Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 947: The dumbfounded Bick

The earth, a certain sea area,

A little man with fried rice written on his clothes, and a dog and a girl by his side, is exactly the Pilaf gang who is puzzled by the Big Devil Bick in the original work, and three funny characters belonging to the high-level dragon set.

"Lord Pilaf, look, there is a rice cooker there."

Ah Xiu pointed to the distance loudly.


Weakly said that Pilaf, determined to conquer the world, had no interest in the discovery of his own men.

The girl Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, and then flew over and picked up the rice cooker.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu screamed, and Pilaf and Ashiu looked over. It turned out that Xiao Wu hadn't taken the pot in his hand.

Coincidentally, the rice cooker broke directly under the fall, and then a white mist flashed through, and a green-skinned person appeared where the rice cooker was originally.

"Hahahaha, I finally came out, Big Demon King Piccolo, ready to face the horror! This world."

The voice was a bit old. The Big Demon King Piccolo, who had just gotten out of trouble, was still very confident. Even if he was old, he still believed that he was the most powerful demon and ruled the earth with ease.

The three of them had nothing to say about the speech of the Great Demon Bick, mainly because the fighting power of the three of them was completely above the Great Demon Bick at this time, even if the Great Demon Bick was restored to strength.

Pilaf has the 4th floor of the basic exercises, Ashiu has the 5th floor, and Xiaowu has the 6th floor. The lowest has a combat power of more than 400, which can completely sling the Big Devil in front of him.

"Did you let me out? Say it, I can give you what you want."

The Demon King Piccolo noticed the three Pilavs, pretending to be generous, and he did not notice the attitude of the three Pilavs who were not afraid of him at all.

"Fun old man, you came out of the rice cooker just now?"

Pilaf asked curiously.

Known as the strange old man, Big Demon King Piccolo looked a little ugly, but he didn't happen immediately. He planned to kill this disrespectful kid after he understood the current situation.

"Master Pilaf, let him alone, the time is almost here, let's go eat, we are all hungry."

Ashiu said stupidly.

Xiao Wu felt a little strange looking at Big Devil Bick, but she just couldn't remember what was strange.

It is true that after the rejuvenation of the martial arts of the earth, their knowledge is completely different. It is common to meet an old man with a fighting capacity of several hundred, otherwise they are absolutely surprised by the power of the Demon King Bik.

"Then go to eat first, goodbye to blame the old man!"

Pilaf agreed to Ash's suggestion and was about to leave.

Just when the three of them turned around, Big Demon Bick started his hand, and a wave of qigong shot at Pilaf. The shot was the key, obviously he wanted to kill Pilaf.

Just when Piccolo thought about Pilav's body being penetrated and then screamed in fear, his eyes widened and the boss with his mouth opened, it turned out that his qigong wave was actually hit by Pilav's backhand.

Pilaf looked at the Great Demon Piccolo with a nasty expression, if it weren't for the attack of the Great Demon Piccolo was too weak, he might have been slapped.

Big Devil Piccolo didn’t know that Pilaf felt that his attack was weak. If he knew it, he would be very angry. But he thought he was the number one in the world except for the gods. He almost ruled the earth at the beginning. Now the earth doesn’t know what it will be like!

"When did you appear such a powerful martial artist?"

For the first time, the Demon King Piccolo looked at Pilaf and became serious.

"Are you stupid? Alzheimer's, don't play anymore, can't we, we have to eat!"

Pilaf didn't understand the mood of the Demon King Piccolo at all. In his opinion, this was completely inexplicable. You could see a group of powerful martial artists on the street.

"Master Pilaf, he may be silly after being locked in the rice cooker, let's ignore him and let's go!"

Ash said.

"Dare to look down on me."

The Big Demon King Piccolo had a sullen face, and his aura rose again, but he only had more than 200 points of combat power and really had no deterrent in front of Pilaf and the others.

However, the three of Pilaf ignored the Big Devil and turned and flew away. The fast Demon could only see the afterimage.

Looking at the three of Pilaf who had already flown away with a dumb face, the Demon King Piccolo suddenly felt a little grateful that his aging body might not be their opponents.

"Hmph, they must be the most powerful martial arts masters in the world. Damn it. If it weren't for my aging body, I would kill them all and find a way to regain their youth."

The current mentality of Big Devil Piccolo has not collapsed, comforting himself.

After walking in Pilaf for about a few minutes, the Demon King Piccolo also left in one direction, and soon he came to a small town, and then

"What's the matter? Why are all the masters I met? What's wrong with this world, even a child makes me feel threatened."

The Demon King Piccolo was confused throughout the whole process, because he found that everyone in the town seemed to be a master of martial arts, and the sky was full of people, as if flying and walking had become basic skills. , He saw a 7-year-old kid fighting, playing the kind of fight, speed and strength are already comparable to him.

The IQ of Big Demon King Piccolo is still online, he kept a low profile a bit, and quietly inquired about the news.

An hour later, the Great Demon King Piccolo knelt down in a corner unlovably, his eyes were dull, and he muttered, "The average combat power of adults on Earth has exceeded 400, and the average combat power of children is 180. At present, the combat power of Earth fighters exceeds 10,000. The number has surpassed 100,000 people. This is not even the combat power behind the characters of the game. Upgraded in the game of the ancient world, the strength of the characters of the game can be brought to reality..."

The Big Devil Bick has tested his combat effectiveness, only 220. This is also the main reason why the Big Devil Beak has become so. From a world-class powerhouse to a trash with a fighting power below average, the Big Devil completely accepts it. This cruel fact cannot be ignored. ,, ..

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