Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 963: Put out the anger in the heart

"You are not qualified to compete with me. You can't imagine how strong I am. I'm afraid I can't help but slap you to death."

This seemingly boastful arrogant remark made him extremely uncomfortable in his heart, but how did he know that Yi Shuihan was already humble, and Yi Shuihan didn't even need to move his hands to kill him, and he didn't even use his hands. Can kill him.

"The cyborg is really strong. I can barely fight with one person, and there are two of them. I will release all my anger and let you feel it."

Can't fight, Ternanks can only use this method to let Yi Shuihan know the power of the artificial man.


Tenanks made a screaming posture with his back arched, his aura quickly climbed, surrounded by a layer of yellow light, his hair stood up, turning yellow and purple, and finally completely frozen in yellow.

The Super Saiyan turned into a success.

After the successful transformation of Tenanques, the combat power of 200 million was used. Such combat power is too high for the Earth whose highest combat power is now no more than one million.

The whole earth trembled because of the qi released by Tenanques, and everyone on earth who felt this powerful qi was shocked.

"Who is it? Such a huge qi, too strong."

"That direction is the holy mountain. Is it difficult to say that it is Lord Wuzu?"

"It's incomparable at all. I thought that my combat power was 1.3 million, which could be counted as the last mission. Now I know that there are such strong people in the world. I'm afraid I can't even take a single move!"

In fact, what they felt was not all of Tenanx's anger, Zhenwu Mountain blocked some of the power, otherwise they would be even more shocked.

"Don't be impatient!"

The warriors of Zhenwu Mountain were forced by the pressure of Tenanks to even move, and they were all sweating profusely. However, when Yi Shuihan’s voice sounded, they felt that the pressure on their bodies had completely disappeared, and they were in a mood. To calm down, they bowed deeply in Yi Shuihan's direction.

"Thank you teacher!"

Although I am very curious about who this imposing person is, everyone finally did not fly in the direction of Tenanx. This is a respect for Yi Shuihan.

"Do you think so?"

After transforming into a Super Saiyan, Tenanx's personality has also changed slightly. The awe of Yi Shuihan is gone, you have been replaced by you.

Sure enough, it was a crooked way. After the transformation, even the control of oneself has dropped a lot, and the spirit has been affected. No matter how much power is obtained in this way, it is not the right way, but it will harm others and self.

Secretly shook his head in his heart, Yi Shuihan looked at Tenanques indifferently, and was not surprised by the changes in Tenanques, as if it was the same as if Tenanques had not been transformed.

Seeing that there was no reason to anger in his heart, Tenanx wanted to attack Yi Shuihan. Of course, he didn't really want to fight Yi Shuihan, but simply wanted Yi Shuihan to face him squarely.

However, the gap between Tenanques and Yi Shuihan was too big. The moment he started, Yi Shuihan had already appeared in front of him, and a hand was slowly placed on him under his eyelids. Shoulders.

Obviously it was so slow that Tenanx even felt that the time around him almost stopped, but he still hadn't had time to make any movements.

When Yi Shuihan's hand completely touched his shoulder, Tenanques only felt a strange power passing through, and he retreated from Super Saiyan on the spot.

"How is it possible? How did this happen, what happened?"

Numerous question marks popped up in Tenanx's mind. No matter he had no nucleus, he couldn't figure out why he changed back.

"Transformation by anger is not the right way after all. When you can fully control your emotions, and you can complete the transformation under any emotion, then you will truly control this transformation."

"What did you just do?"

"You should feel it, I just extinguished the anger in your heart."

The facts are naturally not as simple as Yi Shuihan said. It is easier said than done. To influence other people’s emotions, only the monk Yi Shuihan can do it. Even the **** of destruction and Weiss can’t do it. Yi Shuihan didn't know what the priest said.

Even if Yi Shuihan didn't show the destructive power that truly surpassed everything, he was just such an understatement. At this moment, Tenanques no longer doubted Yi Shuihan's strength. , But surpassed his understanding, the two are simply incomparable.

As long as he could bring Yi Shuihan back to the world he was in, the earth would be saved. Tenanx thought of the dumbfoundedness of the man-made encountering the monster Yi Shuihan, and suddenly smiled on his face.

"What's wrong? Isn't it, this kid is stupid?"

Looking at the giggly Ternanks, Yi Shuihan almost didn't maintain his image of being superior.

"Please hurry up with me, go back early, and some people will die early."

After laughing, Tenanques took out the capsule box, and while talking, he was about to release the time machine.

"and many more!"

Yi Shuihan stopped Tenanques' behavior and said under his puzzled eyes

"Could you let me study the time machine first."

"This is fine, but you must never break it."

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Tenanques carefully handed Yi Shuihan the capsule of the time machine.


With a quick throw, the time machine appeared on one side of the open space, Yi Shuihan stepped forward, pressed one hand on it, and began to use mental power to check the structure.

"Well, I still can't understand, why do you travel through time and space like this?"

What Yi Shuihan understands about the structure is that he can completely copy a time machine now, but he has no idea why such a structure can take effect.

It's like knowing the force of gravity, but not knowing exactly how the force of gravity comes from.

"There should be fuel, right?"

Turning around, he asked to Tenanques.

"Yes it is."

Tennks took out another capsule and carefully handed Yi Shuihan the fuel for the time machine.

This is a transparent glass tube with the size of an arm, and it contains a liquid body that exudes illusion of light. It looks very mysterious.

Just one glance at Yi Shuihan can tell that things are not simple, this kind of substance is very magical, with the attributes of time and space. ,, ..

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