Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 901: Arrived at Magic Star

Frowning, Yi Shuihan ignored the frightened people in the room and walked straight out of the room.

"There is also a fish that slipped through the net, just so, kill him, I have 100 heads."

A tauren came to kill Yi Shuihan, but it was him who died, the one with the separated head.

Yi Shuihan knew that the people on this boat were tired by him, and felt a little bit sad, so he came out to act as a savior.

The passengers who are already dead don't care. Those who didn't die saw Yi Shuihan's rescue. They were so powerful that even the soldiers of the Luo Demon Army were not opponents. They were extremely grateful and admired for Yi Shuihan.

Of course, if they knew that all this was caused by Yi Shuihan, they probably wouldn't be grateful for Yi Shuihan.

It took 10 minutes for Yi Shuihan to clean up all the Bailai people brought by Annan and return to his own room.

"My lord, spare your life, spare your life!"

Seeing Yi Shuihan, the remaining soldiers in this room knelt down and begged for mercy. They already knew why Yi Shuihan went out.


This begging for mercy was okay. Yi Shuihan felt upset as soon as he begged for mercy and directly ended their lives. So far, Annan and the people he brought died in Yi Shuihan's hands.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and sail, isn't the magic star still here?"

"Ah! Uh, yes, I'll go right away."

The Fat Captain stumbled out of the room, and it didn't take long for the Apple Tree to start again.

A week later, the Apple Tree successfully stopped at the port of Magic Star.

Yi Shuihan was the first to get off the spaceship, and then he saw Luo Mo and his army.

The reason why Luo Mo can be recognized is because Yi Shuihan has seen his portrait.

Luo Mo's army has a total of tens of thousands of people, and at this time, it is roughly estimated that there are 8,000 in front of Yi Shuihan, and it can be said that most of them have come.

"Bronze 9 stars? Not bad strength, so this so-called Galo star field is actually not very important in this world, it should belong to that kind of poor country."

After all, it is the world that allows Yi Shuihan to find a breakthrough in gold. According to the general situation, the top power of this world should be gold level. If it is mainstream, it should be silver, and Luo Mo does not even have silver. Naturally, Yi Shuihan has such an inference.

"Based on the fact that the Bronze 9 stars can control hundreds of planets, the number of planets in this world may be counted in units of 10,000."

These thoughts flashed in Yi Shuihan's mind.

"You killed my captain Annan?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Luo Ba, the commander of the Luo Devil Army."

Luo Ba is known to Yi Shuihan. It is said that he is Luo Mo's own younger brother. His strength is only below Luo Mo. Well, he has a bronze 8-star realm.


After an indifferent oh, Yi Shuihan completely ignored the group of people who were obviously coming to trouble him, and walked directly towards the exit.

Seeing this, Luo Mo made a look at Luo Ba, and then Luo Ba flew directly towards Yi Shuihan, without saying anything, and started fighting.

"Sneak attack is not a good character, please let me, I have to borrow it."

After Luo Ba's attack was passed, Yi Shuihan said politely to the legion soldiers who stood in front of him.

"Don't ignore me!"

Luo Pa was mad at Yi Shuihan's attitude, and the white flames gleamed all over his body, and the entire magic star trembled violently under his aura.

"piss off."

The backhand was a slap, slapped Luo Pa into half a pig's head, and the fiery pain on his face completely made Luo Pa lose his mind.

"I want you to die!"

With both hands facing Yi Shuihan, a series of energy bombs were continuously launched, and even the soldiers in front of Yi Shuihan were in the attack range.

Boom, boom boom...

After a while, the place where Yi Shuihan originally stood and a huge pit with a radius of 10,000 meters appeared, and more than 200 Legion soldiers were killed by Luo Pa.

Luo Mo has been watching this battle quietly. At this time, his expression was slightly puzzled. He didn't believe that Yi Shuihan would die so easily, but there was no more Yi Shuihan's figure there, obviously. The bomb was gone.

"Big brother is really making a fuss. This kind of **** has to come in person. If it weren't for my carelessness before, he wouldn't even touch me."

Luo Ba thought that Yi Shuihan had been killed by himself, so his anger fell naturally, and said somewhat proudly.

However, Luo Pa's words were only finished, and a strong force came from the other half of the face that was still normal. In severe pain, he rotated 10800 degrees in the air and fell to the ground.

Yi Shuihan did not know when he appeared next to Luo Ba, wiping his hand with a tissue, his expression a little disgusting.

"Oh, my hands are completely dirty after hitting you, and I don't know if I have contracted germs."

Luo Pa hadn't lost consciousness yet, but when he heard Yi Shuihan's words, he was furious and fainted without being able to get up.

"So fast, so powerful, maybe he is stronger than me."

Luo Mo's pupils tightened, and there was no thought of Luo Ba's revenge in his heart, but he was worried about Yi Shuihan's troubles.

Luo Pa was knocked unconscious, Luo Mo did not speak, other people would naturally not act rashly, nor did they dare to act rashly. Didn't you see that the second strongest in the Galo Star Region was so easily overturned?

Instead of going outside this time, Yi Shuihan turned back and walked in front of Luo Mo.

"This is the first time I have come to this magic star. I don't have a place to live yet. I heard that you live in a good place. I plan to stay with you for a few days. What do you think?"

The two looked at each other, and Luo Mo finally retreated under Yi Shuihan's extremely "sincere" (no fluctuation) eyes.


After spitting out the word, Luo Mo felt relaxed all over.

It was originally troublesome to find Yi Shuihan, but now it has evolved to pick up people. This is because Yi Shuihan's strength has shocked Luo Mo, otherwise it would definitely not be so dramatic.

The reason why he changed his mind and planned to go to the place where Luo Mo lives is because Yi Shuihan suddenly thought that Luo Mo is the strongest person in the Galo Star Territory, and he should know the most. Instead of going to other places to inquire about the news, it is better to go directly from Luo Mo Get started. ,, ..

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