Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 885: Fusion of origin

The severe pain made Odin who was in a coma wake up again, and the noisy sounds around him, coupled with the intense pain, made Odin unable to think normally.

He felt his body being pressed to the ground by a huge force. What was going in and out of his body.

When he was a little more awake, Odin realized that this seemingly huge power was actually not that big, it was only at the level of a Hercules among normal people. The reason why he felt that this power was so powerful that he could not resist was completely because his power at this time was already Being completely sealed, the power he can use now is not even as good as that of a child.

"Hahaha, baby, you make me very comfortable, my uncle is very happy today, just make you feel good."

At this time, Odin seemed to have realized something, feeling extremely desperate, and constantly paralyzing himself, saying that this was just an illusion, but the touch that could not be more real reminded him that this was reality at all times.

Finally Odin collapsed and wanted to yell loudly. However, in front of him again appeared a big man with muscles all over his body, laughing and blocking Odin's mouth.

Odin was being manipulated mechanically there, and his heart was completely dead.

Yi Shuihan didn't see this scene. He threw Odin in the **** and didn't care about it anymore. He knew there must be a good show, but he still didn't stop, mainly because his eyes were too spicy.

In the hell, there are the 100 most terrifying people Yi Shuihan found in the underworld. They are all non-critical people. Except for the opposite sex, they will have sexual interest. If there is no accident, Odin will be patronized by each of them. Yi Shuihan couldn't imagine what it would become in the end.

In order to prevent Odin’s character from erupting due to intense stimulation and to increase his strength, Yi Shuihan sets up a seal that every time he is petted, a part of his power will be obtained by those who pet him. In this way, he It will only get weaker and weaker, and there is absolutely no possibility of counterattack.

Not to mention, Yi Shuihan also specifically notified the World Will, if there is any change in Odin's seal, he will immediately report it, and prepare with both hands, and it will be foolproof.

"Odin went to hell. Zeus is more suitable for **** to be executed. The stallion of this guy is simply earth-shattering."

Zeus didn't know Yi Shuihan's thoughts, if he knew it, he would come and fight Yi Shuihan immediately.

"Is this Gungnir?"

Aphrodite wondered a little bit later, just now, the clone sent Gangneil to the deity, and Aphrodite happened to see it in his eyes.

How could Aphrodite not know this magic that is famous among the gods, she had also imagined that she could get it.

"Yes, it's Gangnir!"

Yi Shuihan gave an affirmative answer, and also handed Gangnier to Aphrodite.

"But shouldn't it be in Odin's hands?"

Holding Gangneil, Aphrodite felt full of power, and at the same time was very moved by Yi Shuihan's so easy to give her this extremely precious magic.

"Originally it was in Odin's hands, but I snatched it over. It's like this..."

Yi Shuihan briefly explained the cause and effect.

"Odin is really guilty, and dare to lie to her husband."

Aphrodite was very angry at Odin’s cunning, and kept scolding Odin, even if he knew that Odin was in **** now, he still felt that Odin was cheaper, making Yi Shuihan sweat all over his body and silently mourned Odin. 1 second.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Seeing that Aphrodite had some love for Gangneil, Yi Shuihan said very simply that he had always treated his own women very generously.

"No, it's useless if I want it. If you have Gungnir, your strength can be improved a lot. Then you can protect me. Besides, I don't actually like this gun-shaped weapon."

Aphrodite resolutely handed Gangneil to Yi Shuihan, showing a look of disgust with Gangneil.

"If you give it to you, you can take it. With my strength, this thing won't make much difference. It's you. If you have it when I'm not here, you can protect yourself. It is ruined."

Having said that, Aphrodite finally accepted Gangneil, and then repayed Yi Shuihan well. He waited for Yi Shuihan very comfortably, and unlocked many postures.

Odin and Oakton are gone, and the monsters that attacked the fairy palace have returned to where they should have stayed, and the earth has once again restored its calm on the surface.

Another half year passed,

On this day, Yi Shuihan's deity was cultivating, and suddenly felt the surrounding spiritual energy increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, and directly changed from a gaseous state to a liquid state, and it began to rain.

"what happened?"

He opened his eyes suddenly, and didn't understand what happened for a while.


Suddenly Yi Shuihan felt something familiar, the original breath, and followed the feeling to find the source of the original breath.

Between Xiaojie and the protagonists are glowing white, and strands of origin are constantly floating out of their bodies.

"Is this... has entered the final stage?"

Yi Shuihan felt that the world will in this world was extremely active. As Xiaojie and the others emerged from their origins and merged into the void, the world will showed joy.

Even if it is the first time that Yi Shuihan has experienced this silver world being promoted to a world that can accommodate gold, Yi Shuihan also knows that at this time, he must not sing against the will of the world, otherwise he will have to be attacked by the will of the world. Then Yi Shuihan I may be fine, but I can't stay in this world, and the benefits are gone.

Instructing Xiaojie and the others to rest assured, Yi Shuihan quietly waited for the shock of the will of the world. At the same time, he felt that the breath of other gods, especially Zeus, was constantly accumulating and strengthening. It was obvious that he would use this time to do something. .

"Let me see what you plan on earth!"

Focusing on Zeus with five points of attention, Yi Shuihan intends to attack Zeus whenever something goes wrong. ,, ..

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