Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 948: All king enters the game

"Mom, look, that old grandfather is so pitiful, I want to give him a lollipop so that he will be happy."

"Baby, don't go there. He has hands and feet. Although his combat effectiveness is weak, he won't starve to death if he is a brick mover on a construction site. The purpose of pretending to be pitiful here is to lie to you. Don't go there."


"Don’t send kindness to this kind of liar. Since the earth entered the era of martial arts, we all have the power to survive. Even if it doesn’t help, we can survive. His kind is completely mud that can’t support the wall. You grow up. Don’t be a person like him."

A young woman in her 20s is educating her daughter.

The hearing-sensitive Demon King Piccolo heard the young woman and the little girl. He would have killed the two before he changed. But now, he is powerless, because he knows that he can't beat them, even if it's that. The little girl couldn't beat it.

The Big Demon King Piccolo still had self-esteem, stood up swayingly, far away from the town, and came to an uninhabited wilderness, then squatted down, silently shed two rows of tears.

"Why? Why do you want to release me at this time? If I know this kind of world after I come out, I might as well not come out! At least I have a thought in the rice cooker."

With a silent roar in his heart, if the Demon King Piccolo was seen in his current situation, he would definitely be very sympathetic to him, and would set off a campaign to protect the lonely old man.

The gods far away in the Celestial Temple silently looked at the crying Demon King Piccolo, and his heart was extremely complicated. A few years ago, he was extremely worried that the King Piccolo would be released, and the world would be completely wiped out. But now, he I can only silently mourn for Demon King Piccolo.

Influenced by the rejuvenation of the earth's martial arts, the gods have also practiced true martial arts. Now they are even more powerful at the level of condensate, with a combat power of 100,000. They are also the number one figure in the ancient world. They can be said to be many times stronger than the Great Demon King Bik , Buff can be wiped out by blowing his breath.

Because of the change in strength, the gods used to think that Piccolo would die with Piccolo when he came out, and then choose the next god. Now, the gods want to protect Piccolo and don’t want Piccolo to die. Anyway, no matter how bad the Big Devil is on the earth, he can't make any waves. At the level of the earth's force, only others can bully the Big Devil, and there is no reason for the Big Devil to bully others.

Just when Piccolo's heart was dead and he planned to use his whole body's strength to deepen Piccolo's second generation, the prompts about the ancient world in his mind sounded.

"By the way, there are games. As long as I become stronger in the game world, there is still the possibility of dominating the world in the future. The earth is too dangerous and I can go to other planets."

With this expectation, Big Devil Bik embarked on his game journey.

A few hours later, the big devil of the real world Piccolo laughed wildly after he felt his strength increased by nearly half through the character's combat power bonus.

"There are more people and more power. I want to establish a union and become the overlord in the game."

Eggs were spat out one by one by the Great Demon King Piccolo, and then his sons broke out of their shells.

It has to be said that the Namekians are powerful, and this reproduction speed is simply against the sky. In a short period of time, the Big Devil Piccolo gave birth to dozens of sons, and then took his son into the game.

The gods of the Celestial Temple did not interfere with the behavior of the Demon King Piccolo, because he knew that even so, the strength of the Demon King Piccolo would never reach the level of dominance of the earth. The earth people have real martial arts, and it is too terrible to cooperate with the ancient world. .


"Master Quan, the game is ready, let's play!"

In the Palace of All Kings, Yi Shuihan invites All King to enter the game.

Quan King still trusts Yi Shuihan very much. He immediately entered the ancient world and started his player journey. At the same time, Yi Shuihan discovered that the intimacy between him and Quan King finally began to change again, starting from 70. The point has risen all the way to 73, and it is still slowly increasing.

"I hope that this barren ancient world can increase the intimacy to above 80, and it would be even better if it was 90."

When Quan King entered the ancient world, the ears of all players in the ancient world sounded the system prompt

"Ding, the noble Lord Quan King has entered the game. We celebrate 3 days for this game. In these 3 days, the drop rate of monster-killing equipment has increased by 10%, the drop rate of money has increased by 50%, and the difficulty of the mission has been reduced by 100%. Of twenty."

"Ding, the noble Lord Quan King has entered the game. We celebrate 3 days for this game. In these 3 days, the drop rate of monster-killing equipment has increased by 10%, the drop rate of money has increased by 50%, and the difficulty of the mission has been reduced by 100%. Of twenty."

"Ding, the noble Lord Quan King has entered the game. We celebrate 3 days for this game. In these 3 days, the drop rate of monster-killing equipment has increased by 10%, the drop rate of money has increased by 50%, and the difficulty of the mission has been reduced by 100%. Of twenty."

At this moment, all game players were shocked. Although most of them didn't know who Quan King was, they were extremely grateful to Quan King.

"It's so awesome, who the whole king is, as soon as he enters the game, he has such big moves."

"Fuck him! Hurry up to fight monsters, I have already decided that I won't be offline from the game for these 3 days."

"Long live the king!"

Destroy the gods,

"Unexpectedly, it is really Lord Quan. He has entered the ancient world. That guy Yi Shuihan really knows how to play!"

With a look of emotion on Billus's face, he didn't expect that the guy not only made this kind of interesting game, but also allowed the whole king to play.

Birus also has an account of the ancient world game, but he only plays it occasionally. After all, the so-called increase in combat power is not very attractive to him. Today, he just happened to go in and play, but he heard that the whole king entered the game. After the news, he quit the game in fright on the spot.

One day after Quan Wang entered the game system announcement, the system once again issued an announcement that shocked the entire game world.

"Ding, the upgrade competition is open, and the upgrade competition list is open. As long as in the next month, the more you upgrade, the more you can enter the list, and the last 100 million people left will receive the actual combat power increase plus a percentage point. For the 20th prize, you can also have the corresponding place to enter the game.",,..

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