Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 886: Smallpox and Golden Lotus

The will of the world is changing, and when it successfully transforms into the Dao of Heaven, that's when this world completes its gorgeous transformation from the silver world to the gold world.

Although it is called the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of the Saint Seiya's world is definitely not comparable to that of the Primordial World. Even if it becomes a golden world, the Dao of this world is at most restricting the level of Da Luo Jinxian, as for the higher quasi-sage. And the saint, there is absolutely no way.

Compared with the prehistoric world, the foundation of the Saint Seiya world is too low, and the potential is insufficient. If it wants to grow into a prehistoric world, it can be counted for hundreds of millions of years, which is based on its steady growth.

For the world and the world, it is not always safe. Take this time, the promotion of the Saint Seiya world will consume the origin of other worlds. After it is completely promoted, the weaker world of the origin world must not be plundered. Fortunately, in order to make the world stronger, the next time it is not as simple as swallowing part of the source, it is not even that the whole world has to be swallowed by him.

Those worlds that were completely swallowed naturally lost the ability to continue to evolve, and could only exist as part of the Saint Seiya world.

These are far away from Yi Shuihan, but they are not, because Yi Shuihan now also has a portable world that can go and swallow this way. Of course, at present, Yi Shuihan’s ability is the most that allows it to swallow bronze. The world, the world of silver, even the lowest level of silver world, Yi Shuihan was powerless.

"Holy Spirit, how can I get the most benefit later?"

On a whim, Yi Shuihan asked the system such a question.

The system was silent for about 5 seconds, and when Yi Shuihan thought the system would not respond, it spoke.

"You can choose to help the system absorb the escaped energy and transform it into a practice point."

"Can it be like this?"

"Only now this situation meets the conditions for the system to help absorb, there was no environment before."

The system explained.

"That is to say, it is a special situation now."

"There is no problem with the host's understanding."

"If you choose to absorb energy, how many practice points you can get."

"At least 5 digits."

"5 digits? My system is awesome."

Even if Yi Shuihan had been in the system for so many years, he had had many practice points, and he was itchy by the system.

To be honest, Yi Shuihan is really scared of poverty. The recent missions on the practice point are so rare that Yi Shuihan misses the time when he was in Pirate World.

"If you are not allowed to absorb it, can I break through to gold?"

"The chance of a breakthrough is one percent."

"In this case, it's easy, you can operate the system when the time comes."

A decision was made quickly, and then Yi Shuihan also calmed down a lot. Although if the system is not allowed to absorb energy, he can at least break through to Jinxian and reach 8 or 9 silver stars. For the cold water, it is not ordinary to gold and it is meaningless.

With the good fortune jade butterfly, the golden fairy is not a bottleneck for Yi Shuihan at all, it belongs to the kind that can be easily broken through at will, while the big Luo Jinxian has initially reached immortality, and its meaning is completely different, compared to the difficulty of breaking through the golden fairy. At least a thousand times larger.

Even with the good fortune jade butterfly, Yi Shuihan wants to break through the Da Luo Jinxian time to count millions of years.

To take the opportunity to break through to Da Luo Jinxian, Yi Shuihan would rather give up these more than ten thousand points of cultivation point, not to say that the practice point is not as good as breaking through Da Luo Jinxian, but in Yi Shuihan's opinion, the time saved by breaking through Da Luo Jinxian is more worthwhile. After all, he Until now, I haven't practiced for a thousand years. In the future, there will be time and opportunities to encounter opportunities like this.

I don't know how long it took. Everyone in this world suddenly heard a loud noise from the depths of the soul, and the sound of a soul voice.

"From today, this world has been promoted to the golden world. Since I have been a god, I now grant you the opportunity for promotion."

The sky was falling in disorder, and the white flowers fell from the void. The realm of the creatures touched by the white flowers increased rapidly, and it was much faster than flying.

An ordinary person who hadn't even reached the 5 stars of Black Iron was directly promoted to bronze under the nourishment of smallpox, and this was still a relatively ordinary kind.

What's more, a baby who had just given birth caught up with this wave of Fu Li, and his cultivation base became a bronze 9-star directly from scratch, which was simply against the sky.

Of course, the lower the cultivation level, the more realms they can break through. For Xiaojie and the others, this smallpox can only support them to break through to silver.

Under this sky, Yi Shuihan's fighters all seized the opportunity, one after another promoted to silver and became gods.

If at other times, so many people were promoted to gods together, it would be absolutely earth-shattering. Zeus and the main gods would definitely come to watch, but now, they didn't even look here.

After the smallpox is the ground spring golden lotus. Compared with the smallpox, this golden lotus is much rarer. Basically, it only appears in a radius of a hundred miles.

Little is less, but the quality of the golden lotus is definitely far better than the smallpox, and this golden lotus is the figure above the silver, which is the focus of the battle among the gods of the earth.

Aphrodite was always collecting golden lotus non-stop, and the creatures fighting for the golden lotus fought fiercely. The original harmony dissipated instantly, but instead it was full of madness and murder.

In the face of this opportunity that is enough to change fate, no one will give up easily.

In the case where the main gods are all shots, the chance of getting the golden lotus is even lower than that of the sixth lottery. Many of them are injured and things are still being swept away, so they can only scold their mother in their hearts.

Compared with the busy main gods, Yi Shuihan seems very idle now. He stays in one place, motionless, and the system automatically collects golden lotus and smallpox, which is much more efficient than the main gods. When the system is working, Yi Shuihan can move, but the more he moves, the lower the efficiency of the system, so he simply stays where he is. Most of his attention is still on Zeus. He always feels that Zeus knows something. ,, ..

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