Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 915: I’m Frost, no, I’m Frieza?

Originally there was only one poison needle in Yi Shuihan's palm, but now one poison needle has become two. He looked at the poison needle in his palm with surprise, as if studying the secret of poison needle.

Frost couldn't use this accident to convince himself this time. After all, he was not stupid, but rather clever, otherwise he wouldn't play around the entire universe.

There were only two people at the scene, Yi Shuihan and Frost. There was no doubt that there was no problem with the other party.

"He is a better acting guy than me, but how did he do it?"

Wanting to know the answer, Frost didn't look at other places this time, he looked straight at Yi Shuihan's hand.

"How can it be?"

The third poisonous needle without warning also appeared in Yi Shuihan's hand, and at the same time Yi Shuihan's exclamation voice sounded.

Frost’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t see how Yi Shuihan did it. Yi Shuihan’s strength reached a point where he didn’t even react. This possibility Frieza would not and didn’t want to believe. , He didn't think in that direction at all.

"Is this something you dropped?"

Yi Shuihan said to Frost suddenly.

", no, I don't have such a thing."

Some flustered changed his words.

"That's it! Then I will throw it away."

Saying to throw away, the poison needle was thrown out of sight. In this universe where there is no other force, force was applied to the poison needle. If it does not encounter other forces, it is estimated that it will fly to another part of the universe. One end.

Seeing that the poisonous needle had disappeared without a trace, Frost felt the pain in his heart! This poisonous needle was only acquired by him at a high price. After all, it can affect people even stronger than him. The material is very precious. It can be said that a needle can buy dozens of spaceships he had previously taken.

Having suffered such a great loss before getting the benefits, Frost felt whether he was abandoned by Goddess of Luck today.

With one hand on his back, a poisonous needle showed a little bit of sharpness, Frost slowly approached Yi Shuihan, and coughed from time to time, completely injured.

"What are these things? I have never seen such a huge bead, all of which are the size of a planet."

Pretending to find a huge dragon ball casually, Frost exclaimed.

"Oh! You say them! They are Super Dragon Balls. As long as you collect seven Super Dragon Balls, you can summon Shenlong, and then..."

"Then what?"

Listening to Yi Shuihan talking about the most critical point, Frost's attention was completely attracted to him, and he started to do it immediately when he knew the truth.

"I said you don't want to tell others. This is a big secret. I also want to see you agree, so I will share it with you."

Yi Shuihan is very thief, looking like I won't tell you if you don't agree.

"Super big secret?"

Frost was shocked by what Yi Shuihan said, what he wanted was a big secret, if it was a little secret, he would not care!

"Don't worry, I will never say it, I Frost is the most promised person in the universe."

The lie is not drafted, and the promise is best kept. It should be the reverse.

"Well, you come over, I will tell you quietly."

The more careful Yi Shuihan was, the less Frost doubted it, and immediately moved his ears, looking forward to the secret Yi Shuihan was about to tell.

"With seven dragon balls, you can summon the Shenlong, and then the Shenlong can..."

With a "bang", Frost only felt that his neck was about to be interrupted, and his whole body was completely lost.

"You mean, you sneak attack!"

Realizing that he was being tricked, Frost looked at Yi Shuihan with a dilapidated look, which was hideous.

Yi Shuihan looked at Frost with a smile and said, "I'm not called a sneak attack, don't you do it often? At most, even if you are treating a person in his own way, you are right, Frieza ."

"Frieza? You confessed to the wrong person, I am Frost! I am a good person, and you will know if you just ask in the universe. All this is a misunderstanding."

As Frost slowly recovered his body, he wanted to explain.

It is a pity that Yi Shuihan was completely unmoved, his eyes full of murderous aura.

"You said you are Frost, but I think you are Frieza, so if you change your name to Frieza, I will not kill you today, otherwise, you will be here today."

"Yes, yes, my name is Frieza, I was a little dizzy just now, so I remembered it wrong."

Frost has no morals at all. He can live his life when he hears the name change, so he naturally gave up his own name without hesitation, and anyway, only the two of them know about it now, as long as he insists that there is no such thing. , No one else would believe that he changed his name.

"You can change your name so easily. You must be Frieza. I have heard of Frost. You are a great hero. Even in this situation, you will never bow your head like the evil forces. You promised so happy. , It must be because you are the real Frieza."

"I am actually Frost. Just now it was just my expedient measure. For the sake of the universe, I must live and do more good deeds."

"Oh, you're Frost! That's really damn, I am actually the so-called villain in the universe, who specializes in killing so-called good people."

"I'm Frieza. Really, I didn't lie to you. Frost is a fool. I have been calling him to kill more good people."

"Frieza and I had something wrong with each other. I wanted to kill him a long time ago."


Frost was completely stunned this time. Looking back on this process, I didn't know where he was being fooled again, so anger in my heart! It's a pity that he doesn't have the power to resist Yi Shuihan at all.

Seeing Frost's expression completely broken by the play, Yi Shuihan secretly laughed.

"I have recorded everything just now, I hope you'd better not meet me, or you will taste the taste of being chased by the entire universe."

After taking out a video recorder and showing Frost a little bit of the previous video, Yi Shuihan did not pay attention to Frost anymore, and directly rushed into the chaos with 3 super dragon balls. He planned to do it for a while. Coolies. ,, ..

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