Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 895: Only the free sea king and the sun **** without freedom

"Yes, yes, I have no culture. I will definitely learn knowledge well in the future and strive to meet your requirements. No, I have to find a human teacher to teach me common sense immediately."

As Apollo said, he turned and ran, as if he was really looking for someone to learn common sense.

"Stop! Come back."

Silently looking at Apollo, who had already run dozens of kilometers, Yi Shuihan really didn't expect that the dignified sun **** would be so funny, and it was a brand new experience for Yi Shuihan.

Apollo looked bitter, and it only took a few seconds to run to dozens of kilometers away, but when he came back, he was slower than a snail, with a tragic look of going to the execution ground.

In this regard, Yi Shuihan said that there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little, and then he really laughed.

Seeing Yi Shuihan smiled, Apollo also had a flash of joy in his eyes. He knew that now he could only escape this catastrophe by making Yi Shuihan happy.

Like Apollo, on the other side, Poseidon is also using his own words to resolve his grievances with Yi Shuihan. He is facing the clone number 2.

"I was merciful just now. You know, Zeus and I are not very good. I just cooperate with other people. If you really can't beat me, I will definitely help you at the critical moment. Who will let us? It's a friend!"

Poseidon's sincere face completely stood on the commanding heights of morality, as if he was really thinking about Yi Shuihan.

"You show mercy and took out all the tridents?"

"This fight! You have to pretend to be a bit like, you see, if we fight like this, it's not all right. This is the result of my restraining the power of the trident. Don't believe me."

Poseidon's small universe continued to merge into the trident, and the trident gleamed in the blink of an eye, completely different from before, bringing a certain sense of crisis to the clone.

"This is actually my real strength."

When he said this, Poseidon secretly said that he was lucky. In fact, he was going to use this power just before Zeus went crazy and killed Hermes.

Clone No. 2 looked at Poseidon with his indifferent eyes, and he was frightened, for fear that he would be attacked suddenly.

Poseidon felt so bitter! I knew that I would let Yi Shuihan fight with Zeus. It would be better to watch a movie by myself. As a result, my head got cramped and I had to get involved. Obviously he and Zeus couldn't deal with it!

The reason why Poseidon made his move was only intending to follow the trend. He was actually a little afraid of Yi Shuihan. If it weren't for other gods, he wouldn't be able to move, but Yi Shuihan should also look at the situation It is impossible to face the main gods.

How could it be known that Zeus killed Hermes suddenly and died suddenly while killing Aphrodite?

Yes, he died suddenly. The death was so inexplicable. Poseidon didn’t even see Yi Shuihan’s action. Zeus died. But it must have been done by Yi Shuihan. There is no doubt about this. The only problem is that I don't know how Yi Shuihan did all this.

"Have you heard of mental damage expenses?"

Clone 2 suddenly spoke.

Poseidon was taken aback, then reacted, nodding frantically

"Understand, this is the golden lotus that I collected before and has not been used. This is the sea **** stone, condensing the sea Jinghua, one can turn into a sea; this is the wind bead, the sycamore wood..."

Poseidon took out a lot of things, trying to make money and eliminate disaster.

It's just that Yi Shuihan was completely indifferent to the good things in the eyes of these ordinary people, and Poseidon looked increasingly unfriendly.

Finally, Poseidon was sweating profusely and kept taking out things. Seeing that Yi Shuihan was still unsatisfied, he was heartbroken and took out the trident reluctantly.

"I really don't have any, I'm left with this divine suit. You must let me wear something!"

Poseidon was about to cry, but Yi Shuihan was still not completely satisfied.

"I...I... can't I take it off?"

Under Yi Shuihan's gaze, Poseidon had only a pair of red underwear left. Don't ask why a **** like Poseidon wears underwear or why it is red.

"En" At this time, clone 2 finally nodded slightly, "You pass the level, but next time, I will kill you."

Poseidon escaped, but Apollo was taken to the underworld by Yi Shuihan to be the janitor. A sun **** as janitor, just thinking about it, felt full.

Because of the promotion of the world, Apollo may reach gold in a short time. This world may be a few years, maybe decades, or even hundreds of years. Anyway, he will definitely break through, in order to prevent him from attacking Yi Shuihan after his breakthrough. In revenge, Yi Shuihan asked him to surrender a trace of his soul obediently. As long as this soul is in his hands, even if Apollo's life is not in his hands, he will be hit hard. Yi Shuihan still doesn't care about a badly wounded gold.

Of course, if Apollo can break through to gold ahead of Yi Shuihan, it is still unknown. With the existence of a system, Yi Shuihan has unlimited possibilities.

Compared with Poseidon, Apollo looks much worse, Poseidon at least still has freedom, but he even lost himself.

After that, Yi Shuihan did not continue to kill. After giving some small punishments to the other main gods who participated in the siege, he let them go. It was not that Yi Shuihan was generous, mainly because Yi Shuihan felt that he was completely different from these main gods. One level of existence, it's not guilty to care too much about them.

One month has passed since the World Promotion Day, and Yi Shuihan’s injury has completely recovered. Zeus’s small sword is still powerful, allowing Yi Shuihan to heal his injuries for a month. This is the strength of Yi Shuihan himself. , Change to any other silver, let alone recover from the injury, it is estimated that he was injured and dragged to death.

"Now is the time to summarize the gains, alas, my practice point! It has become such a small point again."

Looking at the number of 1900, Yi Shuihan was very depressed. He originally had nearly 20 times this number.

"Fortunately there is this thing, otherwise I don't even have a place to cry."

Looking at the blood of the Heavenly Dao in his hand, Yi Shuihan smiled when he thought of the effect of the blood of the Heavenly Dao. The blood of the Heavenly Dao was worth more than 30,000 practice points.

"This is the key to a higher level! Really deprived Zeus actually knows the benefits of the blood of heaven.",.

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