Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 914: Acting with Frost

About 200 million miles away from where Yi Shuihan was, a spaceship stopped here quietly, and a very petite figure stood on the spaceship, quietly looking at Yi Shuihan's direction.

If Yi Shuihan saw the voice of this spacecraft, he would probably recognize him instantly. Frieza and Frost of the sixth universe, a good man who disguised himself as a magnificent, insidious guy, is actually a very despicable and sinister guy. In Yi Shuihan's opinion, he was even more annoying than Frieza in Universe Seven.

A guy who carries more than one poisonous needle with him is already a very strange existence in this world where fighting with hard power is important.

Frost obviously came for Super Dragon Ball. In fact, he didn't know the specific effect of Super Dragon Ball, but it did not prevent him from understanding the preciousness of Super Dragon Ball. From his appearance, he knew that Super Dragon Ball was the ultimate treasure. Moreover, it can be collected by a powerful person like Yi Shuihan, and there must be a magical effect that he does not know.

If Frieza saw this kind of treasure, he would have robbed it directly, but Frost was different. His mind was gloomy. Even if his strength was very strong, he would not show it, and would pretend to be weak. Looks like, and then taking advantage of others not paying attention to sneak attacks, now he is thinking of a more reasonable way of playing.

Yi Shuihan can push the Super Dragon Ball, and with the speed shown, he knows that it is not ordinary at first glance.

In this case, Frost still dared to come up with ideas, naturally thinking that he could succeed in Yi Shuihan's hands, and the poisonous needle on his body, even if the strength is far above him and caught off guard. He didn't know how many strong men had already died of poisonous needles.

"First let the beads out of his mouth, and then think of a way to kill him and **** the beads."

Frost made his own calculations, his eyes were full of evil people's insidiousness, but the smile on his face gave people a very sincere feeling. This was also because he had deliberately practiced. Now his The true nature has not been exposed yet, and everyone else thinks he is a great hero of the universe.

After paying attention, Frost backhanded his spacecraft with an energy bomb. In an instant, the spacecraft began to smoke, and then Frost began to sweat on his forehead, showing the appearance of an accident, the spacecraft twisted and twisted. Take off in the direction of Yi Shuihan.


"A spaceship is still a problematic spaceship."

Yi Shuihan's expression was stunned for a moment when he saw a spaceship that was smoking and could explode at any time.

"How can a spacecraft appear in this place? This is the edge of the universe, who is okay to come here?"

The first reaction in his mind was this, but seeing the miserable appearance of the spaceship, Yi Shuihan really didn't expect that the spaceship owner had deliberately made it to paralyze him.

"Be careful! Disperse quickly."

An extremely anxious voice came from the spacecraft, as if the spacecraft owner had discovered Yi Shuihan, and was very worried about Yi Shuihan in a hurry.

I don't know what kind of technology the spacecraft is carrying, but the sound actually reaches Yi Shuihan's ears.

According to the general situation, Yi Shuihan should stop the ship, and then have a good impression of the spacecraft owner who had spoken to remind him, so that the two talked and helped the spacecraft owner, and then the spaceship owner appropriately raised doubts about Dragon Ball. , I got the news that Yi Shuihan accidentally carried out a sneak attack.

It is a pity that Yi Shuihan knew Frost, and he knew his nature better. He didn't follow Frost's script. When the spacecraft collided, not only did it not help the spacecraft to stop, but he also hit it directly with a punch.

With a loud rumbling noise, the spaceship was directly blown up. Under the control of Yi Shuihan's precise power, the spaceship was completely beaten without atoms, but Frost received no damage at all.

Frost looked at Yi Shuihan dumbfounded, and did not expect things to go in this direction. Under normal circumstances, even if Yi Shuihan is a villain, in this case he would at best avoid it, even if it is straightforward. Hitting the spaceship should not only damage the spaceship!

"My spacecraft is broken on the surface, but it can be repaired after a while. I'm not really going to destroy my spacecraft, Nima. I have played this routine more than once. It was all successful before. this time……"

He was constantly swearing in his heart. On the surface, Frost still put a smile on Yi Shuihan, but his smile was completely unable to remain sincere. After this kind of thing, no matter how good his acting skills were, he couldn’t stop being angry. So the smile looks fake.

"Ah! Great, are you okay! Just now in an emergency, I can only blow up the spacecraft, because only then can you be rescued. Fortunately, my control is good. It didn't hurt you?"

Since Frost was planning to play, Yi Shuihan didn't mind practicing with him, so he had to change his mood.

Yi Shuihan was so passionate that he was completely thinking of Frophy, so he had originally intended to tear his face with Yi Shuihan, and directly used force to harden it. When he heard Yi Shuihan's words, Frost instantly condensed an air When it was gone, looking at Yi Shuihan volatilely, he finally showed a fake smile.

"Then thank you brother just now, thanks to you I can be saved."

There was a bit of gritted teeth about this, but Yi Shuihan completely pretended not to hear it.

"When the role of the beads comes out of your mouth, I will let you know the cost of blasting my spaceship, and I will definitely not let you die easily."

The fierce light in Frost’s eyes flashed away, but he hid it very well. It was shown when he lowered his head. He believed that Yi Shuihan was completely undetectable, and did not know that Yi Shuihan’s perception was 360 for him. Observing from time to time, this fierce light was completely exposed to Yi Shuihan's perception.

"Hey, what is this, why a needle suddenly appeared."

Yi Shuihan suddenly opened his palm and said.

Frost took a look and found that the things in Yi Shuihan's hands were somewhat familiar, and then his eyes widened, and he reacted, isn't this the poisonous needle hidden in his body? How did it get into his hands!

"Could it be he..."

The suspicion that had just arisen was dispelled by Yi Shuihan’s acting skills comparable to the Shadow God. Frost thought it was just an accident, and just let go, but the next moment

"Huh, why do you have more!?"

"...", ...

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