Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 962: World diversion

"You are Lord Wuzu?"

Seeing Yi Shuihan, Tenanx's face couldn't hide his surprise. Originally, he thought Yi Shuihan was an old man, or he should be a middle-aged image no matter how bad he was. How did he know when he really saw it? , But found that Yi Shuihan was a little too young, and the two of them seemed uncertain about who was older!

And most importantly, Tenanques did not feel the aura of a strong person from Yi Shuihan, and even if it were not for Yi Shuihan to stand in front of him, he would think that Yi Shuihan did not exist.

"How is it possible? As long as it is a living body, he must be angry, but he has no anger at all. Isn't he an artificial person?"

This conjecture made Tenanques whole person nervous, because in his cognition, except for artificial humans that can completely conceal their own qi, anyone else, no matter how strong, would show a trace of qi.

"Don't be nervous, relax."

Yi Shuihan spoke faintly, and his voice turned into a wisp of clear spring, which made Tenanx completely relax in an instant.

Tenanks naturally relaxed his vigilance against Yi Shuihan in his heart, and a voice told him to believe what the person in front of him said.

This kind of change made Tenanx extremely shocked, because even if it was an artificial human, there was no such magical power.

What’s even more surprising is that Tennakes clearly knew that he had to be careful about Yi Shuihan, who had not yet figured out the details, but he couldn’t bring up a trace of the heart to guard against Yi Shuihan, an incomparable contradiction. But it's very natural.

"You should be a Saiyan, but you have the descent of a human being. Can you tell me where you are from?"

Obviously knowing the identity of Tenanks, Yi Shuihan still asked.

"My name is Tennks, from the future world, on the future earth..."

Tenanx obviously didn't want to tell his origins so quickly, but in front of Yi Shuihan, he couldn't help telling what he knew as if he had been enchanted.

It took a full half an hour before Ternanks stopped his speech in Yi Shuihan. At this time, he was already terrified of Yi Shuihan. He originally thought that man-made humans were the most terrifying in the world. , But now he felt that Yi Shuihan was far more terrifying.

In the face of cyborgs, Tenanx still had the courage to fight the first battle, but in the face of Yi Shuihan, he could not even think of fighting.

"If he could help me, cyborgs would not be a problem."

Once such a thought was formed, he could no longer disappear from his mind. He looked at Yi Shuihan expectantly, hoping that Yi Shuihan could say something to help.

"It turns out that you are from another time and space, and your perception is somewhat wrong. This is actually not your previous world, but two completely different time and space. You did not go back to the past, but came to one. The time and space are almost exactly the same as your world, and the historical progress of this time and space is slower than your world."

"You said that I came from another time and space, and this is not the previous world, why is that?"

"You should have discovered it! The earth is completely different from what you know, even completely unrecognizable. This is partly because of my relationship, but more because this time and space does not belong to your world, so I probably Let me tell you..."

"...In the beginning there was only one world, but at a certain point in time, I thought that certain things changed and diverged forever, like a river, divided, and the world is the same, from one world to two. Before this point, the world was exactly the same, but after that, it completely entered two extremes, and the time you were before was like this."

"So even if you change this world, the world you live in will not change at all, but one and another will be born. You want to save your world, and only you will defeat the artificial people in your world. "

Yi Shuihan said slowly, he himself had a guess, perhaps because of his arrival, this world has regenerated a new world, and another world that is exactly the same as the original development may still exist here, verify this One point, you only need to go to the Realm King God to see if the number of time rings has increased.

Tenanques could not tell the truth and falsehood of Yi Shuihan's words, but he believed it, because only this kind of explanation could explain why the earth became so different. Zhenwu and the ancient world were completely different in his mother's statement. nonexistent.

"In this way, I can only become stronger by myself, and then go back to deal with them on the 18th, but how do I do it? Zhenwu, is there still an ancient world?"

Looking at the silent Tenanques quietly, Yi Shuihan became interested in the travel of time and space, and wanted to see the world of Tenanques.

Yi Shuihan knew that there are all kings in the world of Ternanque, which surprised him, because his strength reached the level of a saint, it can be said that he has jumped out of the long river of time, and only exists in the only one, the world of Ternanks. The king shouldn't exist.

"What are your plans next?"

Asked suddenly.

"Can you help me? You should be very strong, can you go to my world with me and save the earth?"

Tennks asked back, his eyes full of hope.

"It's okay, but I suggest you beat the cyborg yourself. I will come back after all.

"Really? Great."

Hearing Yi Shuihan's willingness to help, Teranques looked surprised and temporarily ignored Yi Shuihan's words.

"I have a gratuitous request, I hope you can agree."

When he calmed down, Ternanks said to Yi Shuihan seriously and seriously.


"I want to see your strength, not that I doubt you, but I'm always worried if I don't see it."

"How do you want to see and fight with you?"

"Yes, if you don't mind."

"No way."


Tenanx stared at Yi Shuihan blankly. He didn't expect that things would turn around here. He was already ready to transform into a Super Saiyan. ,, ..

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