Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 887: Zeus attacking the heavens

The promotion opportunity should have been issued within the scope of this universe, but Yi Shuihan asked the system to find out that more than 50% of the opportunities were brought to the earth by the heavens, and he did not know whether it was affected or the earth. It really is the so-called center of the world.

We must know that this world is still very large, at least the size of a Milky Way galaxy, there are dozens of planets with life, and the earth occupies half of the chance, and dozens of other planets are divided into the other half. The earth is pro-son treatment.

"The sky is falling chaotically, and the ground is rushing into the golden lotus. I always feel that there is a sense of sight that can preach. Could it be the sound of the great road next."

This thought flickered in Yi Shuihan’s mind, and it really made him look forward to it. If there is a great voice, although it will not allow him to directly break through to Da Luo Jinxian, it can at least reduce the difficulty. Breakthrough Da Luo Jinxian changed from a ten-thousand-year mission to a thousand-year mission.

Soon Yi Shuihan knew that he was thinking too much. The practice of this world is not the way of comprehension, even if it is said, the effect is estimated to be small, and this heavenly way is not willing to let this world go incompatible with the small universe. the way.

The smallpox and the golden lotus lasted for about half a day, then the sky no longer floated down, and the golden lotus no longer emerged.

It stands to reason that this promotion opportunity should be over, but Yi Shuihan knows that this is just the beginning.

If promotion opportunities are equal benefits for all beings in this world, then there should be special benefits.

Whoever contributed to this promotion will naturally have to offer a reward.

There was a golden light in the sky, but the golden light continued to shoot out in the direction of the gods. Yi Shuihan noticed that the light that flew to Athena was the most, and he was only the size of an ordinary main god. Yi Shuihan could understand, after all, he hadn't done anything to swallow this world.

"Holy Spirit, can this thing be the legendary merit?"

"Yes, this is merit, which can be used to improve the realm of cultivation, increase the power of magic weapons, and offset sins."

Originally, the systematic collection of energy in the smallpox and the golden lotus was only worth 10,000 points, but this time the merit has been tripled to 30,000 points. This is the most practice Yi Shuihan has received since he got the system. point.

Not only that, with the continuous transformation of merit, the value of practice points is still increasing.

"Holy Spirit, can this merit be transformed into a fusion point."

With the cultivation point, Yi Shuihan put his attention on the fusion point. Speaking of which, the fusion function Yi Shuihan uses far less than the cultivation point, and the fusion point is too rare.

"Yes, but the conversion ratio of fusion points is only one-tenth of that of practice points. It is recommended not to transform into fusion points."

"Giving up is transformed into practice points, and all the rest is transformed into fusion points."

After thinking about it, Yi Shuihan still plans to get some fusion points for himself. There are already so many cultivating points, and you can borrow money in case of an accident. The fusion points do not have the function of borrowing. That is how much you can use. .

"As you wish, host."

The original beating at the 36900 practice point instantly freezes and no longer changes, but the fusion point column, the number 0 finally becomes 1, and the growth rate is considerable, of course, the growth rate is far inferior than before. I can look at it roughly. For a moment, it really seems to be only about one-tenth of the speed.

"It should be able to live at least a few thousand fusion points! You can also do some things."

Concerned about the growth of the fusion point for a while, Yi Shuihan once again devoted most of his time to Zeus.

This time, Zeus didn't seem to have received much merit for his meritorious deeds. It seemed that it was because he was not sad in the final battle for the origin.

But will things really be that simple?

Athena got the most merits, but even so, she did not break through to gold, or according to this, she was the tenth sense of the small universe.

"Could it be that Zeus knew that this merit was not enough to support his breakthrough, so he gave up on purpose?"

This idea was given up by Yi Shuihan as soon as it appeared. "No, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. As long as it accumulates as little as possible, it will change qualitatively sooner or later. This is not the reason for Zeus to abandon the battle for origin, unless there is a greater advantage for him I can no longer appreciate the benefits of this battle of origin."

Yi Shuihan also knows something better than merit, and has been exposed to it more than once, that is the origin of the world.

The merits are used to increase the power of magic weapons. It’s not as good as when you improve your cultivation level. But if you change to the world origin, it will be different. Using the world origin to break through, the breakthrough is even stronger than the average self breakthrough. Many.

"If what Zeus planned is the origin of the world, everything can make sense."

This is the guess that Yi Shuihan currently thinks is closest to reality.

After the merits have been distributed, all the main gods have gained more or less benefits. The main gods with 8 silver stars have reached 9 silver stars one after another, and they are not the first ones, and the original 9 silver stars have reached 9 silver stars. The next step is to break through to gold.

Even Yi Shuihan discovered that this fellow Poseidon had regained his physical body. This physical body was forged with merit and was no less than his original body that had been beaten.

It can be said that after this wave of merits, Zeus's status is already in jeopardy, and the gap between other gods and him has been greatly reduced.

However, Yi Shuihan found that Zeus did not show the slightest panic, instead he had an expression on his chest.

At the moment when the merits were disbursed, Heavenly Dao seemed to be weaker, and it seemed that he was preparing to hide for a while, and at this moment, Zeus shot.

Only Yi Shuihan, who had been paying attention to Zeus, could clearly see his shot, the target of Zeus's shot was actually Heaven.

"No! He is so bold."

Even Yi Shuihan was frightened by Zeus's behavior. You must know that even he had never had any thoughts of being in harmony with the heavens from beginning to end.

Being able to become a heavenly way, although only the lowest-level heavenly way, not to mention silver like Yi Shuihan, even weak gold can be suppressed at will. Zeus looked like he was looking for death.

The facts did not follow Yi Shuihan's expectations, the counterattack of Heaven's Dao was not as fierce as he had imagined, and everything seemed very strange. ,, ..

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