Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 928: Become a mouse and a cat together

"It's even more exaggerated than what I said last time, but why did I believe Teacher Yi so easily?"

A Liang muttered to himself, looking at Yi Shuihan with admiration, thinking that Yi Shuihan was the most powerful person in the world.

"For Qiu Ning's sake, whoever of you fires, just shoot yourself in the leg, and then you can leave."

Hearing Yi Shuihan's words, these people in black were almost crying, brother, we just listen to the orders, should we be so cruel!

They all want to say that you can ask our boss to settle the account, and we will never speak.

He looked at his boss bitterly, hoping that the boss could be fair to them, but at this time Qiuhu still did not recover from Yi Shuihan's feat of resisting bullets.

All the little brothers were hesitant and shot themselves with guns. As long as they were normal people, they would not want to, but they had already seen the terrible Yi Shuihan, and they couldn't imagine what would happen if they didn't follow suit.

"Everyone, don't be fooled by him. He must only be defensive and not attack, so that we can beat ourselves."

A little brother suddenly shouted, and everyone else was shaken when he heard what he said. He raised his head proudly when he saw his words had an effect, and wanted to continue to say a few words that belittle Yi Shuihan. At this moment, he found that he couldn't speak, and the people around him looked at him with incomparable horror.

"What's the matter? Why do you look at me with that kind of eyes, so many people, only I see that man's bluff, shouldn't they look at me with admiration, admiration? Huh? What am I, I am, grass , I really want to eat grass, why should I eat grass, grass, green, like..."

Everyone in the entire gymnasium was silent, looking in one direction in amazement, where there was a small white sheep, screaming.

"Actually I want to turn him into a pig. I said it was a mistake, do you believe it? Or I'm trying?"

Seeing Yi Shuihan's finger pointed at him, a group of people were extremely frightened. They shook their heads in horror, threw away the guns in their hands, and knelt down with a puff.

"No, let me go! I don't want to become a pig or a sheep."

"I have an 80-year-old mother, a baby waiting to be fed, and a beautiful wife and sister-in-law in the middle, and a husband who loves me, please, please let me go."

"Master, my daughter Nianfang 18, I am willing to tell her to serve the master, and ask the master to forgive me."

"I have a beautiful and beautiful sister who is very suitable to be a master's maid."

"I am willing to give my chrysanthemum, please let it go."

Yi Shuihan was messy for a moment. What's this all about? Let's forget about the others. The one who has a wife, a sister-in-law, and a husband, and the one who presents chrysanthemums, can you be normal?

"Tm shut up for me. If anyone says one more word, I will turn him into a mouse and a cat."

Sure enough, the power of this sentence was still there, and suddenly the noisy dojo became silent again.

Compared with the previous blocking bullets, it is more frightening to be able to turn people into sheep alive, and listening to Yi Shuihan's words, he can also turn people into pigs or mice.

Become a mouse and be chased by a cat? The imagination alone is desperate.


A gunshot broke the silence.

A seemingly sunny young man shot his own foot at some point, and when he saw Yi Shuihan look over, the ninja said in pain.

"Master, I have done what you requested, can I go?"

After an unexpected glance at this person, Yi Shuihan nodded and said yes.

The young man quickly thanked Yi Shuihan with gratitude, and limped towards the outside of the gym.

To be like Yi Shuihan, others would have to say thank you if they shot themselves. This is also a very high level. At least A Liang felt that if he could be like Yi Shuihan anytime, he would be satisfied.

With the beginning, everyone else woke up like a dream. They picked up guns and shot their feet. Although it was painful, as long as they went to the hospital early, they would rest for a few months at most. To become a pig and a sheep, this is an acceptable consequence for the mouse.

In a blink of an eye, the people in the entire gymnasium were about the same. In the end, only 4 people were left, Yi Shuihan, A Liang, and Qiu Ning.

Qiuhu looked at Yi Shuihan with extremely complicated eyes. Yi Shuihan's strength completely disrupted his plan. Now he is still relying on his daughter to save face. If he continues to prevent his daughter from learning martial arts here, he will not Know what will happen.

Of course, after seeing Yi Shuihan's magic, he no longer rejects his daughter's martial arts study here, school diploma or something, it is not even a bit worse than his real strength.

The reason why he was so enthusiastic to find trouble before was also because he felt that Yi Shuihan was an ordinary martial arts master.

"Daughter! You can rest assured to study with Master Yi here! I will arrange everything else, and I will talk about it with your mother."

Qiuhu's mentality changed, and he explained to his daughter.

"Well, Dad, I will work hard."

Seeing that her father supported herself, Qiu Ning felt very happy.

"Actually! I think Master Yi is really a capable person. In the future, if you want to find a boyfriend, you must find this capable person."

Blinking at Qiu Ning, Qiuhu turned his head and said to Yi Shuihan

"Master Yi, I am wrong today, but please see that I am standing in the position of a father to forgive me, and if you have anything in the future, you can just ask, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

After that, Qiuhu looked at Yi Shuihan a little nervously, for fear that Yi Shuihan would not agree, or he would simply drive Qiu Ning away. If this drives Qiu Ning away, Qiuhu feels that he will never forgive him for the rest of his life. I have cut off the biggest opportunity in my daughter's life.

"Don't worry, as long as Qiu Ning wants to learn, I will definitely teach it seriously."

Seeing Qiuhu's mind, Yi Shuihan stated that he didn't understand Qiuhu. If he were Qiuhu, he would probably make the same choice. ,, ..

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