Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 894: Big brother, beauty, handsome guy and old iron

I could feel that Aphrodite's body was very icy. Obviously, she was also scared enough. It is estimated that when Zeus caught him, she thought she was dead!

"How dare you treat my little boy like this, Zeus is still too cheap to die, and **** is specially prepared for him, and now he can't enjoy it."

If Zeus was too ruthless, it would be dangerous if he didn't kill the other Aphrodite. Yi Shuihan would definitely make a deal with him. It would be a better choice to throw him into the **** of the palace, or the **** of gays and Odin. .

In a way, Zeus was lucky, he died very happy because of his cruelty, and he didn't even feel dead.

"I... Am I not dead?"

Yi Shuihan's warm embrace made Aphrodite wake up from despair, but she still didn't believe that Zeus was dead, and she felt like she was in a dream.

"Of course you are not dead. If you die, you will be completely unaware. How can I be willing to let you die, your husband!"

Speaking softly to Aphrodite.

After hearing Yi Shuihan's words, Aphrodite was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes moved agile, but there was crystal clearness in his eyes.

"Uh" saw this trend of tears, Yi Shuihan panicked, tears of the woman's most powerful attack, Yi Shuihan has to admit, of course, this is only for Yi Shuihan's own woman, others are unfamiliar. A woman, no matter how beautiful she is, she won't be moved by crying and Yi Shuihan.

Just when Yi Shuihan was thinking about how to keep Aphrodite from crying, Aphrodite suddenly laughed when he saw Yi Shuihan's helpless expression.

With a hand to wipe away the tears that had not yet fully condensed, Aphrodite said in a slightly crying voice

"Don't you think I will cry? I won't!"

Can't cry, why do you have tears? Yi Shuihan didn't say this, he just smiled, and now is not the time to stimulate Aphrodite.

The tears flowed again after all, and even Aphrodite couldn't control it.

"I don't want it, but it's just... just disobedient."

The sound of sobbing caused Yi Shuihan's heart to twitch, but it was a pity that Zeus was dead and he couldn't vent it.

At this time, Yi Shuihan could only comfort Aphrodite with his body temperature, there was no other way.

"You all go to die!"

When the young couple was enjoying the warmth, the voice of resentment, Yi Shuihan, rang behind her, Hera's complexion was terrifying, the small universe burned crazily, and her hair turned white. This is an explosion that is completely unnecessary for life, just to kill. Yi Shuihan kills his husband and enemy.


Without turning his head back, just pointing his hand to the back, Hera was pierced by a thunder light, and the breath of life quickly dissipated. Before the attack came on Yi Shuihan's body, he had lost support, just like a computer that was suddenly powered off. same.

Hera is not dead, after all, her strength is not weak, she is only in a state of serious injury, but from Yi Shuihan's ability to seriously hurt Hera, you can know the horror of Yi Shuihan.

Hera is also the queen of gods no matter what, the strength of silver 9 stars, unexpectedly defeated so fast, usually a group of gods is absolutely shocked, but now it is only a little shocked, after all, Yi Shuihan just killed Zeus.

"Can you let go of the Queen of God."

When Yi Shuihan made further movements, Athena came to the side of the God Empress and pleaded with Yi Shuihan.

Athena has no affection for Zeus, but Hera is usually good to her, so she will come to intercede.

"Don't ask him. If I don't die, I swear I will make him regret it. Even if I can't kill him, I will kill his men and relatives."

Hera didn't appreciate it at all, or she wanted to die.

"You heard it all, it's not that I don't give you face, you should be able to understand me."

Yi Shuihan said faintly, causing Athena to frown, but in the end she did not speak again.

Raising his hand, he wanted to understand Hera thoroughly, but felt that his hand was being grasped. When he looked down, he realized that it was Aphrodite who was holding his hand.

"Let me come? I want to do something for you too."

Aphrodite’s face was determined. She wanted to share the responsibility for Yi Shuihan. Although Yi Shuihan didn’t kill Hera and Zeus for no reason, this behavior would inevitably make other gods jealous of Yi Shuihan. Uncomfortable Yi Shuihan, Aphrodite wants to be treated the same as Yi Shuihan, and is hated together.

Seeing Aphrodite’s mind, Yi Shuihan was moved in his heart, and also grabbed Aphrodite’s hand and said

"All this is for me to bear. As my woman, the only thing you need to do is to live happily."

Without waiting for Aphrodite's reaction, hundreds of thunder lights directly beat Hera into a sieve, and finally Hera turned into fly ash.

Of the Twelve Lord Gods, five of them died directly and indirectly in Yi Shuihan's hands. They were almost average and almost existed in name only.

At this time, the way of heaven was finally restored, but Zeus was dead, and it also had nowhere to send fire. It slammed into the air a few times with the punishment of heaven, showing the sense of existence, and then the eyes of heaven disappeared.

"Now let's settle accounts after the autumn. First of all, Apollo, you were very arrogant just now!"

Clone No.1 said to Apollo with a smile, but it frightened Apollo and shivered all over.

Even Zeus died in Yi Shuihan's hands. Apollo was completely afraid of being killed by Yi Shuihan himself. He believed that Yi Shuihan definitely had this strength.

"Actually... Actually I just wanted to make a joke with you just now. After all, we are brothers. Didn't you call me the big brother? I think it is normal for the brothers to make a joke.

Apollo also went to the doctor in a hurry, and found an unreliable reason casually.

"Big brother is a term similar to a handsome guy, a beautiful woman, and an old iron. It has no practical meaning. It's so difficult for you to know? This is just common sense."

Clone One looks like you are uneducated. Being grateful for talking to Apollo is an insult to his IQ and lowers his level.


Intentional, absolutely deliberate, but Apollo really didn't dare to refute it. Now it's Yi Shuihan who is saying anything. If he sings against the tune, he is not seeking death? ,, ..

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