Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 961: A totally unrecognizable world

Ternanks arrived in this world at this point in time. Obviously, things have changed. Originally, he should have come to this world a few years after Sun Wukong grew up and defeated Frieza. Now it is too many years ahead of schedule. .

"There seems to be something wrong."

Perceiving the surrounding air for a while, Teranques had a look of stunned expression on his face, because he found that there were too many air around him that he could not ignore, and some even felt dangerous to him. Of course, if he became super Saiyan, this danger is not worth mentioning.

"What's the matter? Isn't it actually the earth here?"

No matter why Tenanx didn't think so, after all, no matter how much the earth changed, the life breath of ordinary people would be a hundred times stronger than his time and space.

There was an error in the shuttle of time and space. This discovery made Tenanx's face gloomy. He came to this time and space with a mission. The time machine could not support him to shuttle repeatedly. It would be better if it was just a mistake in the shuttle location. When the time is wrong, then the future earth will really have no way to survive.

The original hopeful mood was instantly full of despair. Tenanx’s complexion kept changing, and a white flame ignited on his body and flew towards the nearest human gathering place in his perception. He still had a very thoughtful idea, that is The time was advanced a lot, and then he had enough time to get to the earth before that happened.

A few minutes later, Tenanques arrived in a small town. At first glance, he saw a scene that was very different from what he remembered. A group of creatures that looked exactly like the people on Earth and even said the same things were free in the air. Most of their equipment is martial arts suits.

In addition, most of their conversations are related to martial arts and the game called the ancient world.

"I heard that you broke through the 7th floor yesterday, and now the combat power is over 700, awesome!"

"Where, you are not, although it's only the 6th level, when your game level is 2 levels higher than mine, we are all about the same under the blessing of the game characters."

"Recently, the marriage mode has been opened in the game. Have you chosen?"


True martial arts, martial ancestors, ancient worlds, and some virtual reality, which can bless the power of the characters in the game to reality, one by one, the news gathered in Tenanx's mind, leaving his brain blank.

"Excuse me, is this the earth? And what year is this year?"

Ternanks stopped an old man who looked better than a 20-year-old and asked.

"Child, are you stupid to play games? Be restrained! Although games can bring us strength, they can't evolve our own bodies. Listen to my words, play less games and practice martial arts more. "

The old man didn't answer Tenanx's question, but said with earnestness.

After speaking, the old man patted Tenanques on the shoulder, and then flew away.

After a long time, Ternanks came back to his senses, smiled bitterly, found another person, and asked the previous question again, but this time he let go of his momentum a little, and that person answered his question respectfully.

"It's really the earth here, it's a lie!"

The facts were too shocking, and Ternanque stayed in place for a long time and did not accept this earth-shaking change.

"There are still many years before the appearance of artificial humans. According to the development of this earth, it may be possible to directly suppress artificial humans!"

For the current development of the earth, Tenanques is envious. Compared with their original time and space, the earth people here are too lucky, and all this is brought by Wuzu Yi Shuihan.

"It's unbelievable. My mother has thousands of combat effectiveness."

A piece of news is being broadcast on a TV station about the successful breakthrough of Bouma, the eldest lady of the Magnum Capsule Group, to a complete foundation. There is also a short video of Bouma testing the combat power on the screen.

"Where is Yi Shuihan sacred? And this Zhenwu is so magical."

The more he learned about the status quo of the earth, the more shocked Teranques was. At the same time, he was deeply puzzled. He clearly traveled through time and space to come to the previous earth, why there was such a big change.

"What should I do now? Go find Uncle Wukong? Go find your mother."

Trunks is here to save Monkey King and tell the man-made things to change the fate of the earth. However, Sun Wukong is only a child at this time. In addition to the great changes in the earth, Mr. Tenanx is not sure about the man-made. Will it appear in the end?

With such a strong atmosphere of martial arts on the earth, and with such magical things as the ancient world, will Dr. Gro still create artificial humans? As long as your head is slightly normal, you should spend your time practicing Zhenwu or the ancient world.

"Ding, the universe-level game of the ancient world invites you to join, may I enter the game?"

It's been a while since Ternanks came to Earth, and the announcement of the game sounded in due course.

After a moment of stunned, then Tenanx found a suitable place and chose to enter the game.

In the barren ancient world, Tenanques has seen the vastness of the universe, various species are fighting for hegemony in the barren ancient world, and he has truly experienced the barren ancient world. Tenanques is completely attracted by it. If it were not for his mission, he would have Don't want to go back to his original time and space.

For Tenanques, the role of combat power blessing in the ancient world is not too great. After all, to obtain a high combat power blessing, the level required is too high. This cannot be achieved in a short time, unless Tenanx spends Several years of kung fu in this game, and even so, he is not sure whether the combat power blessed by the game will be useful when he returns.

After playing the game for most of the day, Tenanques finally chose to quit. He had serious business to do. He chose to go to Zhenwu Mountain and see Yi Shuihan, the Wuzu.

Tenanques felt that perhaps his world could be saved by seeing Yi Shuihan. This was his instinct as a martial artist, and he wanted to know if he could become stronger and defeat man-made if he practiced true martial arts. people.

With anticipation, Ternanks rushed to Zhenwu Mountain.

However, Yi Shuihan knew about the appearance of Tenanques as early as the first time. After all, the earth was so big, and the temporal and spatial fluctuations of Tenanques could not hide from him.

Therefore, when Tenanques came to Zhenwu Mountain, someone had already picked him up and brought him to Yi Shuihan. ,, ..

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