Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 934: Breaking the cognitive side into real martial arts

It is undeniable that since the development of science and technology, martial arts has begun to decline. The former martial arts masters are the real hegemons of this world, because they control power far beyond ordinary people.

Nowadays, no matter how strong the martial arts school is, it can't deal with the power of science and technology. The strongest is probably to hide from small guns. Faced with real large weapons, artillery and the like, it is completely looking for death.

Of course, on the surface, there are some real martial artists, such as Guixianren and Tao Baibai. Their strength can only be killed by covering bombing with missiles. The missiles here are only poisonous types. Row.

However, there are only a few warriors of this level on the earth, which are far too few compared to the technological weapons that can be mass-produced.

If you don’t understand the real martial arts, you tend to practice martial arts for more than ten years, that is, your body is stronger than ordinary people. There is no way to face a submachine gun. This greatly reduces people's enthusiasm for martial arts learning.

How many people are learning martial arts for the sake of real martial arts? There are really other good paths that will not take this path. The reality is that a rich man is worthy of the curator of one of the three top martial arts gyms in the West.

The emergence of Yi Shuihan has not only caused an unprecedented impact on the martial arts world in Xidu, but it also brought new hope to the martial arts and the hope of changing the status of martial arts.

Of course, this premise is that everything Yi Shuihan said is true.

"Maybe some of you know the two of them. They were just ordinary people two months ago. They have not been exposed to any martial arts. Most of you can defeat them, and now..."

Yi Shuihan spoke slowly, and the information he gave made everyone excited.

"In just two months, he has become like that from ordinary people. If it is because of Zhenwu, this Zhenwu is really strong and terrifying."

"If we have also learned Zhenwu, wouldn't it be possible to become so strong in a short time? It has been like this for 2 months. What if it is one year, several years, or even decades? That is the time..."

People who know the true situation of Qiu Ning thought that she had become so strong in two months, and finally faced the Zhenwu in Yi Shuihan’s mouth. After thinking about it, Zhenwu has this effect, and the martial arts they learned are really fake. Budo, this is not an exaggeration.

"It would be great if I could learn Zhenwu."

Everyone looked at Yi Shuihan feverishly, and they had completely forgotten how they underestimated Yi Shuihan before.

"The martial arts are endless, don’t be bound by your own common sense. The only thing a real martial artist needs to do is to break the cognition. When you break common sense again and again, you will get closer and closer to the real martial arts. Like the ceiling, he blocked my gaze, so I wanted to break it."

With a faint finger, a ray of light flashed, and with a boom, the ceiling was completely gone. Without the barrier of the ceiling, the sunlight would sprinkle on the people wantonly, and the blue sky and white clouds were clearly visible.

"This blue sky also hinders my sight, so..."

Another pointed out, a ray of light rushed straight into the sky, and everything that hindered it was crushed by it.


"How could it be that I actually saw space directly."

The blue sky disappeared, replaced by the universe starry sky, this magical scene made everyone look dull.

It completely violated scientific principles and did things that science and technology could not do. This would have been impossible in reality, but the reality in front of them told them that it could be done.

At this time, some people had some understanding of Yi Shuihan's breaking cognition.

"Yes! Because I don't think I can reach a higher level, so I restrained myself instead."

A martial artist sighed with emotion, the shackles in his heart were broken, and his entire temperament changed drastically. He was obviously over middle-aged, but he gave people a young man with a sharp edge.

Many martial arts masters who have been unable to enter have broken through their own heart barriers, and have reached a higher level. Although there is no obvious change in strength, as long as they continue to pursue martial arts, their strength will change.

"It's never too late to pursue martial arts. The so-called "Dao Xi" is dead. Don't think that when you are old, you won't have any achievements in martial arts.

"The earth is too small in the entire universe. In the distant starry sky, there are endless races. They are powerful, and even some people can easily destroy the planet. Although the technology is good, it is not the right way. Only Zhenwu can let The earth becomes stronger, and we will be able to protect ourselves when the evil aliens invade."

This sentence is a bit counterintuitive. Some technological powers are actually comparable to martial arts.

"What! There really are aliens."

Yi Shuihan's words opened up everyone's thinking a lot, although some people still don't believe that aliens can really easily destroy the planet.

If Yi Shuihan said this before, everyone would listen to it as a joke, but when they saw Yi Shuihan's various abilities, their trust in Yi Shuihan had risen infinitely.

"After a month, Zhenwu Mountain will open, and those who want Zhenwu can explore it."

With such a sentence, Yi Shuihan left with A Liang and Qiu Ning. At this time, the eyes of people looking at Qiu Ning and A Liang were full of envy, and they wanted to replace them.

Even Zhang Shaohua is the same. The identity of the rich lady is far worse than that of the descendant of Zhenwu Daoguan.

What happened at the Xito Budo Exchange Conference was circulating in Xito at a rapid rate. Some people believed it, and some did not believe it, but in short, the word Zhenwu has left an impact in people's hearts.

Many warriors who were in the venue at the first time visited Zhenwu Daoguan immediately after that, and wanted to learn Zhenwu. Unfortunately, they found Zhenwu Daoguan but couldn't get in at all, no matter what means they used.

In this way, they turned to inquire about Zhenwu Mountain, but they also got nothing. They could only secretly wait for Zhenwu Mountain to open.

Just one month after the Xito Budo Exchange Conference, all the people in Xito could hear a huge roar, and then a high mountain rose from the ground.

"Zhenwu Mountain is open, the time limit is 3 days, and those who are predestined can enter.",,..

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