Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 897: Leaving Saint Seiya

The Saint Seiya’s heaven did not include the Moon World in this world. From this point of view, we knew that things were not as simple as it might seem. The Saint Seiya’s heaven did not think the Moon World was easy to mess with.

Originally, Yi Shuihan actually thought that the Moon World should be included in the Saint Seiya World, because the battle power in fate reached the level of destroying the city. Not to mention the current Saint Seiya world, even the previous Saint Seiya world is complete. Rolling fate.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized that my thinking was a little bit worse. The composition of the Moon World is not just a fate world, it is the existence of countless parallel time and space. Various versions of fantasy heroes constitute that world, which is the ruined city of fate. Level, that is just a clone of the heroic spirits, their bodies may not be gods, but they are definitely strong under the gods.

The King of Mao is relatively well-known among the heroic spirits. In fact, the real combat power may not be too strong, that is, the middle and upper ones, and the heroes in the myths even have the existence of god-eaters.

Besides, there are gods in the Moon World, otherwise, how did the demigod heroes come from?

Gaia and Alaya should be at the same level as the Saint Seiya's current Heavenly Dao, and may even be higher-end to some extent.

After understanding this, Yi Shuihan actually didn't want King Mao to return to her original world. After she had cultivated to the ninth sense, she would definitely be watched by Gaia and Alaya. What would happen is unpredictable.

After telling Altria about her guess, Altria was silent. She knew that Yi Shuihan was caring about her, but she still couldn't let it go.

"Have you not seen the fate series? Why can't you think about it? Besides, you are only one, even if the clone is almost separated from the main body now, how about temporarily letting go of what the main body carries."

"Who told you that I am a clone? I am the ontology!"


This time Yi Shuihan was really stunned. He had always thought that the heroes in front of him were cloned, and his inertial thinking killed people!

"Yes, for the heroic spirits, most of their strength is actually on the treasures, and their strength level is generally not too high. It is not very reliable to distinguish between the clone and the body on the surface. Not only that, but after Certain changes will also occur when crossing her. In the end, to me, the difference between the strength of the clone and the body is actually not obvious, both are so weak."

It took a short time to accept the fact that what was in front of him was the ontology. At this time, Yi Shuihan could also faintly understand the girl’s feelings. Maybe she just wanted to personally say God’s sorry to a man who robbed her wife and tell him She is actually connected.

"I can help you go back, but you have to promise me one thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Protect yourself at all times, and ask me for help if you are in danger."

Otherwise, she will always feel a little uncomfortable in her heart when she goes back to relieve her heart knot, so Yi Shuihan decided to let her go back. For her safety, Yi Shuihan spent 2000 practice points to give her a chance to summon herself to her world, although It is only called for a limited time.

At this time, Yi Shuihan's practice point fell below six figures, leaving only 99,900 points.

Yi Shuihan himself didn't have the ability to return the girl to her own world. He found Athena and others, and finally relied on the power of heaven to open the way to the world of the moon.


"It's almost time to go to the new world to find breakthrough opportunities."

It has been another 50 years since the promotion of the world, and Altria also untied her knot and returned to the world of Saint Seiya. There are also some twists and turns that have occurred, not to mention.

Relying on the good environment brought by the good fortune of the jade butterfly and the promotion of the world, Yi Shuihan has cultivated to the 9-star silver peak, which is the peak of the golden fairy, and one step further is the great Luo Jinxian.

The first golden powerhouse appeared in this world as early as 20 years ago. Even Yi Shuihan did not expect that this breakthrough was not someone else, but himself. To be precise, it was his Pluto clone, which was also dependent on With the Pluto clone, he can reach the edge of breaking through gold in a short period of time, otherwise, even if there is a good fortune jade butterfly, the time will be at least several times longer.

The Pluto clone became the number one power in the world, and Yi Shuihan was relieved to leave without worrying about who would cause trouble if he left.

Yi Shuihan didn't tell anything about leaving except his own woman. The others just knew that he was going to retreat for a while when facing a breakthrough. He told Xiaojie that they could go to the underworld to find a new Pluto if they had something to do.

Aphrodite has already signed a contract with Yi Shuihan and also met with other girls. The girls are all living in Yi Shuihan’s portable world, and Yi Shuihan no longer intends to let them enter again. Summoning space, he went to the portable world from time to time to comfort the girls.

A tall and portable world abruptly turned into a crystal palace by Yi Shuihan, it is finally a luxury.

Originally, Yi Shuihan planned to let Aphrodite stay in the underworld and accompany the Hades clone, but at the strong request of Aphrodite, she stayed with the other girls and was also in Yi Shuihan’s portable world. .

"Holy Spirit, let's go!"

Staying in a secret room that can only be forcibly opened by a strong gold, Yi Shuihan quietly left the world of the saint.

The current Yi Shuihan is no better than at the beginning, and his strength is not too weak, so when he crosses, it is not the kind of blindness in front of him and the next moment he will arrive at the place, but can feel the process of crossing.

Yi Shuihan calculated the travel time and found that it took him about 7 days to reach the first new world. However, when the system planned to bring him in, he chose not to enter, and the system responded to his Request, continue to search for a new world.

The reason why Yi Shuihan didn’t enter the first world was just because he felt that the world was very weak and it was not enough to support his breakthrough. What he wanted was an existence that was at least comparable to the world of Saint Seiya who was promoted to gold. Stronger, naturally better.

Just stop and go, after experiencing no less than a dozen worlds, Yi Shuihan finally stopped in front of a new world, and he felt that this world should allow him to break through.

The system plunged into the vast world with Yi Shuihan. ,, ..

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