Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 893: Attack across time

Yi Shuihan, who was fighting with Zeus, felt that something was wrong with Zeus. Zeus swallowed Hermes and his strength increased greatly. However, the power gained out of thin air was not stable. After the initial outbreak, Zeus gradually became stronger. Strength and speed slowed down again.

Seeing that Yi Shuihan immediately had a chance to resist, he didn't know that Zeus roared again, and another **** was swallowed by him abruptly. This time it was Demeter, the goddess of fertility and agriculture, who looked pretty. The goddess, abruptly became Zeus's fuel, making Zeus tough again.

Two consecutive main gods have found Zeus's poisonous hand. This time the other main gods have lost their affection for Zeus. Not only did they not intend to help him, but they also wished that Zeus would be killed by Yi Shuihan immediately. They were also afraid! I'm afraid they will be the next one.

A few minutes later, Yi Shuihan suffered a few more injuries. Zeus's second wave of fuel had almost burned out, and he once again started the idea of ​​the other gods.

"You like Aphrodite very much, don't you? Then I will kill him first."

Zeus looked strange and said in a gloomy tone.

It doesn’t matter if the other main gods die or not, Yi Shuihan, but Zeus mentioned that Aphrodite Yi Shuihan is really anxious. Now Yi Shuihan doesn’t know how Zeus killed the first two main gods so easily. .

Even if it is Zeus's loyal dogleg Hermes, he cannot let Zeus kill him no matter how loyal it is! The previous situation was completely that he did not have the power to resist. This was extremely abnormal. The only reason was the means by which Zeus had placed his position on him, which allowed Hermes to be slaughtered.

Later, Demeter said that Zeus did not only use such methods on Hermes. This has made Yi Shuihan a little worried about Aphrodite’s safety. Now it has been confirmed that Zeus was also at Aphrodite. Di Te had left behind on him, and Yi Shuihan couldn't do it in a hurry.

"If you have something to say, let's sit down and have a cup of tea."

Yi Shuihan tried his best to make his expression calm, but the anxiety in his eyes could not be concealed.

Naturally speaking like this is not expecting Zeus to really stop, but is delaying time and finding a way from the system.

"Holy Spirit, do you know how Zeus did it? Is there a solution?"

"This is a method similar to temporary manipulation. Zeus used some means to leave a mark on the body of other main gods. As long as he activates the mark at a critical moment, the main **** can lose control of his body, and then all his power will be taken by Zeus. Used to absorb the outbreak."

"The solution?"

"Two methods, one is to make Aphrodite abandon her physical body, the mark of Zeus is not marked on the soul, and the second is to kill Zeus before Zeus can use the means."

Of the two choices, Yi Shuihan chose the second one. As for how to instantly kill Zeus in a short period of time, it is naturally impossible to rely on him alone. He can only work hard in the system store.

"Holy Spirit, are the remaining cultivation points enough for a powerful skill that can instantly kill Zeus?"

"Ding, there are skills that meet the standards..."

"I didn't say anything, that's it."

I chose the one with the highest cost, and I immediately chose to buy it. At this time, Yi Shuihan was too lazy to look at the effect of his skills carefully. He believed that the system would not pit him. The skills must meet his requirements. The most expensive one is also a picture. Peace of mind.

Zeus yelled, and Aphrodite flew towards Zeus like the previous Hermes.

Seeing that Aphrodite was about to die, Yi Shuihan finally made a move.

Yi Shuihan felt that he seemed to have transcended time. The horizon in his eyes was divided into two. One was the ongoing time, the timeline was going backward, and the other was the timeline going forward, as if it was going backwards.

In the past, the skills that Yi Shuihan purchased didn’t require much use of Yi Shuihan’s own power. This time Yi Shuihan felt that his power of time was constantly passing by, and with his reserve, he insisted on this for at most 3 minutes. status.

It took 15,000 points to buy a golden skill once. The effect of this skill is to hit a blow across the timeline, and the span of time is very exaggerated. It is calculated based on millions of years.

Zeus hadn't been born a million years ago, so Yi Shuihan directly hit him, who had just been born. At that time, he only had 5 silver stars, so he was hit on the spot.

Zeus was blown up, Yi Shuihan's vision returned to normal, and then he saw that Zeus had just grabbed Aphrodite and was about to start devouring it, but even here he was suddenly turned into fly ash, no Re-exist.

Attacks across the timeline made Zeus die directly without knowing how to die.

In the end, it is a golden skill, and it should be at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and the general achievement Daluo Jinxian does not have a certain grasp of the power of time. This skill seems very powerful, in fact, it is really not particularly good when facing golden experts. , The other party will know from your attack that you are attacking his past, and then have protection.

Generally, only those who have just stepped into the Daluo Jinxian are weaker than a million years ago. If you encounter those who have stepped into the Daluo Jinxian for a long time, such as others who have achieved the Daluo Jinxian for millions of years, this skill is basically abandoned.

If the opponent is an existence above Daluo, this skill is even more useless. Not to mention that people have practiced for more than a million years. It is impossible to attack what has been impossible in the past. One is to cut off the past and the future, which means that they have no past and future, only the present, neither the past nor the future. How can you attack the past?

Well, after explaining so much, it was actually useless. Da Luo's enemy was still a long way from Yi Shuihan.

The death of Zeus had a huge impact. All or the main gods looked at Yi Shuihan in a daze, and could not accept the death of Zeus for a while.

Hera's expression was dull, her eyes completely lost their brilliance, and the death of Zeus hit her the most.

"It's okay! Okay, everything is over, Zeus has been killed by me."

He embraced Aphrodite in his arms and comforted softly. ,, ..

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