Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 900: Annan comes

"You can go now. By the way, let someone fix the door. Forget it, I'll do it myself!"

A little magic went down, the door was completely restored to its original shape, and at this time our fat captain walked out in a muddled manner.


The sound of closing the door sounded, and the fat captain shivered suddenly, finally waking up a lot.

Looking back at the closed door with complicated gaze, the fat captain hoped that everything before was an illusion, and Lord Anxi did not die inside.

"Prince Anxi is dead, Lord Annan will never let me go. Even the people on this ship will die because of this. If it doesn't work, I have to make arrangements quickly."

Taking out the communicator, the fat captain dialed his home communication number.

After a few beeps, the communicator heard a waxy sound.

"Is it my husband?"

"Yes, it's me. Don't say anything now. Listen to me. There is money I hide in the closet at home. You quickly take it, and then take your daughter to go to your brother. I will probably not come back. If you think If life is difficult, you can find another man."

"What happened to my husband..."

After hanging up the communication, the fat captain felt a little collapsed. He stood there for a while before feeling regained his strength. He walked to his captain's room blankly, and then reported the cause and effect of the incident to his boss. The guarantee of not as good as his wife and children is to let go of his heart and wait quietly for death.

Compared with the fat captain, Yi Shuihan was obviously much calmer. Killing Anxi was nothing to him at all. He almost forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

The spacecraft sailed slowly in the universe, and the next few days were calm and calm until the sixth day.

"En? Someone is here."

Yi Shuihan, who was eating, suddenly raised his head. He felt that there were almost a hundred people coming not far from the spaceship. The weakest and youngest of these people were stronger than the Legion soldier on the Apple Tree.

"It's not good!"

The malice that exudes can be clearly felt from far away.

Under Yi Shuihan's gaze, a spaceship much smaller than the Apple Tree gradually approached, and the Apple Tree listened to it after spotting the spacecraft.

"What's the matter? Why did it stop."

"Did it break down?"

"Could it be that cosmic pirates appeared?"

The passengers on the apple tree noticed the situation of the spacecraft and screamed. For a while, a panic spread on the spacecraft, especially the spacecraft did not explain it, which made people even more alarmed.

After a few minutes, the small spaceship finally bordered on the Apple Tree.

A group of tauren wearing red combat uniforms brutally broke into the Apple Tree. When these people came in, they would kill them without saying anything.

" are the subordinates of Captain Annan, why did you kill us? We didn't do anything to sorry Captain Annan!"

Someone recognized the origin of these people and yelled frantically, but what was waiting for him was an energy wave, and his body exploded into a rain of blood.

Knowing who killed them, these passengers are desperate. Some passengers who originally wanted to fight back are waiting numbly to be killed, and they can no longer resist.

The killing was lively outside, but Yi Shuihan's room was smashed once again. A man who resembled Anxi with an eight-point resemblance, but was a big chunk, looked at him fiercely.

"It's you who killed my son Anzai?"

"Who are you? Isn't it the father of that idiot Anxi?"

Murderous intent was like howling a violent wind, the whole room became cold for several degrees.

"Ah!" Annan roared, his voice turned into sound waves, shaking everything in the room to pieces, "I will kill you in the cruelest way."

The huge axe smashed over at once, and the target was Yi Shuihan's shoulder.

"How is it possible? He actually took Captain Annan's axe!"

The exclamation sounded, and several soldiers that Annan had brought looked at Yi Shuihan in amazement.

"Bronze 5-star strength, it seems that this axe still retains some strength, don't you want me to die too fast?"

Annan's strength can be seen in Yi Shuihan's eyes.


The axe, which was countless times harder than alloy, was directly crushed by Yi Shuihan.

"No wonder I dared to kill, there were two things."

Seeing that the direct axe was broken, Annan calmed down strangely. However, Yi Shuihan could feel the strength of his whole body condense continuously, like a volcano about to erupt.

The sound of "huhu" sounded, and in Yi Shuihan's surprised eyes, Annan's magical powers were wrapped in white flames.

"This scene is a bit familiar!"

Before Yi Shuihan remembered why he was familiar, Annan's fist slammed over. This time he did not keep his hand. The power of this punch was enough to make the Apple Tree fall apart.

The fist was still caught, and it was just a finger.

Feeling the motionlessness of Yi Shuihan's fingers as a mountain, no matter how hard he tried, Annan's complexion finally changed. He knew that he might meet a real strong man whose strength was still above him.

"Who the **** are you! Are you here to fight my Garo star field?"

Annan is also a warrior who has experienced many battles. At this moment, he feels the crisis of life and death. The anger of his son being killed has disappeared, and what is left is absolute calmness.

"Interesting, you are not bad."

Upon discovering Annan's state, Yi Shuihan gave him a rare glance.

The fingers bend slightly and then straightened again. With a "bang", Annan has already plunged his entire body into the wall.


"Master Annan!"

"Captain Annan 1"

The rest of the people kept exclaiming, looking at Yi Shuihan in horror, as if they were watching a scourge.

"He...he is actually stronger than Annan-sama!?"

The fat captain who brought Annan to Yi Shuihan’s room was stunned. He never thought that Yi Shuihan would become such a strong one. Annan’s strength is also ranked top in the entire Galo star domain, if there is a list. , Is definitely the top twenty strong.

What Yi Shuihan had said in the fat captain's mind, "Even when Luo Mo came, he couldn't let me leave this room", he suddenly had an idea that made him feel incredible.

Is this an existence of the same level as Lord Luo Mo? If this is the case, he is not afraid of Lord Luo Mo and will make sense.

The fat captain's imagination is still a little bit worse, and Yi Shuihan is simply much stronger than Luo Mo. ,, ..

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