Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 896: Exchange possibility

The blood of Heaven’s Path, said to be blood, is actually a more mysterious thing, because Heaven’s Path is invisible, and the Eye of Heaven’s Path is just something condensed like an eye. In fact, it is entirely energy, not flesh and blood. Blood is just because it looks like blood, a metaphor.

What kind of magic power does the blood of heaven in Yi Shuihan's hands make Zeus hesitate to extinct this world?

He attacked Heaven’s Dao and produced the blood of Heaven’s Dao. I think with my mind that Heaven’s Dao will no longer indulge him after he is restored. It is definitely not a scene that will not destroy Zeus unless Zeus shows the ability to threaten this world. Although Tiandao is strong, it cannot completely ignore the destruction of his world.

"Like the ten thousand gold oil merit, it can improve the level of cultivation, strengthen the magic weapon, and change the air luck to a certain extent, but the most important thing is that it can help cut out of the past."

That's right, it is to cut out the past body. Above the Daluo Jinxian is the quasi-sage, and the most orthodox method for achieving the quasi-sage is to cut the three corpses, which is the three corpses of one's good, evil and the self, generally To cut a corpse requires an innate magic weapon as a backing. The stronger the magic weapon, the stronger the corpse cut out.

This slashing out of the past body by using the blood of the heavenly path is similar to the slaying of the quasi-sage. The difference is that the past body is cut out, and this past body does not become a clone, but merges with itself. To achieve the same purpose of improving cultivation, no innate magic weapon is needed.

Cut out the past and the future. In Mingwu himself, he can break through to the equivalent of the saint class, one step less than cutting the three corpses, and the former is stronger in terms of strength, because the cutting power does not Dispersed but merged together, and returned to the original point at the sage class, the two are comparable.

"So, Zeus is really far-sighted. The Daluo Jinxian, who represents gold, has not made a breakthrough, and he has actually considered something higher."

"Host, you are wrong about that, things shouldn't be like that."

"Um, I was wrong. Tell me what Zeus should think."

"The blood of the heavenly Dao should be taken by someone, and the lotus seed, shield and small sword are the same person or force. Then he got the blood of the heavenly path and can use that person or strength to leave this world and reach a broader world. The world, and because you will get a certain reward for completing the task, it is not as good as the blood of heaven, but it is certainly not bad."

"It is indeed possible."

Yi Shuihan had to admit that there were some truths in the system's speculation. If he was Zeus himself, he would probably only attack Heavenly Dao in this situation. Otherwise, even if the blood of Heavenly Dao gets his hands, he will be trapped in this world. Cultivate to the gold level without doing anything!

Zeus is also considered a cunning veteran. Without the variable Yi Shuihan, he might have succeeded.

"The blood of heaven is good, but it's useless for me now! I haven't even broken through the golden immortal yet!"

Suddenly thinking of this question, the joy of getting the blood of the heavenly path was diluted a lot.

"Host, you can choose to exchange the blood of Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Dao for some other things, such as smallpox and golden lotus, and if you choose to exchange, Heavenly Dao may look at your Pluto clone differently in the future. In the long run, your Pluto clone may be able to replace it. The position of Zeus even has a slight possibility to control this world."

"There is such a great advantage to be able to control this world. That is not the lord of the world. This world is heavenly. He will not let the power of the Pluto clone grow to the point where it can threaten it!"

"For others, this is the case, but the host is different. The Pluto clone is still your clone, and if your strength increases, he will also increase. This is the variable. With the variable, there is the possibility to become the world. The possibility of the Lord."

Indeed, Yi Shuihan will not stay in this world forever. In other worlds, the heavens of this world simply cannot control him. At that time, it is estimated that it will not have much restraint on the strength of the Pluto clone, plus the Pluto clone is in The Heavenly Dao in this world seems to be entirely local, and then the Pluto clone will have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

It is almost impossible for an outsider to become the lord of the world, unless he has the ability to suppress a world alone, and at that time he is not a burden to the world. On the contrary, becoming the lord of the world will drag him down. The meaning of Lord of the World.

The locals are different. Heaven’s resistance to the locals will not be so strong, at least they will not use the tactics of dealing with outsiders. Of course, this does not mean that locals can easily become the masters of the world. The difficulty is still great, and both chance and strength are indispensable.

Yi Shuihan thought for a long time, and finally resisted the temptation of the blood of Heavenly Dao. He chose to return the blood of Heavenly Dao to Heavenly Dao, just to give the Pluto clone a chance.

"The way of heaven is really stingy, the blood of heaven is so precious, it should be worth tens of millions of cultivation points! In the end, only 100,000 was given to me."

Looking at the 101900 cultivation points and 5000 fusion points displayed by the system, Yi Shuihan's mouth opened up. Compared to the blood of the heavens, I don’t know how long it will take to use them. These cultivation points and fusion points are the real hard currency. , Can be used to enhance strength at any time, or to deal with unknown dangers.

After a few more years, after the Heaven’s Path fell silent, there were new actions, and most of the worlds that it had swallowed the origin of the world before were merged into this world. It was still silent, and those worlds became in this world. Many planets.

Among Yi Shuihan's fighters, except for King Mao, everyone else found their original world in the Saint Seiya world, and the question of what would happen if they lost their origins and return to the original world was gone.

Perhaps because of Yi Shuihan's relationship, it means that the planets of their world are very close, so that with their strength, even the planets that stay in their own world can quickly connect.

"Are you really going to return to the original world?"

Yi Shuihan looked at King Daomao seriously, just now King Daomao found him, expressing his desire to return to his original world. ,, ..

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