Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 898: Go to Magic Star

"Obviously it is an interstellar world, and it is still a more developed interstellar world, interstellar travel has fallen.

It has been three days since he came to this world, and Yi Shuihan also initially understood where he was, an ordinary tourist planet Maple Leaf Star named Galo Starfield.

Due to the special environment of Maple Leaf Star, there is a red maple tree that does not change at all in the three seasons of the year, making the entire Maple Leaf Star beautiful every day and attracting many interstellar visitors.

There are probably more than 100 planets like Maple Leaf Star in the Galo Star Field. There are 129 named planets in the entire Galo Star Field, and some planets are barren planets that don’t even have a name. Life, but the environment is very bad, not suitable for living, and has no development value at all, so it doesn't even have a name.

The one who rules the Galo star field is a guy named Luo Mo, who controls a combat legion and is responsible for stabilizing the order of the star field.

Since Deciduous Star is not a large planet, Yi Shuihan has not received much news, and he hasn't even confirmed what the world is like.

Of course, maybe this world is not the world Yi Shuihan is familiar with.

What surprised Yi Shuihan was that the world understands things like the Internet, and even mechas are relatively rare. They have clearly developed to be able to travel on different planets, but they don’t even have the most basic Intel Nate. They know the news. At that time, Yi Shuihan was a little dazed, and the entire universe virtual network he envisioned was rampant, and the mainstream science fiction world of mecha was completely out of reach.

Originally, when Yi Shuihan just learned that this was an interstellar world, he was still thinking about whether he could play a virtual game, but it turned out that he was thinking too much.

Yi Shuihan finally understood the reason why the world’s science and technology tree was wrong on the third day, because he saw a few guys with energy comparable to nuclear bombs in their bodies. They seemed to have a high status, but they were said to be in Luo Mo's army is also at the bottom, which tells Yi Shuihan that this is a world whose personal combat power can go against the sky.

Think about it, if this world is really that simple, it would not be the world that Yi Shuihan chose to make a breakthrough.

"Sir, the spaceship of Ten Thousand Magic Stars has arrived, please board."

"Okay, coming soon."

Responding to the waiter who came to inform, Yi Shuihan sorted his clothes and came to the spaceport. The behemoth with a hand of about 2 kilometers parked there quietly. It was the Apple Tree that Yi Shuihan was about to ride, and the only one to travel to and from Maple Leaf Star. One of the large spaceships only communicates with Magic Star and Maple Leaf Star.

The magic star is also the central planet of the Galo star field, the planet that Luo magic stayed with.

This world seems to be tolerant of races. Yi Shuihan has seen more than a hundred races in the past few days. Most people are not surprised at this, and there is absolutely nothing about Yi Shuihan, the only human race on earth. Feel any sense of violation.

Because of aesthetic issues, Yi Shuihan has not seen a woman he finds pleasing to the eye in the past few days, but there is a large basket of people of the opposite **** who feel very frightened.

On the Apple Tree, Yi Shuihan was assigned to a luxurious room with a size of 100 square meters. This kind of room is the best even in the Apple Tree. There are 10 of them in the entire ship and can live in it. Whether it is rich or expensive, the tickets are paid to let the ordinary people of Maple Leaf Star work for ten years.

However, for Yi Shuihan, everything that can be solved with money is not a problem, so it is normal for him to live in the most luxurious room.

If Yi Shuihan didn't know the way to the magic star, he estimated that he would not even be able to make a spacecraft. The Galo star field strictly controls the coordinates of the planet. Only the semi-official spacecraft such as the Apple Tree has the coordinates of the magic star.

The deluxe room comes with its own equipment and other services are also very good, such as various ethnic girls who can accompany the guests to go to bed, free food, can request the spacecraft to stop once, and even arrange special arrangements outside the deluxe room area After the small spaceship, there was an accident, and these distinguished guests could be arranged to escape immediately.

Declining the decision to be a beautiful woman in the eyes of others on the boat, Yi Shuihan sat quietly by the window and enjoyed his own food.

The reason why it’s your own food instead of on the spaceship is because the food on the spaceship is really not good. The nutritional value may be high. The appearance is not wrong. The taste is not flattering. At most it is a small restaurant on the earth. Level, which makes it difficult to swallow the taste of Yi Shui Han.

Yi Shuihan's room is the best even in a room of the same level, because the universe starry sky can be seen outside the window.

"In terms of food and entertainment, the world is really not very good. It is not as good as the world of Saint Seiya before. There are at least some novels, comics, movies, etc., but maybe because the place I stay is relatively backward. Other places say There may be real high technology."

Apart from enjoying food, Yi Shuihan couldn't find any other way to entertain. There was a casino on the spacecraft, but for Yi Shuihan it was too simple, he couldn't bully the weak.

Another popular place on the spaceship outside of the first time is the training field. The training here does not refer to the practice of internal skills or magic, but the simple exercise of the flesh, simple and crude.

There is no bronze for the strongest, and Yi Shuihan at this training ground also feels that there is no need to go.

Therefore, Yi Shuihan really has nothing to do. Fortunately, the portable world is really portable. Yi Shuihan easily set up a barrier so that he can know when someone comes and enter the portable world. He closed his eyes and sat on the sofa. It's like sleeping.

If he didn't enter completely, he would return to his original location again. Yi Shuihan would definitely not just enter with distraction.

"What's wrong, husband."

Cai Yan, who was talking to Yi Shuihan, found that Yi Shuihan was stunned and asked gently.

"Something happened outside, I'll go out and have a look first."

There was a parting kiss, and Yi Shuihan was distracted and returned to his body. As for why distraction can kiss, this is not too much to explain.

"So what happened?"

Opening his eyes, Yi Shuihan found that the door of his room was knocked very loudly, and the people outside seemed impatient.

Just about to open the door, before Yi Shuihan could walk over, the door slammed open, and a group of people rushed in.

These people looked surprised when they saw Yi Shuihan, and then looked at Yi Shuihan with scrutiny. ,, ..

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