Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 916: Summon a dragon, what should I do if I don’t understand God’s words?

Waiting for Yi Shuihan's final blow, Frost, who was desperate to fight back, stared blankly at the empty void in front of him.

Frost hadn't touched the level of Destroyer God, and he didn't know that there were twelve in the universe, and his location was just one of them.

Just come to take this edge of the universe. To be honest, Frost is here for the first time. Seeing the chaos outside the universe, he feels frightened and a sense of crisis enveloped his whole body.

"If you touch them, you will die."

Looking at the chaos, Frost flashed this kind of enlightenment in his heart, so he couldn't understand Yi Shuihan even more. It was too late to escape from such a dangerous place. The other party actually charged with those three planet-like beads. Go in, isn't this looking for death or something?

"Huh, it turned out to be a lunatic, he died well, but it's a pity that baby, what can be achieved after summoning the dragon?"

As a member of the Frozen Clan, Frost has amazing vitality. Not only can he survive in various environments, but he can also not eat for a long time. Coupled with his strong strength, unless he encounters an existence that completely crushes them, his life will be lost. worry.

The spacecraft was exploded by Yi Shuihan, and Frost could only fly back by himself. At his speed, it would take several years to reach the nearest planet. It can be said that Frost will not be better in the future, alone. Flying alone in the universe, surrounded by similar scenery, it's okay for a short time, but a long time can drive people crazy, just compare it with the little black house.


Carrying 3 super dragon **** through the chaos, Yi Shuihan is also very hard in the chaos filled with the air, not only to ensure that his body is not corroded by the chaos, but also to prevent an inadvertent dragon ball Was taken away.

It can be said that in the days of chaos, Yi Shuihan's whole spirit was tense, and sometimes he even wondered if he had spent some practice points to get this dragon ball directly into the seventh universe.

It took half a year for Yi Shuihan to travel from Universe Seven to Universe Six, but it took Yi Shuihan a whole year. When he finally arrived at Universe Seven with Dragon Ball, he suddenly felt the beauty of the world, which was inexplicable. There is a trace of sentiment.

"Yes, cultivation is a matter of relaxation. Blindly penance is not the right way. Too much relaxation is useless. Only by seeking balance in one relaxation and finding that balance point can it really help practice."

Feeling that his mood has improved a bit, Yi Shuihan feels that his suffering is worth it, and his mood suddenly becomes a lot more relaxed.

At the same moment when Yi Shuihan arrived in Universe 7 with the Super Dragon Ball, the Angel of Universe Seven also discovered his existence.

In fact, Weis was aware when Yi Shuihan left the seventh universe last time, but at that time he had already entered the chaos and Weis only knew that someone had left the universe and knew who it was.

"So he is the one who left from Universe Seven before, and there is another interesting guy. Lord Billus knows that he might be interested, and these are Super Dragon Balls?"

"So, he should go to the sixth universe to find the Super Dragon Ball, and then bring it back to the seventh universe. It's really amazing. This strength is probably not much worse than Lord Bibirus!"

Based on the estimation of Yi Shuihan's back and forth time between the two universes, plus that Yi Shuihan took the three planets with him, he seemed very relaxed, and his breath remained unchanged. Weiss probably guessed Yi Shuihan’s strength and what he meant for his universe. When such a powerful person appeared and became interested.

Yi Shuihan feels tired from taking the dragon ball through the chaos, but it is actually a psychological reaction. The real situation is that his body has not been consumed too much. From this, it can be reflected that Yi Shuihan's mood is actually a little lacking. , Because his strength has improved too quickly, and the suffering he has experienced is a bit too little.

Even Yi Shuihan was aware of this, and consciously cultivated his own state of mind, there are still some shortcomings, which can not be perfected in a short time.

With 3 Super Dragon Balls, Yi Shuihan rushed to the place where he had stored the 4 Super Dragon Balls without stopping, and finally got 7 Super Dragon Balls, ready to summon the dragon.

"What a spectacular scene!"

The 7 planet-sized dragon **** are placed in front of me, exuding dazzling light. It is clear that these lights are not reflected by the sun, but their own light. When the seven are gathered together, the blooming light is compared to the sun. The splendor to come.

"Then summon the dragon now. The body is comparable to the dragon of a galaxy. I really want to see it. The whole universe is probably just a small room to him!"

Thinking of the luxurious and domineering golden super dragon, Yi Shuihan couldn't wait to see it.

When Yi Shuihan wanted to summon the super dragon with great enthusiasm, he even set up a second grader, with his mouth wide open, planning to call the summoning language, but the next moment he was completely stunned there.

"What should the person who summon the dragon with God's words say?"

After searching for memories, Yi Shuihan didn't find any memory about the gods of this world.

"Holy Spirit, what is going on? Could it be that the gods of this world are not understandable by my language skills?"

"There is a problem with the host's understanding. The **** language in this world has not reached that level of difficulty, just because you have not seen the language record of the **** language, or have not heard the **** word, the skill does not take effect, so"

"So I don't know God's words yet, and I can't perform Shenlong Summon!"

Yi Shuihan said what the system was going to say next, and patted his head helplessly. Yi Shuihan felt like a dog in the sun. I have all set my posture. You give me this.

At this point, Yi Shuihan has no choice but to find a guy who understands the language of God to activate the skills. As for the solution to the problem, Yi Shuihan never even thought about it. He would rather spend half a year in Chaos. People who don’t spend a lot of practice.

"For God's words, just find a **** to ask questions. It's still easy. Wait for me, go and come."

After taking a deep look at the Dragon Ball, he placed a layer of concealment formation and left a space coordinate so that he could teleport back. Yi Shuihan displayed his instant movement and disappeared from the spot. ,, ..

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