Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 935: Resurrection of Earth Budo

The high mountains rising from the ground are naturally Yi Shuihan's handwriting.

This Zhenwu Mountain towers high into the clouds, and the peaks are not visible at a glance. It gives people a mighty and majestic general situation. Looking from a distance, everyone feels shocked.

"Is it Zhenwu Mountain? Master Yi said Zhenwu Mountain."

"What are you waiting for, hurry up! Didn't you hear that there is only a three-day time limit? It's too late for anything."

"It will not be easy to enter Zhenwu Mountain, learn Zhenwu, and become true Wushu by then."

Such a movement can be seen by the entire Xidu people, and the inside story about Zhenwu Mountain has gradually spread among the Xidu people. Whether they believe it or not, there are still countless people walking towards Zhenwu Mountain.

Zhenwu Mountain was just a few tens of miles away from Xidu. When someone arrived, it was already half an hour later.

"What's the matter? Why can't I get in."

A believable passerby came to the bottom of Zhenwu Mountain, intending to go up the mountain, but he couldn't step on the peak in any way, as if the peak in front of him did not exist.

"Could it be that this is a mirage?"

However, the next moment he stayed, because not far from him, a man wearing a martial arts suit easily stepped into the scope of Zhenwu Mountain, and then disappeared under his nose.

One word can be said to be an accident. When he saw a person entering Zhenwu Mountain and disappearing in his eyes, he finally felt that something was wrong.

"This little brother, wait!"

"Uncle, what do you want?"

"Do you know why I can't get in?"

"Your fate is not enough."

Silently took out a universal capsule and said

"Tell me, this speed universal capsule is yours."

"If you want to enter, you must be sincere, believe in the existence of Zhenwu, and have a mind-seeking mentality."

After adjusting his state, he finally entered the Zhenwu Mountain this time.


Zhenwu Mountain is huge, it stretches for dozens of miles, and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, but every person who steps into Zhenwu Mountain will be immediately transported to a certain place in Zhenwu Mountain.

In Zhenwu Mountain, there are almost hundreds of stone steles, each of which records a Zhenwu practice method. There are good and bad. The good level is even comparable to the eighteenth set of broadcast gymnastics, and the bad can also make people feel better. Cultivate your breath within a year.

"Ben Niu Jue, there are 9 layers, each layer can increase the strength of 500 jin, cultivate to the seventh layer, you can feel Qi."

"The fierce tiger skill has 13 layers, one layer and one layer, and it can be used to resist missiles."

"Tai Chi Sutra, taking the meaning of yin and yang balance, Xi Zhi can greatly increase the body's potential."


When some of the exercises were discovered, and some people even practiced on the spot, the whole Zhenwu Mountain became more and more lively.

On the highest peak of Zhenwu Mountain, Yi Shuihan quietly overlooked the whole picture of Zhenwu Mountain, and was not at all moved by the grand occasion he had created.

This Zhenwu Mountain Yi Shuihan intends to come as a martial art secret. He first passed down the most basic cultivation techniques with the help of Zhenwu Mountain, and then gradually passed on higher-level techniques every few years. In this way, the earth The level of martial arts will continue to improve because of the existence of Zhenwu Mountain. It only takes a few years to produce a large number of people with a combat power of over a hundred or even a thousand. After ten years, the combat power of the earth people will probably not be lost to Saiyan. people.

In this way, it is only based on the situation that Yi Shuihan no longer intervenes. With his personal training, it is not yet known how far earth people can go.

The effort of the third day passed quickly, and Zhenwu Mountain once again disappeared from the sight of the people in Xidu.

At the same time that Zhenwu Mountain disappeared, people who had been to Zhenwu Mountain still got the news that Zhenwu Mountain will open again in 3 years. At that time, there will be higher and deeper skills waiting for them, and the conditions for entering Zhenwu Mountain again are: Cultivate a kung fu to perfection.

In the next period of time, the whole West fell into a strange and quiet state. Many people who had obtained opportunities in Zhenwu Mountain were practicing underneath. They still had a lot of ideas for the second opening of Zhenwu Mountain.

The paper can’t hold the fire. The entire coalition government soon learned about what happened in the Western Capital. The government sent people to obtain some exercises. After realizing that practicing these exercises can really gain super power, the army The popularization of real martial arts began.

Ordinary people, after learning that there is such a technique that can improve a lot of strength in a short time, and even guns are not afraid of guns, they are madly rushing to the west, wanting to learn Zhenwu.

At this time, the government made a decisive decision and directly announced some common exercises, which prevented the people from rioting.

The moments for people to practice real martial arts are still short. The government can barely suppress people's hearts by relying on technology. After a while, when the power of real martial arts truly manifests, if the government cannot use stronger power, the entire planet will inevitably become chaotic.

The chaos of the earth is naturally not what Yi Shuihan wants to see, so he personally went to the king's mansion to improve the strength of some people, of course, there is a limited increase, after the increase in strength, their potential is exhausted.

With 100 members of the Royal Guard with a strength of tens of thousands, the Great Devil Piccolo broke the seal and was probably crying in the toilet.

"Who the **** is he? Why do you want to do this,"

The Celestial Temple, the Celestial God who paid attention to the actions of Yi Shuihan, his face was full of horror. He couldn't understand Yi Shuihan's strength, but the ability to easily enhance a person's strength to the point where he felt fearful made the Celestial God totally unable Intervene in Yi Shuihan's actions.

In the past three years, the earth has undergone tremendous changes. The status of martial arts school has soared, and it has become a profession that everyone yearns for. People are even more willing to send their children to learn martial arts rather than studying.

A famous martial artist began to appear on the earth, and from time to time I could hear news of a certain martial artist punching the mountain.

"Yes, now the average combat power of the people on earth is already in double digits, and the highest is over a thousand, and hundreds of thousands are tens of thousands. It's time to pass on a higher level of exercises."

"A Liang, Qiu Ning."

"Yes!" x2

"Tell out the news that Zhenwu Mountain is about to reopen."

Under Yi Shuihan's training, A Liang and Qiu Ning had a combat power of 15900 and the other 16,100. They were the strongest on Earth except Yi Shuihan. ,, ..

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