Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 929: Saito Martial Arts Exchange Tournament

Qiuhu left with a smile on his face. Although it was said that he brought people here today and lost face, and even most of his staff are temporarily unavailable, he still feels the value, his daughter can be in Yi Shuihan For such a strange person to study, he would laugh unconsciously when he walked.

If it wasn't for Qiuhu that he felt that he was already old, it would be difficult to learn and achieve success if he wanted to learn. He would also have to learn art directly from a teacher.

If Yi Shuihan knew about Qiuhu's thoughts, you might think too much, even if an old man of seven old eighties learns from me, he can become a little superman.

"A Liang, you continue to the eighteenth set of broadcast gymnastics, Qiu Ning, come with me, I will teach you how to get started."

Yi Shuihan's plan to teach Qiu Ning is naturally the eighteenth set of broadcast gymnastics, but he will make subtle changes according to Qiu Ning's situation to maximize the effect of broadcast gymnastics on her.

The eighteenth set of broadcast gymnastics is a popular product designed by Yi Shuihan based on human physique, and everyone's physique has subtle differences, which also leads to the fact that not everyone gets the same benefits from practicing broadcast gymnastics.

As the second gymnasium student, Qiu Ning is still a girl. Naturally, Yi Shuihan will also give certain benefits. This is specifically to change the radio gymnastics for her. One of them is to improve her speed. The original version should be updated soon.

"I'll show you it first, you are optimistic."

After sitting down on the radio gymnastics for Qiu Ning as usual, Yi Shuihan asked Qiu Ning to give it a try.

Qiu Ning's talent is not bad, not worse than A Liang, clenching his teeth and insisting on finishing the first posture.

A strong sense of exhaustion made Qiu Ning want to give up and continue. However, thinking of Yi Shuihan’s great power before, in order to have that magical power, there was an inexplicable wave in her body that made her continue to persevere. the power of.

"Yes, you are a little better than Aliang doing the first time. Get down cross-legged and do as I said."

Soon, Qiu Ning regained her spirit and felt her growing strength, and her face was full of smiles.

"Come on, you do the first move again."

Yi Shuihan signaled Qiu Ning to come again.


Qiu Ning restarted her action.

"Stop, here your arm should be as far to the left as possible. I'll help you correct it. Remember this feeling."

Yi Shuihan gently moved Qiu Ning's arm to the left with his hand, Qiu Ning only felt that most of the power in his whole body was dissipated in an instant.

"Remember this feeling? Remember, wait until this feeling comes out before continuing."

"Well, remember."

Yi Shuihan did not notice the flashing blush on Qiu Ning's face, and continued to make subtle changes to Qiu Ning's movements.

In order for Qiu Ning to remember all the changes, Yi Shuihan even took Qiu Ning to do the following postures completely, but in the process Yi Shuihan punched a fairy into Qiu Ning's body. Qi, otherwise, Qiu Ning would have to consume too much and suffer backlash.

After a set of actions was completed, Qiu Ning, who was originally in the category of ordinary people, immediately became almost as effective as A Liang, and the outcome of the battle between the two is still unknown.


"Nishito Budo Exchange Conference?"

Looking at the invitation letter in his hand, Yi Shuihan's eyes flashed brightly, and it was time for the whole Xi to know what the real martial art was.

Not far away, A Liang and Qiu Ning are fighting for the position of Big Brother (Big Sister). The two figures can only see the afterimages quickly, and the fists they hit have a broken sound. If you let others People will be surprised when they see it, this kind of combat power is impossible even for top martial artists.

"Junior sister, be careful, I'm going to use Frost Fist."

"You also **** Fengshen legs."

A Liang yelled and repeatedly punched out his fists. White air currents turned into fist winds and whizzed out. The air temperature dropped sharply wherever he passed, and white frost trails could be seen.

On the other hand, Qiu Ning, every movement of her legs carried a whirlwind, and every kick out was a collision between Feng Jin and A Liang's frost, eliminating it.

Compared with simple air bombs, A Liang and Qiuya's way of using Qi is much more high-end, because of the addition of unique attributes, A Liang is ice, and Qiu Ning is wind, and ice can slow down the opponent's shots. , There is also a certain degree of frostbite effect, while the wind has a high attack speed and a tearing effect.

In the end, A Liang defeated Qiu Ning with a very weak advantage and defended his status as a big brother.

"Junior Sister, I have accepted."

Putting his hands behind him, A Liang put on a calm posture, in order to prevent Qiu Ning from seeing his true situation, he was far more tired than he looked.

"It's a big brother, but I will definitely become a big sister next time."

Qiu Ning said unwillingly, thinking that she must practice more when she goes back.

"Okay, you all come here."

Yi Shuihan greeted the two of them, and then handed them the invitation letter.

"Ms. Yi, what is this?"

"Invitation letter, Nishito Budo Exchange Conference?"

"I know, I know, I've been to see it before. It is almost always sent to the martial arts halls in the western capital. It is said to exchange martial arts, but in fact it is to show the strength of their own martial arts."

Compared with A Liang, the star of Qiu Ning knows more, and talked about the Xidu Budo Exchange Conference.

"Prepare, take a day off today, and join me in this martial arts conference tomorrow. It's time for people to get to know us at Zhenwu Dao Hall."

With a big wave, Yi Shuihan made a decision.

A Liang and Qiu Ning looked at each other and they were eager to try. These days they have been practicing martial arts in Zhenwu Dao Hall. Their opponents are only each other. They have long hoped to practice with people in other martial arts halls. They all want to practice martial arts. The power of the pavilion is displayed, allowing more people to understand what the real martial arts is.

If it weren't for Yi Shuihan's harshness to prevent the two of them from showing off their strength in front of others at will, the Zhenwu Dao Hall would not have only two students now.

"If there are more seniors, my senior brother will be more veritable. There is only one junior, or a senior who calls out to challenge herself every day. This senior brother has no taste at all.",...

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