not necessarily yours.

"Looking at your skin and tender flesh, let you go to **** and enjoy it.",,..

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